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  • 大小:315K
  • 热度: 10
  • 推荐: 0
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2019-09-16


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cb.booksofblood2 上传者:风雅颂

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 DREAD  THERE IS NO delight the equal of dread. If it were possible to sit, invisible, between two people on any train, in any waiting room or office, the conversation overheard would time and again circle on that subject. Certainly the debate might appear to be about something entirely different; the state of the nation, idle chat about death on the roads, the rising price of dental care; but strip away the metaphor, the innuendo, and there, nestling at the heart of the discourse, is dread. While the nature of God, and the possibility of eternal life go undiscussed, we happily chew over the minutiae of misery. The syndrome recognizes no boundaries; in bath-house and seminar-room alike, the same ritual is repeated. With the inevitability of a tongue returning to probe a painful tooth, we e back and back and back again to our fears, sitting to talk them over with the


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