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  • 大小:354K
  • 热度: 23
  • 推荐: 0
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2019-09-13


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      PERRY MASON-fighting attorney, who preferred being paid off as a sheep to being double-crossed like a lamb  DELLA STREET-who was a faithful Girl Friday (also Sunday and Monday, if not quite always)  EVA GRIFFIN-well groomed and well heeled, who was a phony  HARRISON BURKE-Congressman, whose Duty to the People was to keep them from knowing he was mixed up in murder  FRANK LOCKE-editor of Spicy Bits, who was Southern, but no gentleman  PAUL DRAKE-who turned up some interesting information on Georgia peaches and sons of same  SIDNEY DRUMM-who put himself out on a limb of the tree Perry Mason was up  GEORGE C. BELTER-who got his money by blackmail, and who-naturally-got his  MRS. BELTER-a woman who had a will of her own and put a velvet clause in it  CARL GRIFFIN-nephew of George Belter, and a gentleman around and around and around the town...


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