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  • 大小:1040K
  • 热度: 13
  • 推荐: 0
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  • 上传日期:2019-09-11


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uplift4.brightnessreef 上传者:不言败

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  Asx  i must ask your permission. You, my rings, my diverse selves.  Vote now! Shall i speak for all of us to the outer world? Shall we join, once more, to bee Asx?  That is the name used by humans, qheuens, and other beings, when they address this stack of circles. By that name, this coalition of plump, traeki rings was elected a sage of the mons, respected and revered, sitting in judgment on members of all six exile races.  By that name-Asx-we are called upon to tell tales. Is it agreed?  Then Asx now bears witness... to events we endured, and those relayed by others. "I" will tell it, as if this stack were mad enough to face the world with but a single mind.  Asx brews this tale. Stroke its waxy trails. Feel the story-scent swirl.  There is no better one i have to tell.    Prelude  PAIN IS THE STITCHING HOLDING HIM together... or else, like a chewed-up doll or a


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