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  • 大小:305K
  • 热度: 38
  • 推荐: 0
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2019-09-09


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gns.snakes 上传者:竹水冷

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    SUDDENLY THE child began to scream, piercing shrieks of terror that died down to shaking sobs, clutching at his mother so that his tiny ringers pinched her skin agonisingly through her flimsy summer dress.    Veronica Jones grimaced in the deep green gloom of the reptile house, had to check herself from giving her five-year-old son one of her habitual cuffs across his head. She held him to her, closed her eyes momentarily, a human ostrich trying to hide her embarrassment from the ghostly white faces that turned in her direction. Trust the little sod to start playing up. You squandered a sizeable chunk of the weekly family allowance to give him a treat and this was how he repaid you. Outside he had plained of the heat incessantly, and shown more interest in playing with the gravel on the paths than looking at the zoo animals, not that there were many on show becau


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二、 声明: 《gns.snakes》完结版由会员【 上传者:竹水冷 】上传,本网站为其提供的存储空间,该作品之版权与本站无任何关系。如作者、出版社认为本书侵权,请 点击联系本站 ,本站将在收到通知书后尽快删除您认为侵权的作品。
