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  • 大小:665K
  • 热度: 88
  • 推荐: 0
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2019-09-09


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jg.thepelicanbrief 上传者:九米

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      HE SEEMED INCAPABLE of creating such chaos, but much of what he saw below could be blamed on him. And that was fine. He was ninety-one, paralyzed, strapped in a wheelchair and hooked to oxygen. His second stroke seven years ago had almost finished him off, but Abraham Rosenberg was still alive and even with tubes in his nose his legal stick was bigger than the other eight. He was the only legend remaining on the Court, and the fact that he was still breathing irritated most of the mob below.    He sat in a small wheelchair in an office on the main floor of the Supreme Court Building. His feet touched the edge of the window, and he strained forward as the noise increased. He hated cops, but the sight of them standing in thick, neat lines was somewhat forting. They stood straight and held ground as the mob of at least fifty thousand screamed for blood....


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