靠谱电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争) >


The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争)-第51部分

小说: The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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inside the first; then a third; a sturdy iris valve that withdrew segmentally into the wall frame with a noise like swords sheathing。
'This is what you want;' said Bure。 'He has been most informative; over the years。'
'I'll review your reports later; magos;' I said。 'Leave me with him now。'
Bure withdrew。
I stepped through the iris valve and down three grilled steps into the cell; feeling the nauseating static prickle of the psychic
dampening fields。 Every surface was dusted with ice…crystals。 There was a crackle of synaptic energy。
'Hello; Eisenhorn;' said a hollow; vox…projected voice。 It came from a casket that squatted on a basalt block in the centre of the room。
Both casket and stone were caked in ice。 Tiny lights darted and blinked inside the casket's open lid。
I prepared myself。 Then I replied。
'Pontius Glaw。 We meet again。'
'LET ME MAKE sure I understand you; Eisenhorn;' said the disembodied voice of Pontius Glaw; slowly and contemptuously。 'You think
I'm going to help you?'
I cleared my throat。 'Yes。'
Pontius laughed。 Synapse leads connected to the gold circuits of his engram sphere flashed in series。 'I didn't think a man of such
studied dullness and sobriety as you would have the ability to surprise me; Eisenhorn。 My mistake。'
'You will help me;' I said; quietly but emphatically。
I brushed frost from the grilled steps and sat down facing his casket。 It was claw…footed; rectangular; compact and filled with complex
technology designed for one purpose: the support and operation of the engram sphere; a rough…cut nugget the size of a clenched fist in
which resided the intellect … and perhaps the soul … of one of the most notorious heretics in the Imperium。
Pontius Glaw; dead in body for nigh on three hundred years; had been in his physical life one of the more unwholesome products of
the powerful Glaw dynasty。 That family line; part of the high nobility of Gudrun; had whelped many heretics in its time; the last of
whom had been instrumental in the affair of the Necroteuch。 Supported by the considerable efforts of Imperial Navy Security; I had all
but crushed their poisonous lineage; and in the process had captured the engram sphere of Pontius Glaw。
His family and their minions had attempted to sacrifice thousands of innocents in order to restore him to physicality。 That; too; I had

Once the affair had ended; I had been left with this casket full of heretical spite。 In terms of technology alone; it was a wonder; and
there was no telling what secrets the Pontius might have in it。 So instead of destroying it; I had passed it into the safekeeping of Magos
Geard Bure。 Bure; I knew; would have the time and skill enough to unlock its technical marvels at least。 And he was trustworthy。
But from time to time in that past hundred years; I had questioned the validity of that decision。 In all honesty; I should have
surrendered the Pontius to the Ordo Hereticus for examination and disposal。 The fact that I hadn't sometimes played on my
conscience; for it suggested deceit and unwholesome subterfuge on my part。 In the light of events in the past year; I found myself
fighting back the notion that perhaps my accusers were right。 Had it been the act of an unsound man to secret away such a radical

Aemos had consoled my spirits; reminding me that the casket utilised mind…impulse technology undoubtedly stolen from the Cult
Mechanicus。 There was; he said; no question that such a device should be in the custody of the Adeptus priesthood。
'Go on then;' Pontius said。 'Make your case。 Why would I help you?'
'I require specialist information that I'm certain you have。 Certain lore。'

'You are an inquisitor; Eisenhorn。 All the resources of the Imperium are at your disposal。 Am I to understand that; well; that your
scope has become somewhat limited?'
I was damned if I was going to tell this monster of the straits I was in。 And even though he was right in a way; there was no Imperial
archive I knew of that could answer my questions。
'What I need might be regarded as… proscribed knowledge。'
'What? 〃Ah〃 what?'
Even without features or body language to read; Pontius seemed insufferably pleased with himself。 'So you've finally reached that
place。 How wonderful。'
'What place?' I felt uncomfortable。 I had been planning this interview for months; and now control was slipping entirely to Glaw。
'The place where you cross the line。'
'I hav—'
'All inquisitors cross the line eventually。'
'I tell y—'
'All of them。 It's an occupational hazard。'
'Listen to me; you worthless—'
'Methinks Inquisitor Eisenhorn protests too much。 The line; Gregor。 The line! The line between order and chaos; between right and
wrong; between mankind and man…unkind。 I know it; because I've crossed it。 Willingly; of course。 Gladly。 Skipping and dancing and
delighting。 For the likes of you; it is a more painful process。'
I rose。 'I don't think this conversation is going anywhere; Glaw。 I'm leaving。'
'So soon?'
'Perhaps I'll be back in another century or two。'
'It was on Quenthus Eight; in the spring of 019。M41。'
I paused at the cell hatchway。 'What was?'
'The moment I crossed the line。 Would you like to hear about it?'
I was rattled; but I returned to my seat on the steps。 I knew what he was doing。 Imprisoned in his casket without touch or smell or
taste; without any sensory stimulation; Pontius Glaw craved company and conversation。 I had learned that much during my long
interrogations of him aboard the Essene ten decades before during the voyage to the remote system KCX…1288。 Now he was simply
feeding me morsels to make me stay and talk to him。
However; in a hundred years of captivity he had never come close to revealing such intimate details of his personal history。
'019。M41。 A busy year。 The buttress worlds of the far eastern rim were resisting a Holy Waaagh by the greenskins; and two of the
High Lords of Terra had been assassinated in as many months by disaffected Imperial families。 There was talk of civil war。 The
subsector's trader markets had crashed。 Trade was bad。 What a year。 Saint Drache was martyred on Korynth。 Billions starved in the
Beznos famine。'
'I have access to history texts; Pontius;' I said dryly
'I was on Quenthus VIII; buying fighters for my pit…games。 They're a good breed; the Quenthi; long in the hams and quite belligerent。 I
was; perhaps; twenty…five。 I forget exactly。 I was in my prime; beautiful。'
There was a long silence while he considered this reflection。 Light…sparks pulsed along his wires。
'One of the pit…marshals at the amphitheatre I was visiting advised me to see a fighter who had been bought in from the very edges of
the Ultima Segmentum。 A great; tanned fellow from a feral world called Borea。 His name was Aaa; which meant; in his tongue;
〃sword…cuts…meat…for…women…prizes〃。 Isn't that lovely? If I had ever sired a son; a human one; I mean; I would have called him Aaa。
Aaa Glaw。 Quite a ring to it; eh?'
'I'm still on the verge of leaving; Glaw。'
The voice from the casket chuckled。 'This Aaa was a piece of work。 His teeth were filed into points and his fingertips had been bound
and treated with traditional unguents since his birth so that they had grown into claws。 Claws; Eisenhorn! Fused; calcified hooks of
keratin and callouses。 I once saw him rip through chainmail with them。 Anyway; he was a true find。 They kept him shackled
permanently。 The pit…marshal told me that he'd torn a fellow prisoner's arm off during transit; and scalped a careless stadium guard。
With his teeth。'
'I bought him; of course。 I think he liked me。 He had no real language; naturally; and his table manners! He slept in his own soil and
rutted like a canine。'
'No wonder he liked you。'
The frost crackled around the casket。 'Cruel boy。 I am a cultured man。 Ha。 I was a cultured man。 Now I am an erudite and dangerous
box。 But don't forget my learning and upbringing; Eisenhorn。 You'd be amazed how easy it is for a well…raised and schooled son of the
Imperium to slide across that line I mentioned。'
'Go on。 I'm sure you had a point to make。'
'Aaa served me well。 I won several fortunes on his pit…fights。 I won't pretend we ever became friends… one doesn't become friends
with a favourite carnodon now; does one? And one certainly never makes friends with a commodity。 But we built an understanding
over the years。 I would visit him in his cell; unguarded; and he never touched me。 He would halt out old myths of his home world;
Borea。 Vicious tales of barbary and murder。 But I'm getting ahead of myself。 The moment; the moment was there on Quenthus; in the

amphitheatre; under the spring sun。 The pit…marshal showed me Aaa; and tempted me to purchase him。 Aaa looked at me; and I think
he saw a kindred soul… which is probably why we bonded once he was mine。 In his simple; broken speech; he implored me to buy
him; telling me graphically what sport I would have of him。 And to seal the deal; he offered me his tore。'
'His tore?'
'That's right。 The slaves were allowed to keep certain familiar items provided they weren't potential weapons。 Aaa wore a golden tore
around his neck; the mark of his tribe。 

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