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The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争)-第3部分

小说: The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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I looked at her。 She was prowling to the left; towards an archway in the base of the main bell…tower。 She moved silently; the sabre held
upright in a two…handed grip; her tasselled cloak floating out behind her like angelic wings。
I gestured to Qus and the women and we formed in behind her。 I drew my prized boltpistol; given to me by Librarian Brytnoth of the
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch Chapter on the eve of the Purge of Izar; almost a century before。 It had never failed me。
The Beldame's minions came out of the night。 Eight of them; just shadows that disengaged themselves from the surrounding darkness。
Qus began to fire; blasting back a shadow that pounced at him。 I fired too; raking bolt rounds into the ghostly opposition。
Beldame Sadia was a heretic witch and consorted with xenos breeds。 She had a particular fascination with the beliefs and
necromancies of the dark eldar; and had made it her life…cause to tap that foul alien heritage for power and lore。 She was one of the
only humans I knew of who had struck collaborative pacts with their wretched kabals。 Rumour had it she had been recently initiated
into the cult of Kaela Mensha Khaine; in his aspect as the Murder…God beloved of the eldar renegades。
As befitted such a loyalty; she recruited only convicted murderers for her minions。 The men who attacked us in that blighted yard were
base killers; shrouded in shadow fields she had bought; borrowed or stolen from her inhuman allies。
One swung at me with a long…bladed halberd and I blew off his head。 Just。 My body was tired and my reactions were damnably slow。
I saw Arianrhod。 She was a balletic blur; her beaded hair streaming out above her flying cloak。 Barbarisater purred in her hands。
She severed the neck of one shadow with a backward slash; then pirouetted around and chopped another in two from neck to pelvis。
The sabre was moving so fast I could barely see it。 She stamped hard and reversed her direction of movement; causing a third shadow
to sprawl as he overshot her。 His head flew off; and the sabre swept on to impale a fourth without breaking its fluid motion。 Then
Arianrhod swept around; the sword held horizontally over her right shoulder。 The steel haft of the fifth shadow's polearm was cut in
two and he staggered back。 Barbarisater described a figure of eight in the air and another shadow fell; cut into several sections。
The last minion turned and fled。 A shot from Bequin's laspistol brought him down。
A pulse was pounding in my temple and I realised I had to sit down before I passed out。 Qus grabbed me by the arm and helped me
down onto a block of fallen wall stone。
'I'm all right; Alizebeth… give me a moment…'
'You shouldn't have come; you old fool! You should have left this to your disciples!'
'Shut up; Alizebeth。'
'I will not; Gregor。 It's high time you understood your own limits。'
I looked up at her。 'I have no limits;' I said。
Qus laughed involuntarily。
'I believe him; Mistress Bequin;' said Ravenor; stepping from the shadows。 Emperor damn his stealth; even Arianrhod had not seen
him coming。 She had to force her sabre down to stop it slicing at him。
Gideon Ravenor was a shade shorter than me; but strong and well…made。 He was only thirty…four years old。 His long black hair was
tied back from his sculpted; high cheek…boned face。 He wore a grey bodyglove and a long leather storm coat。 The psycannon mounted
on his left shoulder whirred and clicked around to aim at Arianrhod。
'Careful; swordswoman;' he said。 'My weapon has you squarely。'
'And it will still have me squarely when your head is lying in the dust;' she replied。
They both laughed。 I knew they had been lovers for over a year; but still in public they sparred and sported with each other。
Ravenor snapped his fingers and his companion; the festering mutant Gonvax; shambled out of hiding; drool stringing from his thick;
malformed lips。 He carried a flamer; the fuel…tanks strapped to the hump of his twisted back。
I rose。 'What have you found?' I asked Ravenor。
'The Beldame … and a way in;' he said。
BELDAME SADIA'S LAIR was in the sacrarium beneath the main chapel of the ruin。 Ravenor had scouted it carefully; and found an entry
point in one of the raptured crypts that perhaps even she didn't know about。
My respect for Ravenor was growing daily。 I had never had a disciple like him。 He excelled at almost every skill an inquisitor is meant
to have。 I looked forward to the day when I supported his petition to inquisitorial status。 He deserved it。 The Inquisition needed men
like him。

SINGLE…FILE; WE entered the crypt behind Ravenor。 He drew our attention carefully to every pitfall and loose flag。 The stench of salt
and old bones was intolerable; and I felt increasingly weak in the close; hot air。
We emerged into a stone gallery that overlooked a wide subterranean chamber。 Pitch…lamps sputtered in the darkness and there was a
strong smell of dried herbs and fouler unguents。
Beings were worshipping in the chamber。 Worshipping is the only word I can use。 Naked; daubed in blood; twenty depraved humans
were conducting a dark eldar rite around a torture pit in which a battered man was chained and stretched。
The stink of blood and excrement wafted to me。 I tried not to throw up; for I knew the effort would make me pass out。
'There; you see him?' Ravenor whispered into my ear as we crawled to the edge of the gallery。
I made out a pale…skinned ghoul in the distant shadows。
'A haemonculus; sent by the Kabal of the Fell Witch to witness the Beldame's practices。'
I tried to make out detail; but the figure was too deep in the shadows。
I registered grinning teeth and some form of blade device around the right hand。
'Where's Pye?' asked Bequin; whispering too。
Ravenor shook his head。 Then he seized my arm and squeezed。 Even whispers were no longer possible。
The Beldame herself had entered the chamber。
She walked on eight; spider legs; a huge augmetic chassis of hooked arachnid limbs that skittered on the stones。 Inquisitor Atelath;
Emperor grant him rest; had destroyed her real legs one hundred and fifty years before my birth。
She was veiled in black gauze that looked like cobwebs。 I could actually feel her evil like a fever…sweat。
She paused at the edge of the torture pit; raised her veil with withered hands and spat at the victim belo
the glands built into her mouth behind her augmetic fangs。 The viscous fluid hit the sacrificial victim full in the face and he gurgled in
agony as the front of his skull was eaten away。
Sadia began to speak; her voice low and sibilant。 She spoke in the language of the dark eldar and her naked brethren writhed and
'I've seen enough;' I whispered。 'She's mine。 Ravenor; can you manage the haemonculus?'
He nodded。
On my signal; we launched our attack; leaping down from the gallery; weapons blazing。 Several of the worshippers were punched
apart by Qus's heavy fire。
Whooping the battlecry of Carthae; Arianrhod flew at the haemonculus; way ahead of Ravenor。
I realised I had pushed it too far。 I was giddy as I landed; and stumbled。
Her metal spider legs striking sparks from the flagstones; Beldame Sadia reared up at me; ululating。 She pulled back her veil to spit at
Abruptly; she reeled backwards; thunderstruck by the combined force of Bequin and Zu Zeng who flanked her。
I gathered myself and fired at her; blowing one of the augmetic limbs off her spider…frame。
She spat anyway but missed。 The venom sizzled into the cold stone slabs at my feet。
'Imperial Inquisition!' I bellowed。 'In the name of the hallowed God…Emperor; you and your kind are charged with treason and
manifest disbelief!'
I raised my weapon。 She flew at me。
Her sheer bulk brought me down。
One spider limb stabbed entirely through the meat of my left thigh。 Her steel fangs; like curved needles; snarled into my face。 I saw
her eyes; for an instant; black and without limit or sanity。
She spat。
I wrenched my head around to avoid the corrosive spew; and fired my bolt pistol up into her。
The impact threw her backwards; all four hundred kilos of wizened witch and bionic carriage。
I rolled over。
The haemonculus had met Arianrhod's attack face on; the glaive around his right hand screaming as the xenos…made blades whirled。
He was stick…thin and clad in shiny black leather; his grin a perpetual consequence of the way the colourless skin of his face was
pinned back around his skull。 He wore metal jewellery fashioned from the weapons of the warriors he had slain。
I could hear Ravenor crying out Arianrhod's name。
Barbarisater sliced at the darting eldar monster; but he evaded; his physical speed unbelievable。
She swung again; placing two perfect kill strokes that somehow missed him altogether。 He sent her lurching away in a mist of blood。
For the first time since I had known her; I heard Arianrhod yelp in pain。
Flames belched across the chamber。 Gonvax shambled forward; forever loyal to his master… and his master's lover。 He tried to squirt
flames at the haemonculus; but it was suddenly somehow behind him。 Gonvax shrieked as the glaive eviscerated him。
With a howl; Arianrhod threw herself at the dark eldar。 I saw her; for a moment; frozen in mid…air; her sabre descending。 Then the two

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