靠谱电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > Questing Knight(科幻战争) >


Questing Knight(科幻战争)-第8部分

小说: Questing Knight(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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peasant stagger to its feet。 It leapt after him; hair streaming wildly as it bounded along on all fours。 More
of the cannibalistic inbreds were streaming through the open gates; and Chlod saw right away that he had
no chance of escape there。 He angled his awkward; limping run towards the inn itself; knowing that his
best chance of survival now lay with Calard。
‘Master!’ he screamed as he ran。 ‘Master!’
At any moment he expected to be dragged down; but he made it across the courtyard and staggered
up onto the inn’s covered stoop; breathing hard。 He was just feet from the door when a weight landed on
his back; bearing him to the ground。 The air exploded from his lungs and he lost his grip on his spiked
maul; which clattered out of reach。
He was pinned to the ground; and though he fought like a wild animal; he could not dislodge the
hissing peasant。 Bony hands grasped his skull; and he felt nails biting deep into his scalp。 He screamed
wordlessly; neck muscles straining to resist as his head was lifted high; then slammed down with brutal
force。 White hot pain blossomed。 Dazed; Chlod registered his head being lifted again。 In moments; his
skull would be pulverised; his brain matter splattered across the stoop。
Blinking heavily; unable to focus; he vaguely saw the door to the inn swing open before him。 He saw
a shadow emerge; and a flash of silver。
Calard took the peasant’s head off with a double…handed sweep of his broadsword。 The headless
corpse slumped forwards over Chlod; blood pumping from its neck。
‘Up!’ shouted Calard; grabbing Chlod by back of his flea…ridden tunic and dragging him to his feet。
His manservant’s legs were unsteady; unable yet to support his weight; and he flopped back to the
ground; struggling to focus。 Blood was dripping from his forehead。 Swearing; Calard adjusted his grip on
his manservant; then hurled him bodily through the door of the inn。 He kicked the club through after him;
then spun back to face the courtyard as three rabid peasants hurled themselves at him。
He cut the first down with a heavy blow that shattered its ribcage; and sliced the second from groin
to sternum with the return sweep。 The third leapt on him; scratching and biting; but he threw it off;
sending it crashing into the wall of the inn。 It dropped to its knees; and before it could recover Calard
stepped in close and brought the pommel of his sword down onto its head; killing it instantly。
Seeing dozens of the creatures swarming across the courtyard towards him; Calard stepped back
inside the inn and slammed the door shut。 He threw his weight against it。
‘Chlod; the locks!’
A heavy impact struck the door; almost dislodging Calard。 He gritted his teeth as his heels began
sliding across the floor。 The door was forced open a fraction; and claw…like hands reached around the
Chlod picked up his spiked cudgel from the floor and bashed at the clutching hands; breaking bones

and crushing fingers。
The door slammed shut and Chlod slid first the upper lock home; then the lower one。 Breathing hard;
Calard stepped away from the door; his sword levelled towards it。 It shook violently; but held。
‘What in Morr’s name is going on?’ came a slurred a voice。 Calard looked over his shoulder to see
one of Merovech’s knights stumbling down the stairs; a drawn blade in his hands。 He was clearly still the
worse for wear from the night’s drinking; and he was followed by several of his comrades; all in various
stages of dishevelment。 Other guests of the inn were emerging from their rooms; their faces drawn and
‘We are besieged;’ said Calard。
The banging at the door subsided; and Calard edged towards it; listening intently。
‘How did they get into the compound?’ said one of the knights。
‘Someone let them in; most likely;’ said Calard; glancing around。 ‘The innkeeper would be my guess。

‘What?’ said a voice。 ‘Why would you say that?’
‘Do you see him here; or any of his staff?’ said Calard; gesturing around him。 ‘They are probably all
holed up in the gatehouse。’
‘The bastard’s sold us out to Mortis;’ growled one of Merovech’s knights。 At mention of the name;
Chlod whimpered。
Several of the other guests began to speak at once; their voices rising in panic。
‘Quiet;’ snapped Calard。
In the ensuing silence; they could all hear shuffling around the exterior of the inn。 There were scuffling
noises at the walls; and Calard looked up。
‘They are going for the second floor windows;’ shouted someone; and Calard quickly looked around
him。 There were over half a dozen armed men in the main room of the inn now。
‘You three;’ he said; jabbing a finger a cluster of men holding weapons。 ‘Get upstairs and barricade
the windows。’
‘I’ll be damned if I take orders from–’ snarled one of them; but Calard cut him off。
‘Do it!’ he thundered。 The man looked like he was going to argue; but the others saw sense in Calard
’s words; and hurried up the stairs。 Calard gestured towards other men with his sword。 ‘Get those tables
on their sides to block the windows! You and you; help me slide this one in front of the door!’
Unseen by Calard; Raben staggered unsteadily down the stairs into the common room; one hand
pressed to his temple。 He had a sword in his hand; and his eyes burned with cold fury。 He moved
purposefully towards Calard as he heaved at a heavy oak table; positioning it to block the front door。
A shuttered window suddenly exploded inwards amid a shower of splinters; and feral peasants began
clawing their way through; howling and braying like demented madmen。 A table propped against another
window was shoved aside; and more of the cannibalistic rabble began clambering inside。
‘For the Lady!’
Calard leapt forwards and brought his sword down on the head of the first peasant to scramble
through; cleaving its skull down to the teeth; spraying blood。
He smashed another peasant back with the pommel of his sword; but dozens more were straining to
get in。 He could hear banging from upstairs; but that was soon drowned out by shouting; the clash of
weapons and the sickly sound of blades hacking into flesh and bone。
Hands clawed for him and he stepped swiftly away from the door; slashing with his sword。 A clutch

of fingers dropped to the floor; twitching。
Chlod backed off; looking around frantically for an escape route。 He ran behind the bar and tugged
at the cellar door; but he could not lift it。
The front door was ripped off its hinges and tossed aside suddenly; and a flood of peasants streamed
in; scrambling over the table slid up against it。 Some carried crude clubs and rusted farm implements;
while others seemed intent on killing with nothing more than tooth and claw。
Chlod dropped to the floor and crawled under the bar; trying to make himself as inconspicuous as
Calard found himself fighting side by side with Raben and two other men。 Despite the knock Calard
had given him; the outcast knight fought with poise and control。 He was fast and deadly; his timing
impeccable。 Calard was careful not to turn his back on him。
The devolved peasants came on like a living tide; scrabbling over tables and sending chairs flying;
forcing Calard and Raben back against the bar。 For every one of their number that was cut down; two
more squeezed through the windows and clambered through the gaping door。
The room was filled with their stink; a mixture of sweat; rotting meat and wet soil。
It was not long before they started to attack down the inn’s stairs。
‘They’ve taken the upper floor;’ said Calard。
One of Raben’s knights was knocked to the ground and brained with what looked like a human
‘This is hopeless;’ growled Raben。 ‘There are too many of them!’
‘I have no intention of dying here;’ said Calard; kicking a twitching corpse off his blade。 ‘The Lady is
with me。’
Raben ran another peasant through; then spat derisively。 ‘The Lady forsook this place long ago。’
One by one; the inn’s defenders were dragged down; their heads smashed in with sticks and their
throats ripped out with blood…stained teeth。 The peasants descended on them like starved beasts; and
screams rang out from those not yet dead when the cannibals began their gory feast。
‘There must be another way out;’ shouted Calard; now fighting back to back with Raben。 The notion
of fleeing from mere peasants wrenched at his sense of pride; but it would not serve the Lady’s purpose
if he died here。
Calard was wielding his bastard sword in one hand now; and had drawn the Sword of Garamont
with his other。
A screeching; near naked peasant leapt at Calard from atop the bar; its body scrawny and
malnourished。 Calard cut it down in midair; and it fell in a bloody heap to the floor。 Calard glanced
around him; getting a sense of their position within the common room。
‘The kitchen;’ he said; indicating towards it with a nod。 ‘That’s our best chance。 There must be a
back door。’
Both Calard and Raben were splattered with blood; and while most of it was not their own; neither
man was uninjured。 Raben risked a quick glance back towards the kitchen。 It was at least ten yards
away; and they were now completely surrounded。
‘We won’t make it;’ said Raben。

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