靠谱电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > Questing Knight(科幻战争) >


Questing Knight(科幻战争)-第13部分

小说: Questing Knight(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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was gleaming black; and on every door was emblazoned a black fleur…de…lys upon a white shield。
Hunched coachmen sat up front of each; garbed in flowing black robes; their faces hidden by dark
hoods。 Six immense horses were harnessed to each coach; their coats the colour of the midnight sky; and
immaculate feathered plumes the colour of congealed blood bobbed above their heads。 Each horse stood
unnaturally still; like statues。
Chlod had ridden up front with the driver; and he stood waiting for them; his face drained of colour
and his eyes wide and unblinking。
Twelve…foot…high fences enclosed the palace; tipped with wickedly sharp silver points; each shaped
as a fleur…de…lys。 Calard noted that there was a heavy guard presence。 They stood at regular intervals
around the palace exterior; utterly motionless; their features hidden in fully enclosed black plate armour of
ancient design。
Grandiose stairs of red…veined black marble swept up before them; and Calard’s gaze rose towards
the palace itself。
It was breathtaking in its scale and the sheer audacity of its darkly majestic design。 It was oppressive
and domineering; yet in places its architecture was as delicate as lace。 Dozens of spires rose like needles
above immense lead…plated domes; linked by a web of delicate buttresses。 Hanging arches that seemed
to defy all the laws of gravity stretched between knife…edged towers。 Slender columns reared up to
support heavy archways that concealed grand stained…glass windows in their shadows; the coloured glass
glinting in the fractured moonlit straining to penetrate the clouds。 Rainwater dripped from the gaping
mouths of fanged gargoyles; and winged statues carved of black granite gazed down upon them in mute
Other late arrivals were hurrying past them up the steps。 Flustered ladies garbed in velvet and
adorned with precious jewels were being hastened towards the palace by knights wearing freshly
laundered tabards over battered suits of armour。
Calard and Raben climbed briskly; their faces grim; while Chlod trotted along behind them in silence。
The entry hall of the palace was cavernous; the arched ceiling a hundred feet high。 Statues of past
dukes of Mousillon were arrayed on pedestals; each standing in heroic poses and dressed for war。
Pre…eminent was a dramatic sculpture of Merovech himself; five times life size; carved from a block of
faultless white marble。 He stood gazing into the distance; hair flowing in a frozen wind; one foot upon the
chest of a headless enemy。 The expression he wore was one of noble arrogance。
Standing as still as any of the statues; dozens of guards stood arrayed around the grand foyer;
blocking access to closed doors and sweeping staircases that rose up to higher levels。 The doors to the
west wing had been thrown wide; and it was through here that Calard and Raben marched; following the
other late arrivals。
Oil paintings lined the hallway; some of them almost twenty feet in height。 Their frames were opulent
and heavy; though many were fading and crumbling。 Gaunt; unfriendly faces stared down at them from
dark and somewhat disturbing portraits。 Eyes seemed to follow them as they hurried by。
Turning a corner; Calard instinctively reached for his sword as they were suddenly surrounded by a
swarm of pale; aristocratic courtiers; richly dressed as if for a masquerade ball。 The ladies wore
extravagant ball gowns and seemed to barely touch the ground as they glided across the floor upon the
arms of their partners; who were garbed in strange; archaic fashion。 All asks;
complete with devilish horns; jagged teeth and long; pointed noses。 An icy chill seemed to penetrate
Calard’s bones as the courtiers passed them in silence; and he released his grasp on his sword hilt。
They moved deeper into the palace and could soon hear the ring of clashing swords。 The harsh
sound echoed through the cold halls; and as it got steadily louder; they could also make out polite
clapping and the dull murmur of conversation。
Rounding a final corner; they approached a large; domed chamber。 Hundreds of knights were
gathered within; clustered in small groups and drinking wine。

‘Where is Chlod?’ said Calard suddenly; coming to a halt as they approached the entrance to the
large room。 Raben looked behind them。 The peasant was nowhere to be seen。 The outcast shrugged。
The clash of swords echoed loudly; and there was an enthusiastic cheer。
‘No matter;’ said Calard; and they moved within; slipping effortlessly into the crowd。
The chamber was even larger than it had at first appeared; and Calard guessed that there must have
been in the realms of three hundred nobles gathered within。 Massive pillars propped up the exquisitely
painted domed ceiling; and dozens of alcoves and side…chambers were set off the main expanse。
A raised dais was positioned against the western wall; dominating the room。 The statues of five
ancient warriors were seated in high…backed thrones there; covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs。
They sat side by side beneath an immense window of stained glass that depicted them as they had been
in life。 The window was backlit with candles; and Calard frowned up at the scenes of depravity and
wanton barbarism depicted there。 They showed the warriors slaughtering men; women and children;
cutting their hearts out and drinking their blood。
A covered altar lit with candles was positioned centrally upon the dais in front of the old statues。 A
large chalice of silver and ebony was housed within this tabernacle; its shape formed in the likeness of
serpentine wyrms twisting around one another。
Raben took a delicate crystal glass of claret from a tray; smiling and nodding to those he knew。
Calard scanned the room; his gaze darting from face to face。
‘Take a drink;’ said Raben under his breath。 ‘And try not to look quite so out of place。’
Calard saw the sense in Raben’s words and made a conscious effort to relax。 They slipped through
the crowd; angling towards the raised dais; and he nodded to several knights who turned to coldly regard
him。 They nodded in return and turned away in disinterest。
They approached the centre of the room; where the revellers were gathered most tightly。 A circle
some thirty feet in diameter was sunk into the centre of the chamber; positioned directly below the
domed ceiling。 Three circles of steps descended down to this sunken floor; which was carved with
intricate spiralling designs。
Two knights were duelling in this combat circle; while more gathered knights and their ladies watched
on; politely clapping and cheering when either knight scored a palpable hit。 Calard hardly glanced at the
two combatants as he pushed through the crowd; his gaze locking on a figure on the opposite side of the
Merovech stood engrossed in the contest; arms folded across his chest。 A full head taller than any
other knight in the room; he was armoured in archaic; fluted armour of such dark metal it was virtually
black; its edges serrated。 His face was handsome and cruel; and as white as the palest marble。 He
appeared not to have aged at all from the last time Calard had seen him; six years earlier。 His pure white
hair was long and straight; hanging halfway down his back。
‘This is where I leave you;’ said Raben under his breath。 ‘I wish you luck。’
Calard ignored him; completely focused on the duke。 Raben backed away into the crowd; and was
Moving slowly; like a man stalking a wolf; Calard closed the distance with his prey。

CHLOD RAN AROUND the corner; breathing hard; and leaned back against the wall。 His heart was
thumping loudly; and he closed his eyes for a moment; trying to control his breathing。 From beneath his
shirt he pulled a rat skull attached to a string。 Lifting it to his lips; he kissed it; whispering a prayer to

Ranald; before tucking it back into place。
Glancing back around the corner; Chlod saw a pair of guards marching down the hallway towards
him; their movements unhurried and perfectly synchronous。 Each held a large double…handed sword; and
was armoured head to toe in black plate armour。
Cursing under his breath; Chlod broke into an awkward run; moving as quickly as his ragged breath
and uneven legs would allow。 He ducked into a side…passage; and loped through a storage room packed
to the ceiling with dusty casks and wooden pallets。
He was five levels below the ground。 The nobility clearly rarely came down this low in the palace; for
the passages were narrow; cluttered and bereft of the opulent ornamentation of the upper levels。 This
was the domain of the duke’s servants; though he had seen far fewer of them down here than he had
imagined were needed to service the daily running of the palace。
Rounding a corner; he came upon the kitchens; which were utterly deserted。 Rats and spiders
scuttled across the floor; and everything was covered in a thick layer of dust。 Chlod judged that no one
had used them for decades。 There were four kitchens all in all; connected by low arches; and there were
enough ovens to feed an army。
Hearing the clomp of armoured feet behind him; Chlod bolted; running through the kitchens and
passing through a host of empty walkthrough pantries。
A pair of closed do

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