靠谱电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > Death World(科幻战争) >


Death World(科幻战争)-第37部分

小说: Death World(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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creeping up on me。 I couldn’t resist it。 I gave it a flick with my lasgun; catapulted it onto the
greenskin’s shoulder。 The lizard stuck the ork’s neck with its tongue before it could move。 It was on
the ground; thrashing and howling; when I slipped away。”
“Five orks;” said Greiss; “and how many gretchin?”
“I reckon about four。 Five; maybe;” said Myers。
“Not bad;” mused Armstrong。 “We got the greenskins down to less than half strength; and they
don’t even know they’re under attack yet。”
The Jungle Fighters’ next step was to make their presence well and truly felt。
They synchronised their assault; bursting out of cover from six points simultaneously; their
lasguns flaring。 Lorenzo; Braxton; Greiss; Armstrong and Storm took an ork each; though
Armstrong had grumbled under his breath about being assigned one that was already injured。 As
Lorenzo fired repeatedly at his target; he was aware of gretchin scampering away towards the mine;
intent on taking a warning to their warboss。 That was Myers’ job: to stop them。
Myers’ las…bolts struck the stunted creatures unerringly; often finding the best angles from which
to penetrate two or three of them。 Two gretchin fell; and the remaining three were deterred from
their course; giving Myers the chance to get between them and the mine tunnel。 The single ork that
had been guarding the entrance had been lured away by Greiss; now it hesitated; glancing back; not
sure whether to press its attack against Greiss or to tackle this new foe。 In the event; it was spared
that decision。 One of Greiss’ las…bolts passed through the ork’s thick skull and fried its brain。
Lorenzo’s ork was thundering towards him; weakened but not defeated。 He dropped his gun;
pulled his Catachan fang; and greeted his opponent with a well…aimed slash to the throat。 The ork
was dead; but still fighting。 Lorenzo avoided its clumsy grasp; but almost fell as it rammed him with
its shoulder。 The ork toppled; catching him off…balance; and bore him down with its weight。 Its left
hand was trapped beneath it; but it seized his throat with its right; and Lorenzo grabbed a chunky
green finger in each hand and strained to pry them apart。
The ork ran out of strength; and its eyes rolled back into its head as it heaved its final breath。
Lorenzo pulled himself out from under it; in time to see Sergeant Greiss gunning down the last of
the gretchin。 The rest of his squad were already pulling ork corpses into the foliage; hiding them;
and Lorenzo followed suit。 None of their targets had survived to spread word; but it was possible
that the sounds of battle had carried into the mine。
Lorenzo waited; crouching silently; watching the tunnel entrance; the blood of his dead enemy
seeping into his boot。 After a minute or so; something stirred down there; and Lorenzo tensed at the
sight of an oncoming light。
It was another barrow…pushing ork。 Evidently; it hadn’t heard anything amiss; because it strode
right out into the clearing and stood there; blinking in the harsh light of the lanterns; just beginning
to register the fact that it was alone。
It dropped its barrow; which teetered and upturned itself; spilling its contents。 A look of
confusion; tinged with fear; began to spread across the ork’s face—and froze there as multiple lasbolts
stabbed out of the darkness to impale it。
The Jungle Fighters emerged into the clearing again; and Greiss jabbed the fallen ork with his
toe to check that it was really dead; that it wouldn’t spring up and surprise them。 Myers asked if they
should burn the bodies; to prevent the planet from making use of them。 Greiss concluded;
reluctantly; that they had no time; that their work here could be discovered at any moment; and that
they would just have to take that chance。
They headed into the mine tunnel; in single file; Storm taking point wearing an ork miner’s
helmet; lighting their way through the darkness。 Myers was behind him; then Armstrong; Braxton;
Lorenzo and finally Greiss; his knife drawn; ready for anything that might try sneaking up on them
from behind。
They had taken only ten steps; hardly left the lights of the clearing behind them; when they came
across another ork with a barrow。 Its helmet beam dazzled Lorenzo—but Storm’s beam blinded the
ork in turn so that; for a fateful moment; it didn’t recognise the intruders for what they were。
Sergeant Greiss had decreed that lasguns should only be used now when strictly necessary—not just
because they were low on ammo; but because who knew how far the sound would carry through
these tunnels—so Storm leapt at the creature with a muted snarl and his Catachan fang raised and;
impressively; he gutted it before it could raise much more than a whimper。
Storm took the dead ork’s helmet and passed it back along the line to Greiss; who turned off the
helmet’s light but placed it on his head for future use。 Then they crept on downward; the slope of the
tunnel becoming more pronounced until Lorenzo judged that they were descending below ground
He eyed the precarious wooden struts—most of them just branches chopped to size; still
sprouting offshoots and leaves—that were wedged into the passageway supporting the increasing
weight of the earth above their heads。 He didn’t trust them。
The ground shook again then; as if to underscore his fears; and Lorenzo swallowed as the
makeshift struts rattled fiercely and a shower of loose soil fell about his ears。 He couldn’t tell if this
tremor was lighter or heavier than the first two; he only knew that it felt more ominous down here;
where it wasn’t just below him but around him and above him too; and where he knew there would
be nowhere to hide from a more severe quake; no way to avoid being buried alive。
“You realise;” said Braxton; putting Lorenzo’s own thoughts into words as the tremor subsided;
“if this place caves in; we’ll have come all this way for nothing。 Rogar will have dealt with Big
Green for us。”
“Maybe;” grunted Greiss; “and maybe not。 Maybe he’ll just slip away through his escape tunnel;
wherever that is; and maybe it’ll take us a year to find him again。 No; I don’t care if this whole damn
world blows itself apart around us—I for one am not backing out of this on a ‘maybe’。 Far as I’m
concerned; that brute’s still alive until I clap my own eyes on his stinking corpse!”
Lorenzo became aware of a sick ache in his stomach; and he fought down a surge of bile in his
throat。 His skin felt hot; prickly; and he was short of breath。 The symptoms came from nowhere; and
at first he thought the tunnel must have caused them; this unfamiliar; claustrophobic environment。
Then he remembered the effigy; and its spines。
His precautions had done him no good。 Rogar III’s poison was coursing through his veins。 He
knew he should tell the others; warn them in case he went crazy like Muldoon had; became a threat
to them。 But then they would probably have left him behind; to die on his back like Woods; and he
couldn’t face that。 Not when they were so close to their goal。 Not when he was so close to a chance
to earn his name; at last。
He would earn his name。 Lorenzo swore that to himself。 He didn’t know how—but if he couldn’t
find a way down here with a world against him; then where could he? A way to surrender his life for
his squad; for his cause; for a chance to be remembered; and he knew he wouldn’t hesitate this time。
Because; this time; he had nothing to lose。 This time; he was dying anyway。
Might as well go out in a blaze of glory。
Sergeant Greiss swore under his breath。
The orks’ mine tunnel had opened into a cave—and Lorenzo could see; from the lack of wooden
props and the uneven texture of the rock where Storm’s light fell upon it; that it was natural。
Passages snaked from the cave in all directions—ominous black holes in the walls。
“Looks like the greenskins have bust their way into a whole underground complex;” Greiss
grumbled。 “Could spread for kilometres。”
“What do we do now; sergeant?” asked Braxton。
Before Greiss could answer; Myers let out a “Ssshh;” and held up his hand for silence。 A second
later; they all heard it: lumbering footsteps; echoing from the walls until there was no way of
knowing which direction they came from。
Storm snatched off his helmet; snapped off the light; and the Jungle Fighters dispersed;
navigating by memory in the total darkness; finding nooks into which they could squeeze。 Lorenzo
found himself in the mouth of a narrow; twisting passageway; and feared for a moment that it was
along this very route that the orks were approaching。 Then the footsteps—two sets; he estimated—
seemed to move around him; and he saw the bobbing beam of a helmet light; and then there were
two hulking shapes in the cave; striding toward the exit tunnel。
Then the Jungle Fighters were upon the orks; Storm reaching them first; leaping onto the back of
the nearest and drawing his blade across its throat。 Greiss and Braxton crashed into the second
creature; staggered it; and Lorenzo lent his shoulder to their efforts and it fell; three knives plunged
into its chest and stomach。
“You notice something?” asked Armstrong; as the 

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