靠谱电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > Death World(科幻战争) >


Death World(科幻战争)-第30部分

小说: Death World(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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than Lorenzo had seen him before。
When next he woke; Greiss was there again; standing over him; shaking him; and from the
quality of the light through the window he guessed it was early afternoon。 “Time you dragged
yourself out of that pit; trooper;” he said。 “We got a lot of ground to make up if we still want a
chance of catching the warboss by surprise。 You up to it?”
“Yes; sergeant;” said Lorenzo; getting to his feet; relieved when his body didn’t make a liar of
him。 He still felt weak; drained; and his side hurt like hell; but his senses were clearer now。
Catachan men healed quickly。 He donned his jacket and his backpack again; picked up the lasgun
that he supposed was now his; and made for the door。 He stopped when he realised Greiss wasn’t
following。 He was sitting on the bunk Lorenzo had vacated; staring into space; a lasgun laid across
his lap。 Not his own gun: that was slung under his pack as normal。 Lorenzo felt a knot forming in his
stomach as he was finally forced to face an unpleasant truth。
“What about Hotshot; sergeant? Aren’t you going to wake him?”
“In a minute;” the sergeant said。
Lorenzo looked at Woods。 His skin was whiter than ever; drenched in perspiration。 His
breathing was ragged; and his face twitched with emotions that Lorenzo had never seen writ there
before。 Every few seconds he let out a low moan; almost a whimper。 He seemed to be having the
mother of all nightmares。 The young trooper looked surprisingly; awfully small。
“Is he…?” Lorenzo ventured。
“Hotshot managed to find a sniping position;” said Greiss; “up a tree。 He was cutting down those
greenskins like dummies on a shooting range。 But one of ’em got lucky—happened to be looking
the right way when an explosion went off and the light glinted off Hotshot’s lasgun。 He couldn’t get
down in time。 The orks surrounded him; started firing up into the branches。 Hotshot took a bullet in
the leg; was grazed by two more; but nothing critical; he knew how to make himself small; use his
backpack and the tree trunk to protect himself—and with his camouflage and all; the greenskins
didn’t know where they were aiming。 Hotshot was firing at ’em; dropping grenades on their heads—
he must’ve taken out a dozen or more。 But you know what orks are like。 They don’t give up easy。
They were swarming up that tree; and Hotshot was shooting and slashing down at ’em; but even he
couldn’t stay put forever。 He made a jump for it; sailed right over their heads。” There had been a
touch of admiration in Old Hardhead’s voice; but now it faded; and his shoulders slumped。 Lorenzo
knew how fond he had always been of Woods。
“He didn’t make it。”
“If it hadn’t been for that damn slug in his leg…” Greiss was silent for a moment; then with
pride in his voice; he continued; “He kept fighting。 Even though he’d shattered his spine; he was on
the ground; and the orks were piling onto him… I should’ve got there sooner。”
“No; sergeant!” Lorenzo protested automatically。
“Don’t give me that;” Greiss growled。 “If any of us had to end his days a cripple; better it be an
old warhorse with no fight left in him。 Better it be someone who’s had his day; whose story’s been
Lorenzo was still digesting the full import of what Greiss was saying。 “…end his days a
cripple…” They were on a stealth mission; without backup; unable to vox for an airlift—and even if
they could get Woods back to an Imperium facility; it would certainly have been the last thing he
wanted。 It was unlikely a medic could do much for him。 The only person who could save him now
from a fate worse than death was Greiss。 Lorenzo’s gaze strayed to the spare lasgun on the
sergeant’s knee。
“He’ll be remembered;” was all he could think of to say。 It seemed to cheer Greiss up a little。
Then there was an awkward silence as Lorenzo realised there was nothing more he could say;
and eventually turned to the door again。
The last thing he saw as he left that hut; as he left another comrade behind forever; was Greiss
leaning over Woods; shaking him gently awake; telling him it was time and pressing the lasgun into
his hands。 And Woods’ smile—not afraid; but relieved。 Grateful; even。
Just one of those things。 Lorenzo had learned to accept it。 He walked away from the hut; and
ignored the part of him that wanted to break into a run; to get away from there before he had to
He thought about his promise: “He’ll be remembered。” He walked; and waited。 And thought
about his comrade; relating his last story; and he wished he’d known; wished he’d been more
attentive。 He thought about the dangers that still lay ahead; all his depleted squad still had to do; and
he told himself they’d come through somehow。
Lorenzo pretended not to hear the dark voice in the back of his head。 The voice that said: Yes;
Hotshot Woods will he remembered。 Sharkbait Muldoon will be remembered。 They will all be
But for how long?
The rain came early in the evening。
The Jungle Fighters had seen the clouds; felt the cool; fresh breeze that presaged the outburst—
but the speed and ferocity with which it broke defied their expectations。
The rain was acidic。 Guardsman Braxton winced as the first drop splashed off his cheek; and
Lorenzo threw a hand to his neck as the skin there began to smart。 The acid; fortunately; wasn’t
strong; not like that from the spitter plants—but with prolonged exposure; it could do as much
They found some shelter beneath the spreading branches of a huge tree。 Lorenzo listened as the
rain beat down on its roof of leaves; and he looked gloomily at the cascade of redirected liquid like a
waterfall around him。 He wondered how long it would be before the leaves were burnt through; and
he couldn’t help but feel that even this downpour was deliberate。 It was as if the planet was so
determined to destroy them that it would sacrifice a part of itself。
They debated the wisdom of turning back; of scavenging sheets of metal from the ork camp; but
Greiss in particular was reluctant to lose ground。 “Aside from which;” he growled; casting a wary
glance back over his shoulder; “we don’t know what might be behind us。” They all knew what he
meant。 Ever since they had set off; they had all been aware of ghosts dogging their footsteps again。
It had been inevitable; of course。 Still; Lorenzo had hoped for at least some respite。 He wasn’t
the only one of the six remaining men in his squad—half their original complement—to have been
injured in the previous night’s battle; nor to feel profoundly tired。 Armstrong’s left arm was useless;
the nerve tendons in his shoulder severed by an ork axe; and Braxton hadn’t said a word all
afternoon and looked like he could drop at any moment。 Their lasguns were low on energy; too;
Myers wore a belt of strung…together power packs; letting the dwindling sunlight do what it could to
recharge them until they could build a fire to do the job properly。 But the nature of their mission—
and Greiss; now firmly back in command—had required they press on; and not one of those six men
was prepared to admit defeat。
Their map had been incinerated along with Mackenzie; but Armstrong knew where they were
and was sure he could remember the location of the warboss’ lair from the briefing。 He could get
them close; at least。
They broke out the alkaline powders from their backpacks; rubbed them into their exposed skin
and hair。 As they worked; the ghosts began to gather; in the corners of their vision。 This time; they
had attracted more than one stalker。 Many more。 And these creatures; it seemed; were trying less
hard to conceal their presence。
Or maybe it was just that they were bigger and clumsier than Dougan; less able to hide。 Ork
corpses; as the Jungle Fighters had anticipated。 This close; there was no denying the stink of death
that rose from them; it had been wafting past Lorenzo’s nostrils for the past few hours; whenever the
breeze was right。 Some of these orks had been dead weeks or months; but now they were a part of
the planet itself; cocooned in its substance and animated by its mysterious energy。
It had taken six Jungle Fighters to send one monster into retreat。 A smaller monster。 Six Jungle
Fighters; relatively refreshed and ready for battle。
For now; the zombies seemed content to keep their distance; to watch。 Greiss moved his squad
on quickly anyway; worried that if they stayed put too long they might be surrounded。 They moved
through the rain at a faster…than…normal pace; with their packs over their heads; hugging the trees。
Fortunately; they knew enough about Rogar now to avoid its more obvious traps—though Lorenzo
remembered what Donovits had said about this world’s rapid evolution; and he eyed even the safestlooking
flowers with suspicion。
He twitched at another rustle from the foliage。 It was closer than usual; to the left of the squad
rather than behind them。 He brought his lasgun around but didn’t dare fire lest he start something
they couldn’t finish。 Another ork shape was clearly outlined; watching him with unblinking eyes;
one of which had slid half out of its socket on a slagheap of dried bloo

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