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小说: cc.floodtide 字数: 每页4000字

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began carrying it back into deep water。 Then; clutching her close to his chest; he began trudging toward the cabin in the trees。 The frigid air seemed suddenly warmer; and he no longer felt stiff and tired。
 Three days later; the cargo ship Stephen Miller reported sighting a body in a life raft; which was later recovered。 The dead man was Chinese and looked as if he had been sculpted from ice。 He was never identified。 The life raft; a model not in use for nearly twenty years; was marked in Chinese。 Later translation indicated it came from a ship called the Princess Dou Wan。
 A search was launched; bits of floating debris were spotted but never retrieved for investigation。 No oil slick was discovered。 No ship had been reported missing。 Nowhere; on ship or ashore; had any distress signal or cry of 〃Mayday〃 been picked up。 All rescue stations monitoring the standard ship…distress frequency received nothing; hearing only static from the heavy snow。
 The mystery deepened when it was learned that a ship named Princess Dou Wan had been reported sunk off the coast of Chile the month before。 The body found in the life raft was buried; and the strange enigma was quickly forgotten。
 April 14; 2000 Pacific Ocean off Washington
 AS IF SHE WERE STRUGGLING OUT OF A BOTTOMLESS PIT; CONsciousness slowly returned to Ling T'ai。 Her whole upper body swam in pain。 She groaned through clenched teeth; wanting to scream out in agony。 She lifted a hand that was badly bruised and tenderly touched her fingertips to her face。 One coffee brown eye was swollen closed; the other puffed but partially open。 Her nose was broken; with blood still trickling from the nostrils。 Thankfully; she could feel her teeth still in their gums; but her arms and shoulders were turning black…and…blue。 She could not begin to count the bruises。
 Ling T'ai was not sure at first why she was singled out for interrogation。 The explanation came later; just before she was brutally beaten。 There were others; to be sure; who were pulled from the mass of illegal Chinese immigrants on board the ship; tormented and thrown into a dark partment in the cargo hold。 Nothing was very clear to her; everything seemed confused and obscure。 She felt as if she was about to lose her grip on consciousness and fall back into the pit。
 The ship she had traveled on from the Chinese port of Qing…dao across the Pacific looked to all appearances like a typical cruise ship。 Named the Indigo Star; her hull was painted white from waterline to the funnel。 parable in size to most smaller cruise ships that carried between one hundred and one hundred fifty passengers in luxurious fort; the Indigo Star crammed nearly twelve hundred illegal Chinese immigrants into huge open bays within the hull and superstructure。 She was a facade; innocent on the outside; a human hellhole on the inside。
 Ling T'ai could not have envisioned the insufferable conditions that she and over a thousand others had to endure。 The food was minimal and hardly enough to exist on。 Sanitary conditions were nonexistent and toilet facilities deplorable。 Some had died; mostly young children and the elderly; their bodies removed and never seen again。 It seemed likely to Ling T'ai that they were simply thrown into the sea as if they were garbage。 The day before the Indigo Star was scheduled to reach the northwestern coast of the United States; a team of sadistic guards called enforcers; who maintained a climate of fear and intimidation on board the ship; had rounded up thirty or forty passengers and forced them to undergo an unexplained interrogation。 When her turn finally came; she was ushered into a small; dark partment and manded to sit in a chair in front of four enforcers of the smuggling operation who were seated behind a table。 Ling was then asked a series of questions。
 〃Your name!〃 demanded a thin man neatly attired in a gray pinstripe business suit。 His smooth; brown face was intelligent but expressionless。 The other three enforcers sat silently and glared malevolently。 To the initiated; it was a classic act of interrogative coercion。 〃My name is Ling T'ai。〃
 〃What province were you born?〃 〃Jiangsu。〃
 〃You lived there?〃 asked the thin man。
 〃Until I was twenty and finished my studies。 Then I went to Canton; where I became a schoolteacher。〃
 The questions came dispassionately and devoid of inflection。 〃Why do you want to go to the United States?〃
 〃I knew the voyage would be extremely hazardous; but the promise of opportunity and a better life was too great;〃 answered Ling T'ai。 〃I decided to leave my family and bee an American。〃
 〃Where did you obtain the money for your passage?〃
 〃I saved most of it from my teacher's pay over ten years。 The rest I borrowed from my father。〃
 〃What is his occupation?〃
 〃He is a professor of chemistry at the university in Beijing。〃
 〃Do you have friends or family in the United States?〃
 She shook her head。 〃I have no one。〃
 The thin man looked at her in long; slow speculation; then pointed his finger at her。 〃You are a spy; sent to report on our smuggling operation。〃
 The accusation came so abruptly; she sat frozen for a few moments before stammering。 〃I do not know what you mean。 I am a schoolteacher。 Why do you call me a spy?〃
 〃You do not have the appearance of one born in China。〃
 〃Not true!〃 she cried in panic。 〃My mother and father are Chinese。 So were my grandparents。〃
 〃Then explain why your height is at least four inches above average for a Chinese woman and your facial features have the faint touch of European ancestry。〃
 〃Who are you?〃 she demanded。 〃Why are you so cruel?〃
 〃Not that it matters; my name is Ki Wong。 I am the chief enforcer for the Indigo Star。 Now please answer my last question。〃
 Acting frightened; Ling explained that her great…grandfather had been a Dutch missionary who headed up a mission in the city of Longyan。 He took a local peasant girl as a wife。 〃That is the only Western blood in me; I swear。〃
 The inquisitors acted as if they did not credit her story。 〃You are lying。〃
 〃Please; you must believe me!〃
 〃Do you speak English?〃
 〃I know only a few words and phrases。〃
 Then Wong got down to the real issue。 〃According to our records; you did not pay enough for your passage。 You owe us another ten thousand dollars American。〃
 Ling T'ai leaped to her feet and cried out。 〃But I have no more money!〃
 Wong shrugged indifferently。 〃Then you will have to be transported back to China。〃
 〃No; please; I can't go back; not now!〃 She wrung her hands until the knuckles went white。 The chief enforcer glanced smugly at the three other men; who sat like stone sculptures。 Then his voice changed subtly; 〃There may be another way for you to enter the States。〃  
 〃I will do anything;〃 Ling T'ai pleaded。
 〃If we put you ashore; you will have to work off the rest of your passage fee。 Since you can hardly speak English it will be impossible for you to find employment as a schoolteacher。 Without friends or family you'll have no means of support。 Therefore; we will take it upon ourselves to generously provide you with food; a place to live and an opportunity for work until such time as you can subsist on your own。〃
 〃What kind of work do you mean?〃 asked Ling T'ai hesitantly。
 Wong paused; then grinned evilly。
  〃You will engage in the art of satisfying men。〃
 This then was what it was all about。 Ling T'ai and most of the other smuggled aliens were never intended to be allowed to roam free in the United States。 Once they landed on foreign soil; they were to bee indentured slaves subject to torture and extortion。
 〃Prostitution?〃 Horrified; Ling T'ai shouted angrily; 〃I will never degrade myself!〃
 〃A pity;〃 said Wong impassively。 〃You are an attractive woman and could demand a good price。〃
 He rose to his feet; stepped around the table and stood in front of her。 The smirk on his face suddenly vanished and was replaced with a look of malice。 Then he pulled what looked like a stiff rubber hose from his coat pocket and began lashing at her face and body。 He stopped only when he began to break out in sweat; pausing to grip her chin with one hand; staring into her battered face。 She moaned and pleaded with him to stop。
 〃Perhaps you've had a change of mind。〃
 〃Never;〃 she muttered through a split and bleeding lip。 〃I will die first。〃
 Then Wong's narrow lips curled into a cold smile。 His arm was raised and then came down in a vicious swing as the hose caught her on the base of the skull。 Ling T'ai was enveloped in blackness。
 Her tormentor returned to the table and seated himself。 He picked up a phone and spoke into the mouthpiece。 〃You may remove the woman and place her with those going to Orion Lake。〃
 〃You do not think she can be converted into a profitable piece of property?〃 said a heavy…bodied man at the end of the table。
 Wong shook his head as he looked down on Ling T'ai; lying bleeding on the floor。 〃There is something about this woman I do not trust。 It is best to play safe。 None of us dare to incur the wrath of our esteemed superior by jeopardizing the enterprise。 Ling T'ai will get her wish to die。〃
 An elderly woman; who said 

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