靠谱电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > erlestanleygardner.the.caseofthesulkygirl >



小说: erlestanleygardner.the.caseofthesulkygirl 字数: 每页4000字

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      〃You want him to say that the car didn't leave the garage?〃 asked the housekeeper。
      〃I want him to tell the truth;〃 said Perry Mason。 〃But I want him to tell it with sufficient firmness so that he won't be rattled on the witness stand by a lot of lawyers。 That's all I want him to testify to … just the fact that the car did not leave the garage at any time on that night; that the garage doors were closed; and that they remained closed; and that no person could have taken a car from the garage without his hearing it。〃
      〃Well;〃 she said; 〃that's the truth。 That's what he says。〃
      〃All right;〃 he told her; 〃if you want to do Frances Celane a favor; you get to him and see that no pressure on earth can change that testimony of his。〃
      〃I'll do it;〃 she said。
      He asked hastily: 〃What did you tell the police about getting money from Frances Celane?〃
      〃Nothing;〃 she said。 〃I told them that she gave you money but I didn't know how much; or whether it was in large bills or small bills。〃
      The door creaked under the weight of a body which had been thrown against it。
      Perry Mason walked to it; snapped back the lock; and opened the door。
      〃What the hell do you mean;〃 he demanded; 〃by trying to bust into my private office?〃
      A burly man with square shoulders; thick neck and scowling forehead; pushed his way into the room。
      〃I told you who I was;〃 he said。 〃I'm a police detective。〃
      〃I don't care if you're Mussolini;〃 said Perry Mason。 〃You can't break into my office。〃
      〃The hell I can't;〃 said the detective。 〃I'm taking this woman into custody。〃
      Mrs。 Mayfield gave a little scream。
      〃On what charge?〃 asked Perry Mason。
      〃As a material witness in a murder case;〃 said the detective。
      Mason remarked: 〃Well; you didn't get the urge to take her into custody as a material witness until after she came to this office。〃
      〃What do you mean?〃 asked the detective。
      〃Exactly what I say;〃 said Mason。 〃You sat outside and watched this office until you saw Mrs。 Mayfield e in。 Then you telephoned your superior for instructions; and he told you to pick her up as a material witness before she had a chance to talk with me。〃
      〃Pretty smooth; ain't you?〃 sneered the detective。
      Mrs。 Mayfield stared from one to the other and said: 〃But I haven't done anything。〃
      〃That ain't the question; ma'am;〃 said the detective。 〃It's a question of keeping you as a material witness where you won't be annoyed or inconvenienced。〃
      〃And;〃 sneered Perry Mason; 〃where you won't have a chance to talk with anybody except representatives of the District Attorney's office。〃
      The detective glowered at Perry Mason。
      〃And we understand;〃 he said; 〃that you received ten one thousand dollar bills that were stolen from the body of Edward Norton。〃
      〃Is that so?〃 said Mason。
      〃That's so;〃 snapped the detective。
      〃Just where do you think those bills are?〃 asked the lawyer。
      〃We don't know; but we intend to find out;〃 the detective told him。
      〃Well;〃 said Mason; 〃it is a free country; or it used to be once。 Go ahead and find out。〃
      〃When we do;〃 said the detective; 〃you're likely to find yourself facing a charge of receiving stolen property。〃
      〃Well; you've only got three things to do;〃 said Mason。
      〃What three things?〃 asked the detective。
      〃Prove that the money was stolen; prove that I received it; and prove that I knew it was stolen when I received it。〃
      〃You know it's stolen now。〃
      〃How do I know it's stolen?〃
      〃Because I've told you it was。 You're on notice。〃
      〃In the first place;〃 said Mason; 〃I'm not admitting that I have any ten thousand dollars。 In the second place; I wouldn't take your word for anything。〃
      The detective turned to Mrs。 Mayfield。
      〃e along; ma'am;〃 he said; 〃we'll handle this lawyer later。〃
      〃But I don't want to go;〃 she said。
      〃It's orders; ma'am;〃 he told her。 〃You won't be annoyed。 We're simply going to keep you where you'll be safe until after we can get your testimony。〃
      Perry Mason watched the pair depart from his private office。 His rugged face was expressionless; but there was a glint of smouldering hostility in his patient eyes。
      When the door of the outer office had closed; Perry Mason walked to his secretary's desk and said: 〃Della; I want you to ring up the STAR。 Tell them who you are。 They've got a reporter there named Harry Nevers。 He knows who I am。 Tell the city editor to have Nevers e and see me。 I'll see that he gets some sensational news。〃
      She reached for the telephone。
      〃You want me to tell that to the city editor?〃 she asked。
      〃Yes;〃 he told her。 〃I want Nevers sent here right away。〃
      〃You don't want to talk with the editor?〃
      〃No; he'd plug a rewrite man in on the line; listen to what I had to say; call it an interview; and let it go at that。 I want you to tell them who you are; tell them to send Nevers over here for a hot yarn。 They'll try to pump you about what it is。 Tell them you don't know; and that I'm not available。〃
      She nodded and lifted the receiver from the hook。 Perry Mason walked back to his private office and closed the door。
      HARRY NEVERS was tall and thin; with eyes that looked at the world with a bored expression。 His hair was in need of trimming; and his face had that oily appearance which es to one who has gone long without sleep。 He looked as though he had been up all night; and had; as a matter of fact; been up for two。
      He walked into Perry Mason's office and perched himself on the arm of the big black leather chair。
      〃I'm going to give you a break;〃 said Perry Mason; 〃and I want a favor。〃
      Nevers spoke in a dull monotone of low…voiced ment。
      〃Sure;〃 he said。 〃I had that all figured out a long time ago。 Where is she?〃
      〃Where's who?〃 asked Mason。
      〃Frances Celane。〃
      〃Who wants to know?〃
      〃I do。〃
      〃What's the big idea?〃
      Nevers yawned and slid back over the arm of the chair; so that he was seated cross…wise in the chair。
      〃Hell;〃 he said; 〃don't try to surprise me。 That's been tried by experts。 I doped out the play as soon as I got the call。 There was nothing to it。 Frances Celane had a nervous breakdown and was rushed to a sanitarium。 Last night the District Attorney uncovered evidence which made him decide to put a first degree murder rap on her。 She was secretly married to a chap named Gleason。 They've picked up Gleason; and they're getting ready to go after Frances Celane。
      〃You're Frances Celane's attorney。 You've got her under cover somewhere。 It's a cover that's deep enough to keep her from walking into a trap until you're ready to have her surrender。 But you can't keep her under cover when the newspapers broadcast that she's wanted for murder。 You've got a doctor mixed up in it; and a hospital。 They wouldn't stand for it; even if you wanted them to。 So it's a cinch you've got to turn her up; and you just picked on me to get the news; because you wanted something。 Now tell me what you want; and I'll tell you whether we'll make a trade。〃
      Perry Mason frowned thoughtfully; and made little drumming noises with his fingertips on the edge of the desk。
      〃I don't know what I want; Harry;〃 he said。
      Harry Nevers shook his head lugubriously。
      〃With the hard…boiled bunch I'm working for; brother; if you don't know what you want; you're never going to get it。 If you're going to make a trade you've got to make a trade right now。〃
      〃Well;〃 said Perry Mason slowly; 〃I can tell you generally what I want。 Somewhere along the line I'm going to try to get two or three people back at the Norton residence; under conditions that were similar to those which existed at the time of the murder。 I don't know just how I'm going to do it。 Somewhere along the line I'm going to make a point about the fact that the Buick automobile; which was reported stolen; wasn't taken out of the garage。 All I want you to do is to see that I get a reasonable amount of publicity on those two points。〃
      〃Wait a minute;〃 said Nevers; speaking in that same dull monotone; 〃you said you were going to make a point that the Buick car hadn't been taken out of the garage。 You mean that you're going to claim that it was taken out; but the speedometer was either disconnected or set back; ain't that right?〃
      〃No;〃 Mason told him。 〃I'm going to make a point that it wasn't taken out of the garage。〃
      For the first time since he had entered the office; the voice of Harry Nevers showed a trace of interest; a touch of tone。
      〃That's going to be a funny angle for you to play;〃 he said。
      〃All right;〃 said Mason; 〃we'll talk about that when the time es。 I'm just telling you now what I want。 The question is; do we make a trade?〃
      〃I think so;〃 said Nevers。
      〃Have you got a photographer lined up?〃
      〃Sure。 He's down in the car waiting; and I've got a space held on the front page for a picture。〃
      Perry Mason reached for the telephone on

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