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小说: rh.royalassassin 字数: 每页4000字

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to keep it intact。〃
       〃I do not think King Shrewd can even keep himself intact; Chade。 Have you seen him of late?〃
       Chade's mouth went to a flat line。 〃Yes。〃 He bit the word off: 〃I see him when no one else does。 I tell you that he is not the feeble idiot you seem to believe he is。〃
       I shook my head slowly。 〃If you had seen him tonight; Chade; you would share my anxiety。〃
       〃What makes you so sure I did not?〃 Chade was nettled now。 I had no wish to anger the old man。 But it seemed to be going all wrong; no matter how I spoke。 I forced myself to keep silent now。 Instead of speaking; I took another sip of my wine。 I stared into the fire。
       〃Are the rumors about the Near Islands true?〃 I asked at last。 My voice was my own again。
       Chade sighed and rubbed at his eyes with his knuckly hands。 〃As in all rumors; there is a germ of truth。 It may be true that the Raiders have established a base there。 We are not certain。 We have certainly not ceded the Near Islands to them。 As you observed; once they had the Near Islands; they would raid our coast winter and summer。〃
       〃Prince Regal seemed to believe that they could be bought off: That perhaps those islands and a bit of Bearns's coast were what they were truly after。〃 It was an effort; but I kept my voice respectful as I spoke of Regal。
       〃Many men hope that by saying a thing they can make it so;〃 Chade said neutrally。 〃Even when they must know better;〃 he added as a darker afterthought。
       〃What do you think the Raiders want?〃 I asked。
       He stared past me into the fire。 〃Now; there is a puzzle。 What do the Raiders want? It is how our minds work; Fitz。 We think they attack us because they want something from us。 But surely; if they wanted something; by now they would have demanded it。 They know the damage they do to us。 They must know that we would at least consider their demands。 But they ask for nothing。 They simply go on raiding。〃
       〃They make no sense。〃 I finished the thought for him。'
       〃Not the way we see sense;〃 he corrected me。 〃But what if our basic assumption is wrong?〃
       I just stared at him。
       〃What if they don't want anything; except what they already have? A nation of victims。 Towns to raid; villages to torch; people to torture。 What if that is their entire aim?〃
       〃That's insane;〃 I said slowly。
       〃Perhaps。 But what if it is so?〃
       〃Then nothing will stop them。 Except destroying them。〃
       He nodded slowly。 〃Follow that thought。〃
       〃We don't have enough ships to even slow them down。〃 I considered a moment。 〃We had best all hope the myths about the Elderlings are true。 Because it seems to me they; or something like them; is our only hope。〃
       Chade nodded slowly。 〃Exactly。 So you see why I approve of Verity's course。〃
       〃Because it's our only hope of survival。〃
       We sat for a long time together; staring into the fire silently。 When I finally returned to my bed that night; I was assailed by nightmares of Verity attacked and battling for his life while I stood by and watched。 I could not kill any of his attackers; for my king had not said I could。
       Twelve days later; Duke Brawndy of Bearns arrived。 He came down the coast road; at the head of enough men to be impressive without being an open threat。 He had mustered as much pomp and panoply as his dukedom could afford。 His daughters rode at his side; save for the eldest; who had remained behind to do all that could be done for Ferry。 I spent most of the early afternoon in the stables; and then in the guardroom; listening to the talk of the lesser members of his entourage。 Hands acquitted himself well at seeing that there was space and care for their beasts; and as always; our kitchens and barracks made themselves hospitable places。 Still; there was plenty of hard talk among the folk from Bearns。 They spoke bluntly of what they had seen at Ferry; and how their summons for help had gone unheeded。 It shamed our soldiers that there was little they could say to defend what King Shrewd had apparently done。 And when a soldier cannot defend what his leader has done; he must either agree with the criticism or find another area in which to disagree。 So there were fistfights between Bearns men and Buckkeep troops; isolated incidents for the most part; and over trivial differences。 But such things did not usually happen under the discipline at Buckkeep; and so they were all the more unsettling。 It underscored to me the confusion among our own troops。
       I dressed carefully for dinner that evening; unsure as to who I might encounter or what might be expected of me。 I had glimpsed Celerity twice that day; and each time slipped away before I could be noticed。 I expected she would be my dinner partner; and dreaded it。 Now was no time to give anyone from Bearns any sort of affront; but I did not wish to encourage her。 I could have saved my worrying。 I found myself seated far down the table; among the lesser nobility; and the younger ones at that。 I spent an unfortable evening as a minor novelty。 Several of the girls at the table attempted to be flirtatious。 This was a new experience for me and not one I relished。 It made me realize just how great an influx of folk had swollen the Buckkeep court that winter。 Most of them were from the Inland Duchies; sniffing after scraps from Regal's plate; but as these young women plainly indicated; they would be happy to court political influence wherever they could。 The effort to follow their attempts at witty banter and respond on a level of at least moderate politeness made it nearly impossible for me to give any attention to what was going on at the High Table。 King Shrewd was there; seated between Queen…in…Waiting Kettricken and Prince Regal。 Duke Brawndy and his daughters Celerity and Faith were seated closest to them。 The rest of the table was filled with Regal's pets。 Duke Ram of Tilth and his Lady Placid; and their two sons were the most noteworthy。 Regal's cousin Lord Bright was there as well; the young heir to the Duke of Farrow was new to court。
       From where I sat; I could see little; and hear even less。 I felt Verity's churning frustration at the situation; but there was nothing I could do about it。 The King looked more weary than dazed that evening; which I took to be positive。 Kettricken; seated beside him; was near colorless save for two spots of pink on her cheeks。 She did not seem to be eating much; and seemed graver and more silent than usual。 Prince Regal; in contrast; was both social and merry。 With Duke Ram and Lady Placid and their boys。 He did not quite ignore Brawndy and his daughters; but his merriment clearly grated on the visitors' mood。
       Duke Brawndy was a large man; and well muscled even in his old age。 Shocks of white hair in his black warrior's tail attested to old battle injuries; as did a hand missing a few fingers。 His daughters sat just downtable from him; indigo…eyed women whose high cheekbones told of his late queen's Near Island ancestry。 Faith and Celerity wore their hair cut short and sleek in the northern style。 The quick ways they turned their heads to observe everyone at the table reminded me of hawks on a wrist。 These were not the gentled nobility of the Inland Duchies that Regal was used to dealing with。 Of all the Six Duchies; the folk of Bearns came closest to being warriors still。
       Regal was courting disaster to make light of their grievances。 I knew they would not expect to discuss Raiders at the table; but his festive tone was pletely at odds with their mission here。 I wondered if he knew how badly he offended them。 Kettricken obviously did。 More than once I saw her clench her jaw; or cast her eyes downward at one of Regal's witticisms。 He was drinking too heavily as well; and it began to show in his extravagant hand gestures; and the loudness of his laughter。 I wished desperately I could hear what he was finding so humorous in his own words。 ;
       Dinner seemed interminable。 Celerity rapidly located me at table。 After that; I was hard put to avoid the measuring looks she sent my way。 I nodded affably to her the first time our eyes locked; I could tell she was puzzled by where I had been seated。 I dared not ignore every look she sent my way。 Regal was offensive enough without my appearing to snub Bearns's daughter as well。 I felt I teetered on a fence。 I was grateful when King Shrewd rose and Queen Kettricken insisted on taking his arm to help him from the room。 Regal frowned a trifle drunkenly to see the party disperse so soon; but made no effort to persuade Duke Brawndy and his daughters to stay at table。 They excused themselves rather stiffly as soon as Shrewd had departed。 I likewise made excuse of a headache and left my giggling panions for the solitude of my room。 As I opened my door and went into my bedchamber; I felt myself the most powerless person in the Keep。 Nameless the dog boy indeed。
       〃I see dinner was absolutely fascinating for you;〃 the Fool observed。 I sighed。 I didn't ask how he had gotten in。 No point to asking questions that would not be answered。 He was sitting on my hearth; silhouetted against the dancing flames of a small fire he had kindled there。 There was a peculiar stilln

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