靠谱电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > rh.royalassassin >



小说: rh.royalassassin 字数: 每页4000字

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       He smiled down on me。 〃Not in such a small quantity。 Wallace has assured me it is good for my nerves; and for my appetite as well。〃
       〃Yes; it does wonders for the appetite;〃 the Fool chimed in。 〃For the more you have; the more you shall want。 Drink yours quickly; Fitz; for no doubt you will have pany soon。 The more you drink; the less you shall have to share。〃 With a gesture like a petal unfurling; the Fool waved toward the door at the precise instant that it opened to admit Regal。
       〃Ah; more visitors。〃 King Shrewd chuckled pleasantly。 〃This shall be a merry evening indeed。 Sit down; my boy; sit down。 The Fitz was just telling us he'd had a vexatious day。 So I offered him a mug of my tea to soothe him。〃
       〃No doubt it will do him well;〃 Regal agreed pleasantly。 He turned his smile on me。 〃A vexatious day; Fitz?〃
       〃A troubling one。 First; there was the small matter down at the stables。 One of Duke Ram's men was down there; claiming that the Duke had purchased four horses。 One of them Cliff; the stud horse we use for the cart mares。 I persuaded him there must be some mistake; for the papers were not signed by the King。〃
       〃Oh; those!〃 The King chuckled again。 〃Regal had to bring them back to me; I'd forgotten to sign them at all。 But it is all taken care of now; and I am sure the horses will be on their way to Tilth by the morrow。 Good horses; too; Duke Ram will find them。 He made a wise bargain。〃
       〃I had never thought to see us sell our best stock away from Buckkeep。〃 I spoke quietly; looking to Regal。
       〃And neither did I。 But with the treasury as depleted as it is; we have had to take hard measures。〃 He regarded me coolly a moment。 〃Sheep and cattle are to be sold as well。 We have not the grain to winter them over anyway。 Better to sell them now than to see them starve this winter。〃
       I was outraged。 〃Why have not we heard of these shortages before? I have heard nothing of a failed harvest。 Times are hard; it is true; but…〃
       〃You have heard nothing because you have not been listening。 While you and my brother have immersed yourselves in the glories of war; I have been dealing with the purse to pay for it。 And it is well nigh empty。 Tomorrow; I will have to tell the men working on the new ships that they must either labor for the love of it or leave off their work。 There is no longer coin to pay them; nor to buy the materials that would be needed to finish the ships。〃 He finished his speech and leaned back; considering me。
       Within me; Verity roiled。 I looked to King Shrewd。 〃This is true; my king?〃 I asked。
       King Shrewd started。 He looked over at me and blinked his eyes a few times。 〃I did sign those papers; did I not?〃 He seemed puzzled; and I think his mind had gone back to a previous conversation。 He had not followed our talk at all。 At his feet; the Fool was strangely silent。 〃I thought I had signed the papers。 Well; bring them to me now; then。 Let us get this done; and then get on with a pleasant evening。〃
       〃What is to be done about the situation in Bearns? Is it true that the Raiders have taken parts of the Near Islands?〃
       〃The situation in Bearns;〃 he said。 He paused; considering。 He took another sip of his tea。
       〃Nothing can be done about the situation in Bearns;〃 Regal said sadly。 Smoothly he added; 〃It is time Bearns took care of Bearns's troubles。 We cannot beggar all Six Duchies to protect a barren stretch of coastline。 So the Raiders have helped themselves to a few frozen rocks。 I wish them joy of them。 We have folk of our own to care for; villages of our own to rebuild。〃
       I waited in vain for Shrewd to rouse; to say something in defense of Bearns。 When he was silent; I asked quietly; 〃The town of Ferry is scarcely a frozen rock。 At least; it wasn't until the Red…Ships called。 And when did Bearns cease to be part of the Six Duchies?〃 I looked to Shrewd; tried to make him meet my eyes。 〃My king; I beg you; order Serene to e。 Have her Skill to Verity; that you may counsel together about this。〃
       Regal grew suddenly weary of our cat and mouse。 〃When did the dog boy e to be so concerned with politics?〃 he asked me savagely。 〃Why cannot you understand that the King can make decisions without the permission of the King…in…Waiting? Do you quiz your king on his decisions; Fitz? Have you so far forgotten your place? I knew Verity had made something of a pet of you; and perhaps your adventures with your ax have given you large ideas of yourself。 But Prince Verity has seen fit to go gallivanting off after a chimera; and I am left to keep the Six Duchies rattling along as best I may。〃
       〃I was present when you endorsed King…in…Waiting Verity's proposal to seek the Elderlings;〃 I pointed out。 King Shrewd seemed to have gone off into another waking dream。 He stared into the fire。
       〃And why that was so; I have no idea;〃 Regal rejoined smoothly。 〃As I observed; you have e to have large ideas of yourself。 You eat at the high table; and are clothed by the King's largesse; and somehow you have e to believe this gives you privileges rather than duties。 Let me tell you who you really are; Fitz。〃 Regal paused。 To me it seemed he looked at the King; as if gauging how safe it was for him to speak。
       〃You;〃 he continued in a lowered voice; tone as sweet as a minstrel's。 〃You are the misbegotten bastard of a princeling who had not even the courage to continue as King…in…Waiting。 You are the grandson of a dead Queen whose mon breeding showed in the mon woman her eldest son bedded to conceive you。 You who take the name to yourself of FitzChivalry Farseer need do no more than scratch yourself to find Nameless the dog boy。 Be grateful I do not send you back to the stables; but suffer to let you abide in the Keep。〃
       I do not know what I felt。 Nighteyes was snarling to the venom in Regal's words; while Verity was capable of fratricide at that moment。 I glanced at King Shrewd。 He cupped his mug of sweet tea in both hands and dreamed into the fire。 From the corner of my eyes; I had a glimpse of the Fool。 There was fear in his colorless eyes; fear as I had never seen there before。 And he was looking; not at Regal; but at me。
       I abruptly realized that I had arisen and was standing over Regal。 He was looking up at me。 Waiting。 There was a glint of fear in his eyes; but also the shine of triumph。 All I would have to do was strike at him; and he could call the guards。 It would be treason。 He would hang me for it。 I felt how the fabric of my shirt was binding on my shoulders and chest; so swollen with rage was I。 I tried to exhale; willed the balled fists of my hands to loosen。 It took a moment。 Hush; I told them。 Hush; or you'll get me killed。 When I had my voice under control; I spoke。
       〃Many things have been made clear to me this night;〃 I said quietly。 I turned to King Shrewd。 〃My lord king; I bid you good evening; and ask to be excused from your presence。〃
       〃Eh? So you 。。。 had an anxious day; lad?〃
       〃I did; my lord king;〃 I said softly。 His deep eyes looked up into mine as I stood before him; waiting to be released。 I looked deep into their depths。 He was not there。 Not as he once had been。 He looked at me puzzledly; blinked a few times。
       〃Well。 Perhaps you had best get some rest; then。 As should I。 Fool? Fool; is my bed prepared? Warm it with the warming pan。 I grow so cold at night these days。 Ha! At night these days! There's a bit of nonsense for you; Fool。 How would you say it; to get it aright?〃
       The Fool sprang to his feet; bowed deeply before the King。 〃I would say there's the chill of death about the days these nights as well; Your Majesty。 A cold fair to curl the bones; it is。 A man could take his death of it。 It would warm me more to hide in your shade than to stand before your sun's heat。〃
       King Shrewd chuckled。 〃You don't make a bit of sense; Fool。 But then you never did。 Good night to all; and off to bed; lads; both of you。 Good night; good night。〃
       I slipped out while Regal was saying a more formal good night to his father。 It was all I could do to walk past Wallace's simpering smile without smashing it from his face。 Once in the hall outside; I swiftly sought my own room。 I would take the Fool's advice; I thought; and hide myself in Chade rather than stand before the heat of the King's son。
       I spent the rest of that evening in my room alone。 I knew that as night deepened; Molly would wonder when I did not e tapping at her door。 But I had no heart for it tonight。 I could not summon the energy to slip out of my room and go creeping up the stairs and slinking down the corridors; always worrying that someone might step out abruptly and find me where I had no right to be。 At one time I would have sought out Molly's warmth and affection and found a measure of peace there。 That was no longer the case。 Now I dreaded the stealth and anxiety of our meetings; and a guardedness that did not even end when her door closed behind me。 For Verity rode within me; and ever I must guard that what I felt and thought with Molly did not spill over into the link I shared with Verity。
       I gave up on the scroll I had been trying to read。 What use now to learn of Eld

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