靠谱电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > rh.royalassassin >



小说: rh.royalassassin 字数: 每页4000字

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 at all。 Unnamed in any history; past or future。 But I have seen you take a name; FitzChivalry Farseer。 And I shall see that you deserve it。〃 He advanced on me; seized me by the shoulders。 〃We are here; Fitz; you and I; to change the fixture of the world。 To reach out and hold in place the tiny pebble that could trigger the boulder's tumbling。〃
       〃No。〃 A terrible cold was welling up inside me。 I shook with it。 My teeth began to chatter; and the bright motes of light to sparkle at the edges of my vision。 A fit。 I was going to have another fit。 Right here; in front of the Fool。 〃Leave!〃 I cried out; unable to abide the thought。 〃Go away。 Now! Quickly。 Quickly! 〃
       I had never seen the Fool astonished before。 His jaw actually dropped open; revealing his tiny white teeth and pale tongue。 A moment longer he gripped me; and then he let go。 I did not stop to think of what he might feel at my abrupt dismissal。 I snatched the door open and pointed out it; and he was gone。 I shut it behind him; latched it; and then staggered to my bed as wave after wave of darkness surged through me。 I fell facedown on the coverlets。 〃Molly!〃 I cried out。 〃Molly; save me!〃 But I knew she could not hear me; and I sank alone into my blackness。
       The brightness of a hundred candles; festoons of evergreen and swags of holly and bare black winter branches hung with sparkling sugar candies to delight the eye and tongue。 The clacking of the puppets' wooden swords and the delighted exclamations of the children when the Piebald Prince's head actually came flying off and arced out over the crowd。 Mellow's mouth wide in a bawdy song as his unattended fingers danced independently over his harp strings。 A blast of cold as the great doors of the hall were thrown open and yet another group of merrymakers came into the Great Hall to join us。 The slow knowledge stole over me that this was no longer a dream; this was Winterfest; and I was wandering benignly through the celebration; smiling blandly at everyone and seeing no one。 I blinked my eyes slowly。 I could do nothing quickly。 I was wrapped in soft wool; I was drifting like an unmanned sailboat on a still day。 A wonderful sleepiness filled me。 Someone touched my arm。 I turned。 Burrich frowning and asking me something。 His voice; always so deep; almost a color washing against me when he spoke。 〃It's all good;〃 I told him calmly。 〃Don't worry; it's all good。〃 I floated away from him; wafting through the room with the milling of the crowd。
       King Shrewd sat on his throne; but I knew now that he was made of paper。 The Fool sat on the step by his feet and clutched his rat scepter like an infant clutches a rattle。 His tongue was a sword; and as the King's enemies drew closer to the throne; the Fool slew them; slashed them to bits; and turned them back from the paper man on the throne。
       And here were Verity and Kettricken on another dais; pretty as the Fool's doll; each of them。 I looked and saw they were both made of hungers; like containers made of emptiness。 I felt so sad; I'd never be able to fill either of them; for they were both so terribly empty。 Regal came to speak to them; and he was a big black bird; not a crow; no; not so merry as a crow; and not a raven; he hadn't the cheery cleverness of a raven; no; a miserable eye…pecker of a bird; circling; circling; dreaming of them as carrion for himself to feast on。 He smelled of carrion; and I covered my mouth and nose with a hand and walked away from them。
       I sat down on a hearth; next to a giggling girl; happy in her blue skirts。 She chattered like a squirrel and I smiled at her; and soon she leaned against me and began to sing a funny little song about three milkmaids。 There were others sitting and standing about the hearth; and they joined in the song。 We all laughed at the end; but I wasn't sure why。 And her hand was warm; resting so casually on my thigh。
       Brother; are you mad? Have you eaten fishbones; are you burned by fever?
       Your mind is clouded。 Your thoughts are bloodless and sickly。 You move like prey。
       〃I feel fine。〃 。
       〃Do you; sir? Then I do; too。〃 She smiled up at me。 Chubby little face; dark eyes; curly hair peeking out from under her cap。 Verity would like this one。 She patted my leg panionably。 A bit higher than she had touched me before。
       〃FitzChivalry! 〃
       I looked up slowly。 Patience was standing over me; with Lacey at her elbow。 I smiled to see her there。 She so seldom came out of her rooms to socialize。 Especially in winter。 Winter was a hard time for her。 〃I shall be so glad when summer returns; and we can walk in the gardens together;〃 I told her。
       She looked at me silently for a moment。 〃I have something heavy I wish carried up to my rooms。 Will you bring it for me?〃
       〃Certainly。〃 I stood carefully。 〃I have to go;〃 I told the little servant girl。 〃My mother needs me。 I liked your song。〃
       〃Good…bye; sir!〃 she chirped at me; and Lacey glared at her。 Patience's cheeks were very rosy。 I followed her through the ebb and press of folk。 We came to the foot of the stairs。
       〃I forget how to do these;〃 I told her。 〃And where is the heavy thing you wish carried?〃
       〃That was an excuse to get you away from there before you pletely disgraced yourself!〃 she hissed at me。 〃What is the matter with you? How could you behave so badly? Are you drunk?〃
       I thought about it。 〃Nighteyes said I was poisoned by fishbones。 But I feel fine。〃
       Lacey and Patience looked at me very carefully。 Then they each took an arm and guided me upstairs。 Patience made tea。 I talked to Lacey。 I told her how much I loved Molly and that I was going to marry her as soon as the King said I could。 She patted my hand and felt my forehead and asked what I'd eaten today and where。 I couldn't remember。 Patience gave me tea。 Very soon I puked。 Lacey gave me cold water。 Patience gave me more tea。 I puked again。 I said I didn't want any more tea。 Patience and Lacey argued。 Lacey said she thought I'd be all right after I slept。 She took me back to my room。
       I woke up with no clear idea of what had been dream and what had been real; if anything。 My entire recall of the evening's events had the same distance as events that had happened years ago。 This was pounded by the open staircase with its beckoning yellow light and the draft from it chilling my room。 I scrabbled out of bed; swayed for a moment as a wave of dizziness overtook me; and then slowly mounted the stairs; one hand always touching the cold stone wall to reassure myself that it was real。 About midway up the steps; Chade came down to meet me。 〃Here; take my arm;〃 he manded; and I did。
       He put his free arm around me and we went up the stairs together。 〃I've missed you;〃 I told him。 With my next breath; I told him; 〃King Shrewd is in danger。〃
       〃I know。 King Shrewd is always in danger。〃
       We gained the top of the stairwell。 There was a fire in his hearth; and a meal set out next to it on a tray。 He guided me toward both。
       〃I think I might have been poisoned today。〃 A sudden shivering ran up me and I shuddered all over。 When it passed; I felt more alert。 〃I seem to be waking up in stages。 I keep thinking I'm awake; and then suddenly everything is clearer。〃
       Chade nodded gravely。 〃I suspect it was the ash residue。 You weren't thinking when you tidied King Shrewd's room for him。 Many times the burned residue of an herb concentrates the potency of the herb。 You got it all over your hands and then sat there eating pastries。 There was little I could do。 I thought you would sleep it off。 What possessed you to go downstairs?〃
       〃I don't know。〃 Then: 〃How do you always know so much?〃 I asked peevishly as he pushed me down into his old chair。 He took my usual perch on the hearthstones。 Even in my fuddled state; I noticed how fluidly he moved; as if he had somewhere abandoned the cramps and aches of an old man's body。 There was windburned color to his face and arms as well; the tan fading the pocks' stigma。 I had once noticed his resemblance to Shrewd。 Now I saw Verity in his face as well。
       〃I have my little ways of finding things out。〃 He grinned at me wolfishly。 〃How much do you remember of Winterfest tonight?〃
       I winced as I considered it。 〃Enough to know that tomorrow is going to be a difficult day。〃 The little servant girl suddenly popped up in my memory。 Leaning on my shoulder; her hand on my thigh。 Molly。 I had to get to Molly tonight and somehow explain things to her。 If she came to my room tonight; and I wasn't there to answer her knock 。。。 I started up in my chair; but then another shiver ran up over me。 It felt almost like a skin being peeled off me。
       〃Here。 Eat something。 Puking your guts out wasn't the best thing for you; but I'm sure Patience meant well。 And under other circumstances; it could have been a lifesaver。 No; you idiot; wash your hands first。 Haven't you heard a word I've said?〃
       I noticed then the vinegar water set out beside the food。 I washed my hands carefully to remove every trace of whatever had clung to them; and then my face; amazed at how much more alert I suddenly felt。 〃It's been like an extended dream; all day 。。。 i

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