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小说: rh.royalassassin 字数: 每页4000字

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       〃Forbid him to e and disturb you again; unless you summon him;〃 Regal manded。
       King Shrewd pried his eyes open one more time。 〃Fitz。 e here; boy。〃
       Like a dog; I came closer to him。 I knelt by his bed。 He lifted a thinned hand; patted me awkwardly。 〃You and I; boy。 We have an understanding; don't we?〃 A genuine question。 I nodded。 〃Good lad。 Good。 I've kept my word。 You see that you keep yours; now。 But〃…he glanced at Regal; and that pained me 〃it were better if you came to see me in the afternoons。 I am stronger in the afternoons。〃 He was slipping away again。
       〃Shall I e back this afternoon; sire?〃 I asked quickly。
       He lifted a hand and waved it in a vaguely denying gesture。 〃Tomorrow。 Or the next day。〃 His eyes closed and he sighed out as heavily as if he would never breathe in again。
       〃As you wish; my lord;〃 I concurred。 I bowed deeply; formally。 As I straightened I carefully returned the pin to my jerkin lapel。 I let them all spend a moment or two watching me do that。 Then: 〃If you will excuse me; my prince?〃 I requested formally。
       〃Get out of here;〃 Regal growled。
       I bowed less formally to him; turned carefully; and left。
       His guards' eyes watched me go。 I was outside the room before I recalled that I had never brought up the subject of me marrying Molly。 Now it seemed unlikely I would have an opportunity to for some time。 I knew that afternoons would now find Regal or Wallace or some spy of theirs always at King Shrewd's side。 I had no wish to broach that topic before anyone save my king。
       I'd like to be alone for a while just now; my prince。 If you do not mind?
       He vanished from my mind like a bursting soap bubble。 Slowly I made my way down the stairs。
       PRINCE VERITY CHOSE to unveil his fleet of warships on the midday of Winterfest that decisive year。 Tradition would have had him wait until the ing of better weather; to launch them on the first day of Springfest。 That is considered a more auspicious time to launch a new ship。 But Verity had pushed his shipwrights and their crews hard to have all four vessels ready for a midwinter launch。 By choosing the midday of Winterfest; he ensured himself a large audience; both for the launch and for his words。 Traditionally; a hunt is held that day; with the meat brought in seen as a harbinger of days to e。 When he had the ships pushed out of the sheds on their rollers; he announced to the gathered folk that these were his hunters; and that the only prey that would slake them would be Red…Ships。 The reaction to his announcement was muted; and clearly not what he had hoped for。 It is my belief that the people wanted to put all thoughts of the Red…Ships from their minds; to hide themselves in winter and pretend that the spring would never e。 But Verity refused to let them。 The ships were launched that day; and the training of the crews begun。
       Nighteyes and I spent the early afternoon hunting。 He grumbled about it; saying it was a ridiculous time of day to hunt; and why had I wasted the early dawn hours tussling with my litter mate? I told him that that was simply a thing that had to be; and would continue to be for several days; and possibly longer。 He was not pleased。 But neither was I。 It rattled me not a little that he could be so clearly aware of how I spent my hours even if I had no conscious sense of being in touch with him。 Had Verity been able to sense him?
       He laughed at me。 Hard enough to make you hear me sometimes。 Should I batter through to you and then shout for him as well?
       Our hunting success was small。 Two rabbits; neither with much fat。 I promised to bring him kitchen scraps on the morrow。 I had even less success at conveying to him my demand for privacy at certain times: He could not grasp why I set mating apart from other pack activities such as hunting or howling。 Mating suggested offspring in the near future; and offspring were the care of the pack。 Words cannot convey the difficulties of that discussion。 We conversed in images; in shared thoughts; and such do not allow for much discretion。 His candor horrified me。 He assured me he shared my delight in my mate and my mating。 I begged him not to。 Confusion。 I finally left him eating his rabbits。 He seemed piqued that I would not accept a share of the meat。 The best I had been able to get from him was his understanding that I did not want to be aware of him sharing my awareness of Molly。 That was scarcely what I wanted; but it was the best I could convey it to him。 The idea that at times I would want to sever my bond to him pletely was not a thought he could prehend。 It made no sense; he argued。 It was not pack。 I left him wondering if I would ever again really and truly have a moment to myself。
       I returned to the Keep and sought the solitude of my own room。 If only for a moment; I had to be where I could close the door behind me and be alone。 Physically; anyway。 As if to fuel my quest for quiet; the halls and stairways were full of hurrying folk。 Servants were cleaning away old rushes and spreading new ones; fresh candles were being placed in holders; and boughs of evergreen were hung in festoons and swags everywhere。 Winterfest。 I didn't much feel like it。
       I finally reached my own door and slipped inside。 I shut it firmly behind me。
       〃Back so soon?〃 The Fool looked up from the hearth; where he crouched in a semicircle of scrolls。 He seemed to be sorting them into groups。
       I stared at him with unconcealed dismay。 In an instant it flashed into anger。 〃Why didn't you tell me of the King's condition?〃
       He considered another scroll; after a moment set it in the pile to his right。 〃But I did。 A question in exchange for yours: why didn't you already know of it?〃
       That set me back。 〃I admit I've been lax in calling upon him。 But…〃
       〃None of my words could have had the impact of seeing for yourself。 Nor do you pause to think what it would have been like had I not been there every single day; emptying chamber pots; sweeping; dusting; carrying out dishes; bing his hair and his beard 。。。。〃
       Again he had shocked me into silence。 I crossed the room; sat down heavily atop my clothing chest。 〃He's not the King I remember;〃 I said bluntly。 〃It frightens me that he could sink so far; so fast。〃
       〃Frightens you? Appalls me。 At least you've another King when this one's been played。〃 The Fool flipped another scroll onto the pile。
       〃We all do;〃 I pointed out carefully。
       〃Some more than others;〃 the Fool said shortly。
       Without thinking; my hand rose to tuck the pin tighter in my jerkin。 I'd almost lost it today。 It had made me think of all it had symbolized all these years。 The King's protection; for a bastard grandson that a more ruthless man would have done away with quietly。 And now that he needed protection? What did it symbolize to me now?
       〃So。 What do we do?〃
       〃You and I? Precious little。 I'm but a Fool; and you are a bastard。〃
       I nodded grudgingly。 〃I wish Chade were here。 I wish I knew when he was ing back。〃 I looked to the Fool; wondering how much he knew。。
       〃Shade? Shade returns when the sun does; I've heard。〃 Evasive as always。 〃Too late for the King; I imagine;〃 he added more quietly。
       〃So we are powerless?〃
       〃You and I? Never。 We've too much power to act here; that is all。 In this area; the powerless ones are always the most powerful。 Perhaps you are right; they are who we should consult in this。 And now 。。。〃 Here he rose and made a show of shaking all his joints loose as if he were a marionette with tangled strings。 He set every bell he had to jingling。 I could not help but smile。 〃My king will be ing into his best time of day。 And I will be there; to do what little I can for him。〃
       He stepped carefully out of his ring of sorted scrolls and tablets。 He yawned。 〃Farewell; Fitz。〃
       He halted; puzzled; by the door。 〃You have no objections to my going?〃
       〃I believe I objected first to your staying。〃
       〃Never bandy words with a Fool。 But do you forget? I offered you a bargain。 A secret for a secret。〃
       I had not forgotten。 But I was not sure; suddenly; that I wanted to know。 〃Whence es the Fool; and why?〃 I asked softly。
       〃Ah。〃 He stood a moment; then asked gravely; 〃You are certain you wish the answers to these questions?〃
       〃Whence es the Fool; and why?〃 I repeated slowly。
       For an instant he was dumb。 I saw him then。 Saw him as I had not in years; not as the Fool; glib…tongued and wits as cutting as any barnacle; but as a small and slender person; all so fragile; pale flesh; bird…boned; even his hair seemed less substantial than that of other mortals。 His motley of black and white trimmed in silver bells; his ridiculous rat scepter were all the armor and sword he had in this court of intrigues and treachery。 And his mystery。 The invisible cloak of his mystery。 I wished for an instant he had not offered the bargain; and that my curiosity had been less consuming。
       He sighed。 He glanced about my room; then walked over to stand before the tapestry of King Wisdom

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