靠谱电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > rh.royalassassin >



小说: rh.royalassassin 字数: 每页4000字

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ould no longer stomach it; and left the tavern。 Was there nowhere I could go to be free of suspicions and intrigues; if only for an hour?
       I walked alone through the wintry streets。 A storm was blowing up。 The merciless wind prowled the twisting streets; promising snow。 The same angry cold twisted and churned inside me; switching from anger to hatred to frustration and back to anger again; building to an unbearable pressure。 They had no right to do this to me。 I had not been born to be their tool。 I had a right to live my life freely; to be who I was born to be。 Did they think they could bend me to their will; use me however they would; and I would never retaliate? No。 A time would e。 My time would e。
       A man hurried toward me; face shrouded in his hood against the wind。 He glanced up and our eyes met。 He blanched and turned aside; to hurry back the way he had e。 Well; and so he might。 I felt my anger building to an unbearable heat。 The wind whipped at my hair and sought to chill me; but I only strode faster; and felt the strength of my hatred grow hotter。 It lured me and I followed it like the scent of fresh blood。
       I turned a corner and found myself in the market。 Threatened by the ing storm; the poorer merchants were packing up their goods from their blankets and mats。 Those with stalls were fastening their shutters。 I strode past them。 People scuttled out of my way。 I brushed past them; not caring how they stared。
       I came to the animal vendor's stall; and stood face…to…face with myself。 He was gaunt; with bleak dark eyes。 He glared at me balefully; and the waves of hatred pulsing out from him washed over me in greeting。 Our hearts beat to the same rhythm。 I felt my upper lip twitch; as if to snarl up and bare my pitiful human teeth。 I straightened my features; battered my emotion back under control。 But the caged wolf cub with the dirty gray coat stared up at me; and lifted his black lips to reveal all his teeth。 I hate you。 All of you。 e; e closer。 I'll kill you。 I'll rip out your throat after I hamstring you。 I'll feast on your entrails。 I hate you。
       〃You want something?〃
       〃Blood;〃 I said quietly。 〃I want your blood。〃
       I jerked my eyes from the wolf up to the man。 He was greasy and dirty。 He stank; by El; how he reeked。 I could smell sweat and rancid food and his own droppings on him。 He was swaddled in poorly cured hides; and the stench of them hung about him as well。 He had little ferret eyes; and cruel dirty hands; and an oak stick bound in brass that hung at his belt。 It was all I could do to keep from seizing that hated stick and splattering his brains out with it。 He wore thick boots on his kicking feet。 He stepped too close to me and I gripped my cloak to keep from killing him。
       〃Wolf;〃 I managed to get out。 My voice sounded guttural; choking。 〃I want the wolf。〃
       〃You certain; boy? He's a mean one。〃 He nudged the cage with his foot and I sprang at it; clashing my teeth against the wooden bars; bruising my muzzle again; but I didn't care; if I could get just one grip on his flesh; I'd tear it loose or never let go。
       No。 Get back; get out of my head。 I shook my head to clear it。 The merchant regarded me strangely。 〃I know what I want。〃 I spoke flatly; refusing the wolf's emotions。
       〃Do you; eh?〃 The man stared at me; judging my worth。 He'd charge what he thought I could afford。 My outgrown clothes didn't please him; nor my youth。 But I surmised he'd had the wolf for a while。 He'd hoped to sell him as a cub。 Now; with the wolf needing more food and not getting it; the man would probably take whatever he could get。 As well for me。 I didn't have much。 〃What do you want him for?〃 the man asked casually。
       〃Pits;〃 I said nonchalantly。 〃He's scrawny; but there might be a bit of sport left in him。〃
       The wolf suddenly flung himself against the bars; jaws wide; teeth flashing。 I'll kill them; I'll kill them all; rip their throats out; tear their bellies open 。。。。
       Be silent; if you want your freedom。 I mentally gave him a push and the wolf leaped back as if stung by a bee。 He retreated to the far corner of his cage and cowered there; teeth bared; but tail down between his legs。 Uncertainty flooded him。
       〃Dog fights; eh? Oh; he'll put up a good fight。〃 The merchant nudged at the cage again with a thick boot; but the wolf didn't respond。 〃He'll win you a lot of coin; this one will。 He's meaner than a wolverine。〃 He kicked the cage; harder。 The wolf cowered smaller。
       〃Oh; he certainly looks as if he will;〃 I said disdainfully。 I turned aside from the wolf as if I'd lost interest。 I studied the caged birds behind him。 The pigeons and doves looked as if they were cared for; but two jays and a crow were crowded into a filthy cage littered with rotting scraps of meat and bird droppings。 The crow looked like a beggar man in black tatters of feathers。 Pick at the bright bug; I suggested to the birds。 Perhaps you'll find a way out。 The crow perched wearily where he was; head sunk deep in his feathers; but one jay fluttered to a higher perch and began to tap and tug at the metal pin that held the cage fastened。 I glanced back at the wolf。
       〃I hadn't intended to fight him anyway。 I was only going to throw him to the dogs to warm them up。 A bit of blood primes them for a fight。〃
       〃Oh; but he'd make you a fine fighter。 Here; look at this。 This is what he done to me but a month gone。 And me trying to give him food when he went for me。〃
       He rolled back a sleeve to bare a grimy wrist striped with livid slashes; but half…healed still。
       I leaned over as if mildly interested。 〃Looks infected。 Think you'll lose your hand?〃
       〃'S not infected。 Just slow healing; that's all。 Look here; boy; a storm's ing up。 I got to put my wares in my cart and haul off before it hits。 Now; you going to make me an offer for that wolf? He'll make you a fine fighter。〃
       〃He might make bear bait; but not much more than that。 I'll give you; oh; six coppers。〃 I had a grand total of seven。
       〃Coppers? Boy; we're talking silvers here; at least。 Look; he's a fine animal。 Feed him up a bit; he'll get bigger and meaner。 I could get six coppers for his hide alone; right now。〃
       〃Then you'd best do it; before he gets any mangier。 And before he decides to take your other hand off。〃 I leaned closer to the cage; pushing as I did so; and the wolf cowered more deeply。 〃Looks sick to me。 My master would be furious with me if I brought him in and the dogs got sick from killing him。〃 I glanced up at the sky。 〃Storm is ing。 I'd better be off。〃
       〃One silver; boy。 And that's giving him to you。〃
       At that moment the jay succeeded in pulling the pin。 The cage door swung open and he hopped to the door's edge。 I casually stepped between the man and the cage。 Behind me; I heard the jays hop out to the top of the pigeons' cage。 Door's open; I pointed out to the crow。 I heard him rattle his pathetic feathers。 I caught up the pouch at my belt; hefted it thoughtfully。 〃A silver? I don't have a silver。 But it's no matter; really。 I just realized I've no way to cart him home with me。 Best I don't buy him。〃
       Behind me; the jays took flight。 The man blazed out a curse and lunged past me toward the cage。 I managed to get entangled with him so that we both fell。 The crow had made it as far as the cage door。 I shook myself clear of the merchant and jumped to my feet; jarring the cage to spook the bird out into the free air。 He beat his wings laboriously; but they carried him to the roof of a nearby inn。 As the merchant lumbered to his feet the crow opened his threadbare wings and cawed derisively。
       〃There's a whole cageful of my wares gone!〃 he began accusingly; but I caught up my cloak and pointed to a tear in it。 〃My master's going to be angry over this!〃 I exclaimed; and matched him glare for glare。
       He glanced up at the crow。 The bird had huffed its feathers against the storm and sidled into the shelter of a chimney。 He'd never catch that bird again。 Behind me; the wolf whined suddenly。
       〃Nine coppers!〃 the merchant offered suddenly; desperately。 He'd sold nothing that day; I'd wager。
       〃I told you; I've no way to take him home!〃 I countered。 I tugged up my hood; glanced at the sky。 〃Storm's here;〃 I announced as the thick wet flakes began to fall。 This would be nasty weather; too warm to freeze; too cold to melt。 By daylight; the streets would be shining with ice。 I turned to go。
       〃Give me your six damned coppers; then!〃 the merchant bellowed in frustration。
       I fumbled them out hesitatingly。 〃And will you cart him to where I live?〃 I asked as he snatched them out of my hand。
       〃Carry him yourself; boy。 You've robbed me and you know it。〃
       With that; he seized up his cage of doves and pigeons and heaved it into the cart。 The empty crow's cage followed。 He ignored my angry remonstrance as he climbed up on the seat and shook the pony's reins。 The old beast dragged the creaking cart off; into the thickening snow and dusk。 The market around us was abandoned。 The only traffic now were folk hurrying home through the storm; collars and cloaks tight against the wet wind a

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