靠谱电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > rh.royalassassin >



小说: rh.royalassassin 字数: 每页4000字

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stood silent。
       〃Did you need something from me?〃 I asked。
       〃Please to wait a moment; sir;〃 the boy blurted。
       The lad disappeared back into the guardhouse; and a moment later an older watch officer emerged。 She regarded me gravely; took a breath as if to steel herself; then said quietly; 〃You are denied passage out of the Keep。〃
       〃What?〃 I could not believe my ears。
       She drew herself up。 When she spoke; her voice was firmer。 〃You are denied passage out of the Keep。〃
       A surge of anger heated me。 I forced it down。 〃By whose mand?〃
       She stood firm before me。 〃My mands e from the captain of the watch; sir。 That is all I know of it。〃
       〃I would speak to that captain。〃 I kept my voice courteous。
       〃He is not in the guardroom。 Sir。〃
       〃I see。〃 But I did not; quite。 I could perceive all the nooses tightening about me; but could not understand why just now。 The other obvious question to ask; however; was 〃why not?〃 With Shrewd's enfeeblement; Verity had bee my protector。 But he was away。 I could turn to Kettricken; but only if I were willing to bring her into open conflict with Regal。 I was not。 Chade was; as always; a shadow power。 All of this passed through my mind quickly。 I was turning away from the gate when I heard my name called。 I turned back。
       ing up the hill from town was Molly。 Her servant's blue dress flapped around her calves as she ran。 And she ran heavily; unevenly; unlike her usual graceful stride。 She was exhausted; or nearly so。 〃Fitz!〃 she cried out again; and there was fear in her voice。
       I started to go to her; but the guard stepped suddenly into my path。 Fear was on her face; too; but also determination。 〃I cannot let you go out of the gate。 I have my orders。〃
       I wanted to smash her from my path。 I forced my rage down。 A struggle with her would not help Molly。 〃Then you go to her; damn you! Can't you see the woman is in trouble of some kind?〃
       She stood eye to eye with me; unmoving。 〃Miles!〃 she called; and the boy leaped out。 〃Go see what is wrong with that woman。 Quickly now!〃
       The boy took off like a shot。 I stood; with the guard standing squarely before me; and watched helplessly over her shoulder as Miles raced to Molly。 When he reached her; he put an arm around her and took her basket on his other arm。 Leaning heavily on him; gasping and near weeping; Molly came toward the gate。 It seemed to take forever before she was through the gate and in my arms。 〃Fitz; oh Fitz;〃 she sobbed。
       〃e;〃 I told her。 I turned her away from the guard; walked her away from the gate。 I knew I had done the sensible thing; the calm thing; but I felt shamed and small from it。
       〃Why didn't you 。。。 e to me?〃 Molly panted。
       〃The guard would not let me。 They have orders I am not to leave Buckkeep;〃 I said quietly。 I could feel her trembling as she leaned against me。 I took her around the corner of a warehouse; out of sight of the guards standing gaping in the gate。 I held her in my arms until she quieted。 〃What's wrong? What happened?〃 I tried to make my voice soothing。 I brushed back the hair that hung about her face。 After a few moments she quieted in my arms。 Her breathing steadied; but she still trembled。
       〃I had gone into town。 Lady Patience had given me the afternoon。 And I needed to get a few things 。。。 for my candles。〃 As she spoke; her trembling lessened。 I tilted her chin up so that she looked into my eyes。
       〃And then?〃
       〃I was 。。。 ing back。 I was on the steep bit; just outside of town。 Where the alders grow?〃
       I nodded。 I knew the spot。
       〃I heard horses ing。 In a hurry。 So I stepped off the road to make way for them。〃 She started to tremble again。 〃I kept walking; thinking they would pass me。 But suddenly they were right behind me; and when I looked back; they were ing right at me。 Not on the road; but right at me。 I jumped back into the brush; and still they rode right at me。 I turned and ran; but they kept ing 。。。。〃 Her voice was getting higher and higher。
       〃Hush! Wait a bit。 Calm down。 Think。 How many of them? Did you know them?〃
       She shook her head wildly。 〃Two。 I couldn't see their faces。 I was running away; and they were wearing the kind of helm that es down over your eyes and nose。 They chased me。 It's steep there; you know; and brushy。 I tried to get away; but they just rode their horses right through the brush after me。 Herding me; like dogs herd sheep。 I ran; and ran; but I couldn't get away from them。 Then I fell; I caught my foot on a log and I fell。 And they jumped from their horses。 One pinned me down while the other snatched up my basket。 He dumped it all out; like he was looking for something; but they were laughing and laughing。 I thought 。。。〃
       My heart was hammering as hard as Molly's now。 〃Did they hurt you?〃 I asked fiercely。
       She paused; as if she could not decide; then shook her head wildly。 〃Not like you fear。 He just 。。。 held me down。 And laughed。 The other one; he said 。。。 he said; I was pretty stupid; letting myself be used by a bastard。 They said 。。。〃
       Again she paused a moment。 Whatever they had said to her; called her was ugly enough that she could not repeat it to me。 It was like a sword through me; that they had been able to hurt her so badly she would not even share the pain。 〃They warned me;〃 she went on at last。 〃They said stay away from the bastard。 Don't do his dirty work for him。 They said 。。。 things I didn't understand; about messages and spies and treason。 They said they could make sure that everyone knew I was the Bastard's whore。〃 She tried just to say the word; but it came out with greater force。 She defied me to flinch from it。 〃Then they said 。。。 I would be hanged 。。。 if I didn't pay attention。 That to run errands for a traitor was to be a traitor。〃 Her voice grew strangely calmer。 〃Then they spit on me。 And they left me。 I heard them ride away; but for a long time I was afraid to get up。 I have never been so scared。〃 She looked at me and her eyes were like open wounds。 〃Not even my father ever scared me that bad。〃
       I held her close to me。 〃It's all my fault。〃 I did not even know I had spoken aloud until she drew back from me; to look up in puzzlement。
       〃Your fault? Did you do something wrong?〃
       〃No。 I am no traitor。 But I am a bastard。 And I've let that spill over onto you。 Everything Patience warned me of; everything Ch everyone warned me about; it's all ing true。 I've got you caught up in it。〃
       〃What is happening?〃 she asked softly; eyes wide。 Her breath suddenly caught。 〃You said 。。。 the guard wouldn't let you out the gate。 That you can't leave Buckkeep? Why?〃
       〃I don't know; exactly。 There's a lot I don't understand。 But one thing I do know。 I have to keep you safe。 That means staying away from you; for a time。 And you from me。 Do you understand?〃
       A glint of anger came into her eyes。 〃I understand you're leaving me alone in this!〃
       〃No。 That's not it。 We have to make them believe that they've scared you; that you're obeying them。 Then you'll be safe。 They'll have no reason to e after you again。〃
       〃They have scared me; you idiot!〃 she hissed at me。 〃One thing I know。 Once someone knows you're afraid of him; you're never safe from that person。 If I obey them now; they will e after me again。 To tell me to do other things; to see how far I'll obey them in my fear。〃
       These were the scars her father had left on her life。 Scars that were a kind of strength; but also a vulnerability。 〃Now is not the time to stand up to them;〃 I whispered。 I kept looking over her shoulder; expecting that at any moment the guard would e to see where we had vanished。 〃e;〃 I said; and led her deeper into the maze of warehouses and outbuildings。 She walked silently beside me for a ways; then suddenly jerked her hand from mine。
       〃It is time to stand up to them;〃 she declared。 〃Because once you start putting it off; you never do it。 Why should not this be the time?〃
       〃Because I don't want you caught up in this。 I don't want you hurt。 I don't want people saying you are the Bastard's whore。〃 I could barely force the words from my mouth。
       Molly's head came up。 〃I have done nothing I'm ashamed of;〃 she said evenly。 〃Have you?〃
       〃No。 But…〃
       〃 'But。' Your favorite word;〃 she said bitterly。 She walked away from me。
       〃Molly!〃 I sprang after her; seized her by the shoulders。
       She spun and hit me。 Not a slap。 A solid punch in the mouth that rocked me back and put blood in my mouth。 She stood glaring; daring me to touch her again。 I didn't。 〃I didn't say I wouldn't fight back。 Only that I didn't want you caught up in it。 Give me a chance to fight this my way;〃 I said。 I knew blood was running over my chin。 I let her look at it。 〃Trust that given time; I can find them and make them pay。 My way。 Now。 Tell me about the men。 What they wore; how they rode。 What did the horses look like? Did they speak like Buck folk; or Inlanders? Did they have beards? Could you tell the color of their hair; their eyes?〃
       I saw her trying to think; saw her mind veer away from thinking about it。 〃Brown;〃 she said at last。 〃Brown horses; with black m

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