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小说: lrh.fortuneoffear 字数: 每页4000字

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Only half a dozen phones were ringing at once and over half of the fifty teletype machines were idle。
   Madison was in his cluttered office; his feet on his desk; a placent smile upon his youthful; sincere and earnest face。
   〃Smith!〃 he said。 〃e in。 Sit down。 I haven't seen you all day。〃
   It offended me。 Wasn't anybody ever going to notice; when I'd been gone for weeks; months even?
   I suddenly remembered I had a bone to pick with him。 〃You certainly weren't very smart sending Doctor Crobe away;〃 I said sourly。
   〃Phetus P。 Crobe?〃 he said; laughing。
   〃The doctor you had put away。〃
   〃Put away?〃 he said。 〃Why; where'd you get that idea; Smith?〃
   〃You sent for the wagon;〃 I said。
   〃Oh; I get it。 Your men didn't e back and see me。 Right after they carted him off; I was on the phone to the chief psychiatrist at Bellevue。 Crobe seemed anxious to cut things; as all psychiatrists are; so they gave him his own laboratory and a top job on staff。 You didn't think I'd overlook a valuable asset like that; did you? Heaven forbid。 What would the media do for horror if it weren't for psychiatrists? But I've got to build him up before I can use him。 You should keep track of things better; Smith。 And I do wish you knew more about public relations than you do。 It's hard to work with amateurs。 That loony (bleep) could have killed me。 You apparently don't know much about psychiatrists or you would have sent him directly to the hospital and not let him run around loose; slashing away at your colleagues。 Psychiatry is for the public; Smith。 Not for people who matter。〃
   I saw I was in danger of being hectored。 I said;
   〃Don't land on me with all four feet。 You're in no position to。 There's a grave threat growing up around Wister and what are you doing about him? Next to nothing。 The Atlantic City thing was weeks ago and by now has run its course。。。。〃
   Madison's feet came down off the desk。 He sat forward in amazement。 〃Run its course? God deliver me from amateurs! It's been getting front page for weeks and weeks。 It's setting an all…time record! The bulk of my staff is down at Trenton; New Jersey; stirring it up again!〃
   He grabbed a huge fistful of clippings。 〃Look! The New Jersey governor is having an absolute fit about the theft of Atlantic City still! He's continued to maintain that it is part of New Jersey even yet。 But look at this; the riots we stirred up: the citizens there are refusing now to pay state taxes。 We got a dreadful row going in the New Jersey legislature and the Whiz Kid was arrested by state police for stealing the town。 And look at this: The Whiz Kid hauled before the legislature and the whole body throwing whiskey bottles at him; trying to get him to promise he won't sell Atlantic City to Nevada。〃
   He grabbed another sheet; 〃And look at tomorrow's headlines!〃
   I stared at the layout for the New York Grimes。 It said:


   A shocked governor today was brutally brought face to face with the reality that not just
   Atlantic City but the entire state of New Jersey may belong to J。 T。 Wister; otherwise known as the 〃Whiz Kid〃 of recent notoriety。
   No less an authority than Professor Stringer himself; the world's leading authority on genealogy and family history; has issued an authoritative warning that Wister is a direct descendant of Chief Rancocas; head of the Lenni Lenape branch of the Delaware tribe; the original owners of New Jersey。
   The Indian name Lenni Lenape means 〃Original People。〃 From this; according to Dr。 Egghead; the State Historian; 〃it can be clearly seen that the word original; occurring in both instances; proves the claim。〃
   〃No deed of transfer or record of sale from Chief Rancocas or the Lenni Lenape Indians can be found in the Trenton Courthouse files or archives;〃 said the State Recorder of Deeds at this fateful meeting last night。 〃Therefore it must be concluded that the entire state of New Jersey still belongs to the original owners。〃

   Before I could finish reading; Madison slapped it on the desk。 His eyes glowed。 〃The next day after that story; the Whiz Kid is going to order the original settlers out。 After that we can get the Indian Bureau; Department of the Interior; on it and we can have another Battle of Wounded Knee and get a headline for every Federal marshal killed。 And next week the Whiz Kid will escape by robbing a train。。。。〃
   That startled me。 I said; 〃Where does this train e from? What's it doing here?〃
   Madison sat back with a superior smile。 Rather pitying。 〃Please see somebody about your memory; Smith。 I distinctly told you a long time ago that I am trying to create the Jesse James image。 Don't you recall? It's the best immortal one handy。 You just don't understand public relations work; Smith。〃
   He had needled me too much。 I said; 〃Listen; Madison。 I came down to tell you that the Whiz Kid is behind this women's…right…to…not…be…thermonuclear…bombed bill。 It's ing right up before the UN Security Council。 He got it through the General Assembly using whores to lobby for it。〃
   〃Is that a fact?〃 said Madison; idly。 I put a bite in my voice。 〃Yes; it is! And you better get to work on it!〃
   〃Nope;〃 said Madison。 〃It doesn't fit the image。〃 〃But my Gods!〃 I said。 〃It's the TRUTH!〃 Madison gave an amused laugh。 〃Truth? What does PR have to do with truth; Smith? News today is entertainment。 Ask NBC; CBS; ABC; ask all the major papers。 They'll tell you。 News is the biggest entertainment draw in the world。 Now let me ask you; how can you entertain anybody by telling the truth? Preposterous! No; Smith; you just don't understand the modern media at all。 Let's leave this sort of thing up to me; shall we? And then we'll have 18…point MADISON SCORES AGAIN exclamation point unquote。〃
   Acidly; I said; 〃You forgot the front quote。〃 He said; 〃So I did。 Rewrite: 18…point quote get the hell out of here; Smith; and let me do my job!〃
   It was no wonder they called him J。 Warbler Madman。 I left before he started frothing at the mouth。 Even rabies was tame pared to the bite of PR men and the media。
   But I was worried。 None of them really seemed to get the danger in that UN bill。 If the Security Council passed it; Rockecenter would lose all his thermonuclear profit。 The Octopus Oil monopoly on uranium claims would be worthless。 Lombar would be raving。 And even worse; that Miss Simmons would be slobbering all over Heller as a prize hero。
   I was worried!
   I paced。
   I would go and see Miss Simmons!

Chapter 1

   I leaped aboard an AA train and soon was speeding north。 My rendezvous with destiny would set off a chain reaction even Heller would be powerless to stop。
   The roar; roar; roar of the pounding wheels carried me relentlessly forward; oblivious of the churning crowd。 At last I was in action。 My mission of vengeance would be fulfilled。 Blood; red blood; would pay the awful price of putting me through the agonies which had spent my energies and lacerated my soul。
   At 116th Street I sprang off。 With stern and unrelenting face I made my way to Empire University。
   I found Miss Simmons in the Puppet Building of the Teachers College。 She was sitting at a classroom desk。 She had a wild look in her eyes…as well she might; haunted and destroyed by that villain Heller。
   She didn't have her glasses on and I knew very well she couldn't see without them。 They lay upon her desk and I covertly laid a book upon them as I sat down。
   〃I'm from the Morning Press;〃 I said。 〃I've e to interview you about the Antinuclear Protest Marchers' reaction to the UN bill on women's thermonuclear rights。〃
   She peered at me。 She said; 〃If they don't pass it; we're going to blow the UN up; New York Police Tactical Police Force or no New York Police Tactical Police
   Force。 I am president of the marchers now and what I say GOES!〃 She looked for her glasses; couldn't find them。 Then she added; 〃And you can quote me。〃
   〃There are black forces at work behind that bill;〃 I said。
   〃I'll hear no talk against minority groups;〃 she said。 〃The Harlem 'I…Will…Arise' Burial Society is right behind us to the grave。〃 She patted around; still looking for her glasses。 〃Haven't I seen you someplace before? In the psychiatric ward; maybe?〃
   〃You have indeed;〃 I said。 〃We're fellow revolutionaries。 I am from the PLO; actually。 The Morning Press is just my agent cover。〃
   〃Then we can talk freely;〃 said Miss Simmons。 〃Thermonuclear bombing has got to stop even if we destroy the whole world to do it。 Didn't I meet you in Psychology 13?〃
   〃You did indeed;〃 I said。 〃I sat right behind you and cheered you on all the way。〃
   〃Then your name is Throgapple;〃 she said。 〃I always remember my classmates。〃
   〃Correct;〃 I said。
   She was patting around trying to find her glasses again so I thought I had better distract her。 〃What are you teaching here?〃 I said; pretending to indicate the book; but actually moving it so her glasses dropped off the desk into my hand。
   〃Postgraduate deportment;〃 she said。 〃These young teachers 

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