靠谱电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > lrh.fortuneoffear >



小说: lrh.fortuneoffear 字数: 每页4000字

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   〃Oh!〃 screamed Candy; 〃untie me quick so I can kiss you; you dear man!〃
   I had trouble cutting her bonds off。 Miss Pinch was hugging me and letting out little snarling sounds。
   Candy got loose finally and kissed me。
   Miss Pinch said; 〃You'll get your thousand bucks every day。 And we'll fix up the place。〃 Then she added; 〃And it's all settled?〃 as though she wanted to be reassured。
   〃Yes;〃 I said again。
   〃Oh; goody!〃 cried Candy; clapping her hands。 〃Let's all get dressed and go to a restaurant and have a deflowering celebration。〃
   〃No;〃 said Miss Pinch; looking at me with a cocked head; pressed mouth and hungry eye; 〃Let's stay right here and do it all over again。 We've got the whole night。 But I'm first this time; Candy。 You can watch if you promise not to scream。 I'M the one who gets to scream when I have another of those GORGEOUS orgasms。 I'm getting breathless just thinking about it。〃
   That was how I got the safe open。 In fact; three safes。 Well; not exactly as I planned; but one must learn to improvise。 One must know how to go deeper into things than one might have; at first; intended。
   One has to know when to take things lying down。
   Alas; if it had only kept up on a level with that night。

Chapter 10

   For more than sixty hours now; my best…laid plans were getting blocked。 Stopping Heller was not making any progress; and it MUST; it MUST; it MUST!
   In the back room of the apartment; I was fidgeting。 Part of it was scratching fleas。
   For two days a Hellish din had been going on in the basement flat and garden。 Redecoration and refurnishing were proceeding apace。
   I had signed a couple of Octopus Oil blank petty cash invoices with the name John Smith; and after that all Hades had e unstuck。 Workmen in the front room; workmen in the back room; workmen in the garden。 Plumbers; painters; electricians and even gays directing the new decor and furnishings。 It was a very good lesson that one should never sign invoices!
   But the main reason I was fidgeting (aside from scratching fleas) was my inability to raise Raht on the two…way…response radio。 I knew he had it and I also knew he was refusing to answer it; just to spite me。
   I did not dare phone the New York office; as I was on the run。 Raht was different; because on the two…way I could fool him into thinking I was in Africa。
   That I contact him was desperately crucial: The 831 Relayers were on and at this close range my viewers were just flared out。 I did NOT know what was going on with my Target One: Heller! Without that data and without a check on that hellhound; the Countess Krak; I dared not act。
   I was in a rage to get something…anything…done to begin the job of finishing him off。
   I had money…three thousand dollars。 Two of the bills were my regular pay。 The third one was for overtime。
   I stared disconsolately into a bucket of daffodil…yellow paint。 A flea was swimming around in it; getting all yellow。 I was about to push him under with a paint paddle when he jumped out and vanished。 The incident sharpened my restless mood。 I had to get out of this overrun place and think。
   I wiped some yellow paint spatters off my trench coat and went out for a walk。 The brisk and windy day should cool my fevered brow; calm me and let me concentrate。
   All unsuspecting; I walked by a newsstand。 And there on the front page of the New York Grimes; big as big; it said:




   Heller again! They had put that headline there just to nag me。
   Then the full import of it hit me。 If that bill passed the Security Council now; Miss Simmons would be drooling all over Heller! Rather than flunk him out of Empire as she had promised; she would pass him! I would have lost a vital ally I had counted on to block his villainous rehabilitation of this planet; a plot that would ruin me; Lombar and Rockecenter。
   Oh; I knew an emergency when I saw one。 What could I do?
   I stood on the corner; almost frantic with the urgency of the emergency。 I stared up into the sky; beseeching the Gods for an omen。 I got it! Right in my line of view was the Octopus Oil pany Building! Rockecenter was in his Heaven and all would soon be right with the world。 I realized that Bury could not possibly know that 〃Wister〃 was behind this women's rights thing。 Rockecenter; Bury and everyone who mattered knew how dangerous women were already。 But pletely aside from that; Rockecenter controlled the uranium supplies of the world; and the thermonuclear…bomb market would crash if there was no more war on the horizon! That bill; if passed; could bring about a devastating and disastrous peace! Rockecenter must be frantic!
   No sooner realized than activated。 I strode with swift stride to the Octopus building。
   I walked straight in through the Benevolent Association door。 I was in luck! There sat Bury! His little snap…brim hat was sitting on top of a cage of white mice on his desk。 He looked up and the sides of his mouth twitched; as close to a smile as ever appeared on that prune face。
   〃Inkswitch!〃 he said。 〃e in。 Haven't seen you for a day or two。〃 He waved a hand at the interview chair; 〃Take the stand。 What have you been up to?〃
   I sat down。 〃I have to keep up my cover as a Federal agent;〃 I said。 〃I just dropped in to see if you know about this Women's Thermonuclear Rights Bill。〃
   〃Women;〃 he said。 〃I try to stay away from those。 Without much luck; I must say: they are as hard to escape as subpoena servers。〃
   〃Well; I thought you might like to know that this Wister is behind that bill right up to the hilt。 He's a menace。〃
   〃Oh; Wister;〃 he said。 And the look came in his eyes that can only possibly appear in the hard orbs of a Wall
   Street lawyer。 Then he tented his hands and sat back。 〃But I think we've got that case pretty well into due process。 Madison is on it。 And from the bills we're getting from F。 F。 B。 O。; I'd say he was pretty busy。〃
   〃Wister has got to be stopped;〃 I said。
   The 〃smile〃 twitched the sides of his mouth。 〃Well; you just wait; Inkswitch。 Anything a public…relations man like J。 Warbler Madman is onto is going to be stopped。 You can count on it! By the time that maniac is through with Wister; the poor (bleep) will be absolutely begging for the electric chair and throwing anyone who tries to get a governor's reprieve straight out of his cell。 Madison you can count on; Inkswitch。 He tops every snake I ever met! When you bine the Madisons of this world with the media we have; even the Four Horsemen would plead for an out…of…court settlement。 Worry not; Inkswitch。 You can count on Madison to absolutely ruin Wister's life。 The prosecution rests。〃
   I saw I wasn't getting anywhere with Bury。 I rose to go。
   〃Oh; by the way; Inkswitch;〃 he said; 〃I just remembered; I had a present to send you the other day and my secretary told me he didn't have your current address。〃
   〃Snakes?〃 I said。
   〃No;〃 he said。 〃They're pretty valuable。 I picked up a set of acupuncture needles over in China and I thought you might like to try them out on Miss Agnes。 If you put them in the wrong place; they raise hell。 So what's your current address?〃
   〃I'm undercover;〃 I said。
   〃Oh; hell; Inkswitch; I know that。 This is just for my own notebook。〃
   I couldn't very well refuse and expose the fact that
   I'd never even met Miss Agnes。 I gave him the basement…apartment address。 He wrote it down in a little black book。 Then he paused。
   〃I know this address;〃 he said; prune wrinkles even more pronounced as he thought。 〃Yes; I was over there last month hushing up a murder。 Somebody beaten to death。 I have it! That's Miss Pinch's apartment!〃 He looked at me in real surprise。 〃Jesus;〃 he exclaimed; 〃you're not living with Miss Pinch; are you?〃
   I said; 〃I got her under control。〃
   〃Jesus!〃 he said; admiringly。 〃Maybe I ought to turn you loose on my wife!〃
   Hastily; I shifted the subject on him。 I was busy enough without another stud assignment。 And I vividly remembered his wife's voice。 Traumatic!〃Please don't tell Miss Agnes I'm living with Miss Pinch;〃 I said。
   Bury shook his head。 〃Oh; no。 You got a low opinion of me; Inkswitch; if you think I'd talk to Miss Agnes。 I'm not crazy。 At least; I'm not mitted yet; in spite of this job。〃
   〃That's two of us;〃 I said。 But it was a lie。 Being a Wall Street lawyer could not be anywhere near as tough as the job of an Apparatus officer。 I left。
   I was convinced that Bury didn't realize how serious this UN thing really was。 I needed to get busy stopping Heller before he stopped everybody。
   I found a cab and very soon was across town at 42 Mess Street。
   Madison's Excalibur car was in the alley in front of the place; and an enterprising new reporter was polishing up its square yards of chrome。
   I went upstairs into the loft pressroom。 Just as I suspected; the place had gone slack。 There were hardly any reporters there。 Only half a dozen phones were ringing at once and

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