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小说: amccaffrey.theskiesofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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not the sort of person who heeded gossip。 Tai felt a surge of gratitude for Manora。
  〃I…think…〃 and Tai hesitated; trying to pick her words carefully; she didn't wish to lose Manora's good opinion of her。 〃I think…now…that's how Zaranth got the skins before the Flood reached our hold。〃
  〃Got them?〃 Manora repeated; miming her fingers picking something up and flicking it away。
  〃Without her being there。〃
  〃I think I understood that; Rider Tai。 You were very busy helping to evacuate the children just then。〃 Manora clasped her hands on her forearms and settled to consider what she understood。 〃I know what Weyrwoman Lessa said must have happened。〃 She inclined her head respectfully。 〃An example of how pure blind instinct will react to the right stimulus。 As Zaranth did yesterday。〃
  〃Yesterday?〃 Tai jerked upright; despite the disfort; and was firmly subdued by Manora who; though everyone said she must be the oldest woman in Benden Weyr; displayed considerable strength。
  〃But today? We were supposed to go to the Council meeting。〃 She struggled briefly。 〃To support Masters Wansor and Erragon。〃
  The twinkle in Manora's eyes and her gentle and unusually broad smile surprised Tai by their unexpectedness。
  〃Yesterday; Rider Tai; you did more than you may yet understand to support the Masters。 And the Weyrs。 That is why I am here; with you; in the Weyrwoman's stead; overseeing your recovery。〃 She leaned forward to pat Tai's shoulder gently。 〃Thanks to Zaranth and you; this will be an immensely interesting meeting; with broad repercussions and; I hope; changes。 For the good of us all。〃
  The Weyrleaders remained at Honshu overnight: Lessa looked in on F'lessan from time to time。
  〃I never have been much of a mothering person;〃 Lessa admitted quietly to Manora when they shared a pot of klah。
  〃Why should you have been?〃 Manora asked mildly。 〃With you neck deep in Weyr business that only you could manage and every woman quite happy to take care of him? A much more sensible custom than what goes on in holds; Lady Lessa;〃 Manora replied; 〃especially for as lively a lad as F'lessan。〃
  F'lar spent time sitting between Golanth and Zaranth; Mnementh and Ramoth on guard on the terrace above。 There seemed to be a plethora of dragons resting at Honshu。 Why aren't they at their own weyrs; Mnementh? We are waiting until Golanth and Zaranth improve。 F'lar was flummoxed by the tinge of reverence in his bronze's tone。
  All of you? And he indicated the many in attendance。 Yes。 The affirmative seemed to echo throughout the valley below。
  While it was true that the dragons were always solicitous about any injured by Thread or ill of the few ailments that could sicken one of them; this vigil was unusual。
  Zaranth and Golanth have done the unusual。 We wait with you; too。
  So F'lar found himself content to sit; panionably silent with so many of the creatures who were keeping watch with him。 Such a moment was rare。
  When Lessa joined him later; murmuring that he should get some food into him; she took his place。
  They sleep。 They need it; Ramoth said so very; very softly; as if she did not wish even that intimate exchange to disturb the silence。
  Tell me again; Ramoth; how it all happened。 From the beginning。
  I have been thinking of nothing else。 I will speak softly。 These here know what happened and yet…they don't know。 I am not sure I do。
  Lessa nodded her head。 Tell me。 We will study it together。 
  I am asleep。 I am awakened by the most urgent cry for assistance。 Mnementh wakes; too。 It is Golanth who is in trouble。 It is Zaranth who calls; fears for Golanth's life。 She calls everyone。 Everyone she knows。 I get there first; Mnementh a breath behind。 Then e Heth; Gadareth; Monarth; Path; Arwith; Ruth; and others。 I see Zaranth tearing the felines from Golanth without touching them。 Her mind has the fury of firestone as it es from the mouth: never have I seen a dragon so angry。 I see how she does it。 Golanth does it; too。 Ruth learns quickly。 All who came learned。 We remove the furry killing things。 We think only of removing the furry killing things。 We do so。 No other creature has ever attacked a dragon!
  She paused。 It is not the same thing as searing Thread from the sky。 I feel good when a Fall is over and no Thread has reached the ground。 This is very different。 I see the leaping furries; ing from behind。 Zaranth lifts as high as she can stand; to take their leaping…bravely done; the bravest thing a green has ever done…but one is aiming for Golanth's back where a rider could fend it off but there is no rider to help protect that place。 The beast will not fail of its target。
  Ramoth grumbled briefly。 Golanth tells me to time it。 Of course I know how。 And I know what he means。 It is what he did at Sunrise Cliff。 There is so little time in that second。 The beast is already leaping。 It is too late to stop that。 But I can change where it will land。 Just enough to turn its strike。 The claws do not reach the fatal place。 They just nearly do。
  You saved Golanth's life that moment; Ramoth。
  In truth it was Zaranth who saved his life。
  Lessa had not ridden her golden queen for so many years to disregard something left unsaid。
  And so; dear golden heart of my life; you will honor her。
  She is a good green dragon。 I had not thought to learn from a green dragon。 I have。 To Lessa's amusement; Ramoth seemed to be considering the source as even more important than the new ability。 But then; she went on as if having finally settled that point; this knowledge will require practice…without the spur of fear…to perfect the way to move things。
  Lessa digested that。 But you do remember how to do it?
  For one moment; Lessa feared that it might just be the circumstances of death and danger that had activated this new ability。
  I would prefer more time to review what happened; Lessa of my heart; but I remember how。 The moment is vivid in my mind。 I will not lose it before I lose the light of my days。
  Whatever Aivas would have called the emergence of the last of the linked telepathic abilities that dragons and fire…lizards possessed; Lessa did not know。 She did wonder what use Aivas would have made of it; in those days when they were trying to alter the path of the Red Star。 They'd altered it anyway。 So did it matter?
  And yet; subtly; it did。 Every dragon lounging so casually on the cliffs around Honshu; down on the river terraces…soon every dragon on Pern…was aware of being more than they had been。
  Practice? Ramoth said。
  At last Lessa and F'lar slept; determined to be as rested as possible for what lay ahead of them at the Council Meeting。 They went to the meeting by way of Benden; where they bundled up the notes they needed for the session and clothing appropriate to the occasion。 No one stopped them at their weyrs; though people in the Bowl waved encouragingly and dragons bugled。
  Though Benden Weyr had a more than adequate reason to postpone the Council Meeting; there were other extremely important matters…such as electing a new Lord Holder at Southern Boll; the Weyrleaders' presentation of their remendations; made more cogent by yesterday's event (though the ramifications of that would not be open for discussion); the latest Abominator attack on the Print Hall…which made it impossible; as well as inadvisable; to reschedule。 Nor; despite her immense concern over the patients at Honshu; would Lessa have absented herself。
  F'lessan was in Master Crivellan's more than capable hands and those of Oldive's most experienced healers。 The Masterhealer could return to Honshu if he was needed during F'lessan's recovery from the plex surgical repair to the worst of his wounds。 Had she remained; Lessa would have felt superfluous; a role she did not play well。
  The Weyrhealers attended Golanth and Zaranth。 The green would heal as quickly as most dragons did; given the care she was receiving。 The damage to Golanth's eye remained exceedingly critical。 How the tattered wing sails would heal was another worry。 The crack in the long bone of the left wing; splintered by fangs; might inhibit closing and be weak in stroke or falter during a prolonged glide。 As long as the two dragons were lavished with numbweed; they would feel no pain。 The fact that Persellan had attended Golanth's injuries five minutes after the attack had made a significant difference。
  From the beloved Bowl of Benden Weyr; F'lar and Lessa went between and emerged above the hills of Telgar where a large crowd had gathered on the plain below the triangular jut of the Hold。 As Ramoth; Mnementh at her right wing tip; glided in; Lessa could see the banners of many holds and halls displayed。 A Council Meeting usually brought visitors; some waiting to hear about petitions; but she thought there were more than usual…especially in winter。
  Then Ramoth's feet touched ground and people surged forward to crowd around Lessa and F'lar where they dismounted on the wide space before the V…shaped Telgar Hold。
  〃Well; I suppose I was naive to think we could keep what happened within the Weyrs;〃 F'lar remarked as the two dragons 

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