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小说: amccaffrey.theskiesofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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r a trundlebug could also be perpendicular to the ground。 They had been observed maneuvering up to the crown of a frond tree and down the other side。 Right now; a very large trundlebug…the creatures could bee quite large if no natural hazard ended their existence…was under intense draconic surveillance。 This one had no fewer than five young still attached behind it; in various stages of maturation in the trundlebug's peculiar reproductive process。 Their bodies collected pollen from low…growing shrubs and vines…also the occasional tree…and shed it in their progress to whatever unknowable goal trundlebugs had。 What other purpose they served Tai did not know; but they were less of a nuisance than some crawlies and rather curious to watch。 Single…mindedness was exemplified in the trundlebug。 It had been suggested there was only a female of the species。
  Trundlebugs were a good reason to sleep in a hammock。 Humans used sticky…goo tapes around the trunks of hammock trees and the base of any living acmodation。 Most buildings were on stilts as another deterrent to invading creepy…crawlies; in low…lying coastal areas; stilts also kept dwellings above high tide floods。 Tai's little house was just beyond her hammock: all its shutters were open to let in what wind there was; the fine…net screens preventing the entry of airborne insects。 The afternoon breeze generally wafted away those clinging to the material。 The diurnal ones departed at dusk; the nocturnal ones were noisier but photosensitive。 A tall spire of solar panel provided Tai with what power she needed: for lights; the warmer plate; the cold box; and for the occasional hot air during the worst of the cold weather…which; to her; was never as cold as it had once been in Keroon's foothills。
  In the Southern hemisphere; some dragonriders preferred to live in panionable clusters or with their mates; but Tai loved seclusion。 She had handcrafted such furnishings as she had; shelves; bedstead; worktop; hooks; and the chest where she kept her clothing。
  Zaranth knew Tai was awake; but the green dragon was watching the trundlebug。 Abruptly the inexorable path of the trundlebug…which would take it into Zaranth's left nostril…ended。 Tai blinked。 Had Zaranth exhaled from the victim nostril; tumbling the trundlebug and her offspring away from her? Movement out of the corner of her eye showed her that the trundlebug was now marching in an easterly direction; an exact forty…five degrees from its original course and at least a full dragon…length from its previous path。
  How'd you do that? Tai asked; not sure she had seen what she had seen。
  I did not care for it to crawl into my nose。 I moved it。
  Just like that?
  Just like that。
  Do you do it often?
  Now and then。 That。。。 and Zaranth moved her chin slightly toward the redirected trundlebug; does not belong where it was going。 The dragon lost her pose of indolence; her eyes were wide open; and she was magically on her feet。 Felines! We're needed!
  Tai scrambled from the hammock; leaping into her quarters; pulling on trousers; stomping into boots; shrugging into her riding jacket…and bother a sleeved shirt…and carrying the dangling safety straps out to slip the harness over Zaranth's eager head。 It was as dangerous to hunt felines as to fly Thread。 Zaranth shrugged the leathers to the base of her broad neck and lifted her leg for Tai to clip them together。
  Who sent for help?
  Cardiff。 Fire…lizard message。 T'gellan's called half the wing。
  Tai vaulted between the last two neck ridges; and clipped the safety harness onto her broad belt。
  I know where; the green dragon said and took off so quickly Tai's head snapped。 They were barely above the trees when Zaranth went between。
  They were back in the moist southern air; a half dozen other dragons erupting nearby。
  Cardiff herder spotted the pride。 A big one。
  They had e out low above the rolling highland plateau where the Ancients had turned loose their grazers and ruminators; unable to transport more than breeding stock to the north。 The herds had multiplied over the centuries and mutated slightly from their northern relatives; affording them some protection against the local parasites and poisonous plants。 The MasterHerder had found the alterations 〃fascinating。〃 Right now; a huge herd of mixed varieties was stampeding from the edge of the jungle where the predators lurked to ambush the unwary。
  As a relatively new southern Hold; Cardiff did its best to oversee its grasslands; but the hundred or so herders could not always protect the far…ranging stock。 Watched by no more than three or four men or women; the beasts covered wide tracts in their search for edible grasses。 Thunder; lightning; or the occasional jungle fire could send them into terror…stricken stampedes; which occasionally ended with masses of them falling over cliff edges or into ravines。 Now they had been spooked by felines。 The southern continent had a lot of problems with the big predators; the product of an ill…advised zoological experiment by one of the Charterers。 Like the abandoned herdbeasts; they had flourished; too; and ranged freely through the jungles; grasslands; and up into the southern foothills。 Humans avoided the felines whenever possible; dragons were thrilled by the challenge of hunting them。
  Zaranth was gliding silently and speedily toward the nearest herdbeasts; which had obviously been split off from the main herd by the canny felines。 The predators were as apt to injure beasts; rendering them lame enough to attack later; as to kill outright。 Tai had seen the result of such tactics; a wide pasture dotted with bleating; moaning animals; awaiting the pleasure of the cubs that the felines hunted for。
  There! A tawny spot; one of the fast ones; Zaranth cried。
  Tai caught the merest glimpse of the yellowish…brown form; bounding after the terrified herdbeasts。 She grabbed her straps instinctively as Zaranth turned on a wing tip that just cleared one of the stunted trees that dotted the grassland。 A shape leaped from its shadow; barely missing Zaranth's wing; and in spectacular leaps; made for the cover of the jungle。 To flush a feline was unusual。 Neither dragon nor rider would have seen it lurking in the shade。 Of course; neither would the herdbeasts who were obviously the intended prey。
  Zaranth hissed at so close a swipe; a small flame; residue of the most recent Fall; escaped; spurting after the beast。
  Watch it; love! The hide's worth more unsinged; Tai cried。
  Despite being large for a green; Zaranth had lost none of the agility that was her color's most valuable characteristic。 She dove; with a burst of speed that took the breath out of Tai's mouth。 Matching the rhythm of the feline's bounds; she caught it mid…leap。 Tai felt Zaranth's heavy shoulder muscles convulse; then relax。 She had a glimpse over her shoulder of the limp spotted body stretched out on the plain; its back broken。
  The other one! Zaranth cried; spinning obliquely to her left and heading back up the plateau toward the first predator they had seen; who was now closing in on a herdbeast and unaware that its hunting partner had just been taken down。
  The most successful…and safest…tactic was to e up behind a feline as Zaranth was now doing; keeping their shadow from warning the carnivore of pursuit。 Now; just as the feline swiped its front paws at the herdbeast's galloping hindquarters; Zaranth's claws made contact and snapped its neck in one clean jerk。
  Not bad hunting; Tai said; well pleased with a bag of two; both prime specimens and; unless Zaranth had singed the first one; quite saleable。 Shall we continue?
  Monarth says it is all in hand。 A big pride; but a half wing is sufficient; Zaranth said as she circled back with her second kill; depositing it with an almost disdainful negligence beside the first。 These; and Zaranth's tone was possessive; are mine!
  No one will dispute it; but I get the skins。
  And skinning was hard work。 Tai's brief elation departed。
  I'll help; Zaranth said。
  If you promise not to drool all over me or lick while I'm working; Tai replied with mock severity。 In the heat of the day; in an open field; there was no shelter at all from the pests that would smell blood and e for their share。 However; she told herself; two pelts would be worth the disfort。
  She debated throwing the bodies over Zaranth's neck and taking them up to the cooler; swarm…free foothills to skin。
  Once she was on the ground beside them; she discarded that idea。 They were big brutes。 She was strong; but these dead weights would be impossible to shift onto her dragon。 The first one was smaller; of a different mix; with a mottled hide; the other was a tawny yellow…brown; with striped markings on its legs。 Both were females with engorged dugs; and Tai sighed at the thought of yet more of these monsters maturing to savage herds。
  She removed her jacket and hung it on a low bush; taking a well…honed knife from her boot。
  〃Lift the first one up; please!〃 she said; 〃and remember; you get the carcass faster if you hold still…and don't salivate all over me。〃
  I know; I know; but Zaranth's mouth was very wet as she lifted the 

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