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小说: amccaffrey.theskiesofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃Master Sintary needs no introduction;〃 Toric said; lifting a voice that had once carried above storms。 〃I see you have a scroll to read us today; Master Harper。〃
  Master Sintary rose; giving Toric a bland stare for such a terse introduction。 Toric enjoyed giving subtle jabs; especially to harpers and dragonriders。 And where were the dragonriders who should be here? Toric glared out across the tanned faces; looking for the Weyrleader。 If K'van hadn't e。。。 Then Toric located him on the left; where trees and the ferny shrubs of this highland formed a bordering park。 He counted at least fifteen dragonriders and the three queen riders! Shards! He could make no plaint that they had been delinquent in performing this Weyr duty。
  Sintary had taken two steps forward; an easy gesture of his hand waving Toric to the other chair on the platform。 Deftly unrolling the traditional scroll with his right hand; he proceeded to read; winding it up with the skill of long practice。
  Toric took the chair; crossing his arms on his chest。 He was almost as annoyed now as he had been this morning when he'd awakened。 The dragonriders were in attendance。 They…and far too many other people…would eat of the feast a Lord Holder was required to produce。 And how could Sintary make himself heard so effortlessly? He hadn't even raised his voice; just intensified it with some harper trick。
  To occupy the time it would take Sintary to get through that thick scroll; Toric surveyed the polite faces below him。 Spotting his brother; MasterSmith Hamian; Toric uncrossed his arms; because Hamian had assumed a similar stance。 Hamian and his new Plastics Hall。 Plastic indeed; when he should be working metals: especially that lode of…what was it called? box…something…that produced very lightweight and malleable ore。 Toric hadn't encouraged his young brother to pursue his Mastery in the Smithcraft only to have him fritter his skills away on some Aivas nonsense。 The summarily exiled MasterGlasssmith Norist had been right to call the artificial intelligence an Abomination。
  The sun was now midheaven; and even in his loose clothing; Toric was beginning to feel the heat。 Packed rather tightly together; the crowd was being restless; fanning themselves and shifting weight from foot to foot。 Those who had no one to leave their children with were beginning to sidle to the edge of the crowd; taking the fretful whingeing brats away。
  Was the Harper speeding up the tempo of his recital? Well; why not? The scroll would be displayed on the notice board when the reading was over。 He caught the change of pace and heard Sintary's concluding remarks。
  〃Now; I can start taking your private petitions; which; I assure you; will be scrupulously dealt with。〃
  Sharding Harper Hall; meddling with what was Hold business。 His holders had no right to plain。 They worked hard and they got what they deserved。
  Toric quickly scanned the assembled to see if any petitions were being removed from belt pouches or dress pockets。
  Sintary finished reading。 Cheers; loud calls; whistles; and other raucous noise welled up; and that bined with the heat brought back Toric's headache。 While the bloody Harper descended the steps; Toric went down the back way; into the cool shade。 He needed to find Dorse。 The man had said he would be back by now from his latest trip north。
  His public duty pleted; Sintary stepped off the platform; aware that Toric had scooted off as soon as he could。 Just as well。 The Harper could collect petitions without Toric's interference。 He whipped open the sack he'd brought for the purpose and; securing the scroll of the Report under his belt; took the petitions shoved at him as soon as he reached the bottom of the steps。
  〃They'll be read; I assure you。 Harper's word on it。 Thank you。 Yes; the Council will see this。 Thank you。 It will take time but this will be read。〃 He repeated these phrases as he made his way through the crowd to post the Report。 〃Yes; yes; this will be read。〃 It became a litany。 〃They'll be read's〃 to the left; a 〃harper's word on it〃 to the right; and 〃let me through; thank you〃 as he made his way forward until he reached the notice board。 He handed the scroll to the apprentice in harper blue and held it flat to be tacked up。
  The days of laborious copying by cramp…fingered apprentices were now well gone。 Council reports were printed by Masterprinter Tagetarl's speedy presses on some of the new heavy paper; made in rolls and then plastic…coated so the notice could not be easily defaced。 Copies had been sent to every major and minor hold to be read on this day of Turnover。 Even Toric would have to let it remain displayed; at least until the Turnover crowd had all departed to their holds。
  Which; knowing Toric's ways; would be as soon as possible。 However; judging by the number of small craft; it would be the work of two days; at least; to clear the harbor。
  Not that Toric was a bad Holder。 Quite rightly; he insisted that everyone earn his or her right to hold on his land。 The man had had to put up with the vagaries of the Oldtimers as well as incursions by thousands of folk streaming south; hoping for easier living。 For all the tribulations the immigrants left behind; they acquired as many new ones here…but many of their supposed grievances would be minor。
  Sintary left most of the eager petitioners behind as they began to read through the Report or went to look for shade; food; and drink。 He was given two more crumpled sheets on his way down to the Harper's hall and slipped into a small entrance when he spotted Dorse and one of the hard…faced men Toric used as guards hurrying up the stairs。 They were busy watching their feet; but he particularly didn't like the obstinate and sly expression on Dorse's features。 Sintary knew that Dorse often did 〃errands〃 for his Lord Holder。
  When the two men had passed around the bend out of sight; Sintary continued on his way。 That's when he heard the crash of glassware and the dull sound of an axe hitting wood。 But Dorse and the other man were on their way up。 So who was throwing things about?
  With the petitions weighing him down; he decided to get them safely to his hold before he returned to investigate the noise。
  Masterhealer Oldive eased back from the worktop; closed eyes bleary from peering so long into the microscope; and sighed deeply。 So similar and yet the samples did not match anything from Aivas's pathology files sufficiently to call them the same virus。 Ah; what splendid; and frightening; new dimensions for learning…and Healing。
  Slowly; aware that his body was cramped from inactivity; he extended one leg as far as he could from the rung of his stool。 Letting it hang down; and gripping the seat of his perch; he stretched the other leg。 Then he raised his arms as far as his deformity allowed before rotating his neck to ease those aching muscles。
  〃Oh; my word; Sharra!〃 He swiveled the stool so that he could face her in the corner where she; too; had been single…mindedly peering into her microscope。 〃I didn't realize you were still here。〃
  This laboratory was such a pleasure to work in and today he and Sharra had it to themselves; since anyone with any sense was up at Fort Hold's Gather Square enjoying themselves。 Through the wide expanse of special triple…plated glass; he could see the banners displayed from the windows of the Hold and yet not feel the cold that was gripping the northern continent。 While he wished he could be in two places at once…and right now; one of them would by preference be the large sunlit Landing Healer facility…he was still luxuriating in the new headquarters at Fort。 〃Head quarters〃…such a lovely concept and such splendid 〃quarters;〃…with sufficient teaching rooms and airy dormitories; as well as more aspiring healers than ever before。 More need of them; too; he admitted。
  〃We do get involved; don't we?〃 Sharra mented with a tired smile。 〃Have you been able to identify that virus?〃
  He shook his tired head。
  〃Could it be one of those mutations that are mentioned in Pathology Records?〃 she asked。 〃Considering what we've learned about such things; there's been plenty of time for them to alter from the specimens Aivas had。〃
  〃And that would account for the fact that the plague can decimate otherwise healthy holds;〃 Oldive said sadly。 He gave himself a little shake。 No sense being morbid。 〃But such things have been with us a long time and are; fortunately; not upon us right now。 While this is the last day of Turnover; and you should be with Jaxom and your children。〃
  〃They are all very well occupied with Ruatha's festivities;〃 she said fondly。 〃Jaxom had to read the Report and accept petitions。 I could do much more here than sit there and be bored; you know。〃 She indicated the slides that she had been studying。 She kneaded the nape of her neck; arching her back against having hunched so long over her instrument。 〃Will we ever have one of those electron microscopes that Aivas mentioned?〃
  Oldive permitted himself a chuckle as he carefully descended from the high stool。 Had his spine developed normally; he would have been tall; his legs were long。 The

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