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小说: fh.godemperorofdune 字数: 每页4000字

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 highest boulder。 He watched her turn up there; examining the landscape。
 Without even looking at it Leto knew what she saw: blowing sand like fog on the horizon obscured the rising sun。 For the rest; there was only the flat and the wind。
 The rock was cold beneath him with the chill of a desert morning。 The cold made the air much drier and he found it more pleasant。 Without Siona; he would have moved on; but she was visibly exhausted。 She leaned against him once more when she came down from the rock and it was almost a minute before he realized that she was listening。
 〃What do you hear?〃 he asked。
 She spoke sleepily。 〃You rumble inside。〃
 〃The fire never goes pletely out。〃
 This interested her。 She pushed herself away from his side and came around to look into his face。 〃Fire?〃
 〃Every living thing has a fire within it; some slow; some very fast。 Mine is hotter than most。〃
 She hugged herself against the chill。 〃Then you're not cold here?〃
 〃No; but I can see that you are。〃 He pulled his face partly into its cowl and created a depression at the bottom arc of his first segment。 〃It's almost like a hammock;〃 he said; looking down。 〃If you curl up there; you will be warm。〃
 Without hesitating; she accepted his invitation。
 Even though he had prepared her for it; he found the trusting response touching。 He had to fight against a feeling of pity far stronger than any he had experienced before knowing Hwi。 There could be no room for pity out here; though; he told himself。 Siona was betraying clear signs that she would more than likely die here。 He had to prepare himself for disappointment。
 Siona shielded her face with an arm; closed her eyes and went to sleep。
 Nobody has ever had as many yesterdays as I have had; he reminded himself。
 From the popular human viewpoint; he knew that the things he did here could only appear cruel and callous。 He was forced now to strengthen himself by retreating into his memories; deliberately selecting mistakes of our mon past。 First…hand access to human mistakes was his greatest strength now。 Knowledge of mistakes taught him long…term corrections。 He had to be constantly aware of consequences。 If consequences were lost or concealed; lessons were lost。
 But the closer he came to being a sandworm; the harder he found it to make decisions which others would call inhuman。 Once; he had done it with ease。 As his humanity slipped away; though; he found himself filled with more and more human concerns。
 In the cradle of our past; I lay upon my back in a cave so shallow I could penetrate it only by squirming; not by crawling。 There; by the dancing light of a resin torch; I drew upon walls and ceiling the creatures of the hunt and the souls of my people。 How illuminating it is to peer backward through a perfect circle at that ancient struggle for the visible moment of the soul。 All time vibrates to that call: 〃Here I am!〃 With a mind informed by artist…giants who came afterward; I peer at handprints and flowing muscles drawn upon the rock with charcoal and vegetable dyes。 How much more we are than mere mechanical events! And my anti…civil self demands: 〃Why is it that they do not want to leave the cave?〃
 …The Stolen Journals
 THE INVITATION to attend Moneo in his workroom came to Idaho late in the afternoon。 All day; Idaho had sat upon the sling couch of his quarters; thinking。 Every thought radiated outward from the ease with which Moneo had spilled him onto the corridor floor that morning。
 〃You're just an older model。〃
 With every thought; Idaho felt himself diminished。 He sensed the will to live as it faded; leaving ashes where his anger had burned itself out。
 I am the conveyance of some useful sperm and nothing more;
 he thought。
 It was a thought which invited either death or hedonism。 He felt himself impaled on a thorn of chance with irritating forces pecking at him from all sides。
 The young messenger in her neat blue uniform was merely another irritation。 She entered at his low…voiced response to her knock and she stopped under the arched portal from his anteroom; hesitating until she had assessed his mood。
 How quickly the word travels; he thought。
 He saw her there; framed in the portal; a projection of Fish Speaker essence…more voluptuous than some; but no more blatantly sexual。 The blue uniform did not conceal graceful hips; firm breasts。 He looked up at her puckish face under a brush of blonde hair…acolyte cut。
 〃Moneo sends me to inquire after you;〃 she said。 〃He asks that you attend him in his workroom。〃
 Idaho had seen that workroom several times; but still remembered it best from his first view of it。 He had known on entering the room that it was where Moneo spent most of his time。 There was a table of dark brown wood streaked by fine golden graining; a table about two meters by one meter and set low on stubby legs in the midst of gray cushions。 The table had struck Idaho as something rare and expensive; chosen for a single accent。 It and the cushions…which were the same gray as floor; walls and ceiling…were the only furnishings。
 Considering the power of its occupant; the room was small; no more than five meters by four; but with a high ceiling。 Light came from two slender glazed windows opposite each other on the narrower walls。 The windows looked out from a considerable height; one onto the northwest fringes of the Sareer and the bordering green of the Forbidden Forest; the other providing a southwest view over rolling dunes。
 The table had put an interesting accent on this initial thought。 The surface had appeared as an arrangement demonstrating the idea of clutter。 Thin sheets of crystal paper lay scattered across the surface; leaving only glimpses of the wood grain underneath。 Fine printing covered some of the paper。 Idaho recognized words in Galach and four other languages; including the rare transite tongue of Perth。 Several sheets of the paper revealed plan drawings and some were scrawled with black strokes of brush…script in the bold style of the Bene Gesserit。 Most interesting of all had been four rolled white tubes about a meter long…tri…D printouts from an illegal puter。 He had suspected the terminal lay concealed behind a panel in one of the walls。
 The young messenger from Moneo cleared her throat to awaken Idaho from his reverie。 〃What response shall I return to Moneo?〃 she asked。
 Idaho focused on her face。 〃Would you like me to impregnate you?〃 he asked。
 〃mander!〃 She was obviously shocked not so much by his suggestion as by its non sequitur intrusion。
 〃Ahhh; yes;〃 Idaho said。 〃Moneo。 What shall we tell Moneo?〃
 〃He awaits your reply; mander。〃
 〃Is there really any point in my responding?〃 Idaho asked。
 〃Moneo told me to inform you that he wishes to confer with both you and the Lady Hwi together。〃
 Idaho sensed a vague arousal of interest。 〃Hwi is with him?〃
 〃She has been summoned; mander。〃 The messenger cleared her throat once more。 〃Would the mander wish me to visit him here later tonight?〃
 〃No。 Thank you; anyway。 I've changed my mind。〃
 He thought she concealed her disappointment well; but her voice came out stiffly formal: 〃Shall I say that you will attend Moneo?〃
 〃Do that。〃 He waved her away。
 After she had gone; he considered just ignoring the summons。 Curiosity grew in him; though。 Moneo wanted to talk to him with Hwi present? Why? Did he think this would bring Idaho running? Idaho swallowed。 When he thought of Hwi; the emptiness in his breast became full。 The message of that could not be ignored。 Something of terrible power bound him to Hwi。
 He stood up; his muscles stiff after their long inaction。 Curiosity and this binding force impelled him。 He went out into the corridor; ignored the curious glances of guards he passed; and followed that pelling inner force up to Moneo's workroom。
 Hwi was already there when Idaho entered the room。 She was across the cluttered table from Moneo; her feet in red slippers tucked back beside the gray cushion on which she sat。 Idaho saw only that she wore a long brown gown with a braided green belt; then she turned and he could look at nothing except her face。 Her mouth formed his name without speaking it。
 Even she has heard; he thought。
 Oddly; this thought strengthened him。 The thoughts of this day began to form new shapes in his mind。
 〃Please sit down; Duncan;〃 Moneo said。 He gestured to a cushion beside Hwi。 His voice conveyed a curious; halting tone; a manner that few people other than Leto had ever observed in him。 He kept his gaze directed downward at the cluttered surface of his table。 The late afternoon sunlight cast a spidery shadow across the jumble from a golden paperweight in the shape of a fanciful tree with jeweled fruit; all mounted on a flame…crystal mountain。
 Idaho took the indicated cushion; watching Hwi's gaze follow him until he was seated。 She looked at Moneo then and he thought he saw anger in her expression。 Moneo's usual plain…white uniform was open at the throat; revealing a wrinkled neck and a bit of dewlap。 Idaho stared into the man's eyes; prepared to wait; forcing Moneo to open the conversation。
 Moneo returned the stare; noting that Idaho still wore the black uniform of their morning en

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