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小说: if.thespywholovedme 字数: 每页4000字

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 Tremulously I considered this。 Perhaps there was something in it。 It would be a kind of seal on our love。 But I was frightened。 Hesitantly I said had he got one of these 〃things〃? He said no; but there was an all…night chemist and he would go and buy one。 And he kissed me and got up eagerly and walked out of the box。
 I sat and stared dully at the screen。 Now I couldn't refuse him! He would e back; and it would be messy and horrible in this filthy little box in this filthy little back…street cinema; and it was going to hurt and he would despise me afterward for giving in。 I had an instinct to get up and run out and down to the station and take the next train back to London。 But that would make him furious。 It would hurt his vanity。 I wouldn't be being 〃a sport;〃 and the rhythm of our friendship; so much based on us both 〃having fun;〃 would be wrecked。 And; after all; was it fair on him to hold this back from him? Perhaps it really was bad for him not to be able to do it properly。 And; after all; it had to happen some time。 One couldn't choose the perfect moment for that particular thing。 No girl ever seemed to enjoy the first time。 Perhaps it would be better to get it over with。 Anything not to make him angry! Anything better than the danger of wrecking our love!
 The door opened and there was a brief shaft of light from the lobby。 Then he was beside me; breathless and excited。 〃I've got it;〃 he whispered。 〃It was terribly embarrassing。 There was a girl behind the counter。 I didn't know what to call it。 I finally said; 'One of those things for not having babies。 You know。' She was cool as a cucumber。 She asked me what quality。 I said the best; of course。 I almost thought she was going to ask 'What size?' 〃 He laughed and held me tight。 I giggled feebly back。 Better to 〃be a sport〃! Better not to make a drama out of it! Nowadays nobody did。 It would make it all so embarrassing; particularly for him。
 His preliminary love…making was so perfunctory it almost made me cry。 Then he pushed his chair to the back of the box and took off his coat and laid it down on the wooden floor。 When he told me to; I lay down on it and he knelt beside me and pulled off my panties。 He said to put my feet up against the front of the box and I did; and I was so cramped and unfortable that I said; 〃No; Derek! Please! Not here!〃 But then he was somehow on top of me in a dreadful clumsy embrace; and all my instinct was somehow to help him so that at least he would have pleasure from it and not be angry with me afterward。
 And then the world fell in!
 There was suddenly a great gush of yellow light; and a furious voice said from above and behind me; 〃What the hell do you think you're doing in my cinema? Get up; you filthy little swine。〃
 I don't know why I didn't faint。 Derek was standing; his face white as a sheet; clumsily buttoning up his trousers。 I scrambled to my feet; banging against the wall of the box。 I stood there; waiting to be killed; waiting to be shot dead。
 The black silhouette in the doorway pointed at my bag on the floor with the white scrap of my pants beside it。 〃Pick those up。〃 I bent down quickly as if I had been hit; and clutched the pants into a ball in my hand to try and hide them。 〃Now get out!〃 He stood there; half blocking the entrance; while we shambled past him; broken people。
 The manager banged the door of the box shut and got in front of us; thinking; I suppose; that we might make a run for it。 Two or three people had seeped out of the back seats into the foyer。 (The whole audience must have heard the manager's voice。 Had the seats below us heard the whole thing; the argument; the pause; then Derek's instructions what to do? 1 shuddered。) The ticket woman had e out of her box; and one or two passers…by; who had been examining the program; gazed in from under the cheap colored lights over the entrance。
 The manager was a plump; dark man with a tight suit and a flower in his buttonhole。 His face was red with rage as he looked us up and down。 〃Filthy little brats!〃 He turned on me。 〃And I've seen you here before。 You're nothing better than a mon prostitute。 I've a damned good mind to call the police。 Indecent exposure。 Disturbing the peace。〃 He ran the heavy words easily off his tongue。 He must have used them often before in his sleazy little house of private darkness。 〃Names; please。〃 He took a notebook out of his pocket and licked a stub of pencil。 He was looking at Derek。 Derek stammered; 〃Er; James Grant〃…the film had starred Cary Grant。 〃Er; 24 Acacia Road; Nettlebed。〃 The manager looked up。 〃There aren't any roads in Nettlebed。 Only the Henley…Oxford road。〃 Derek said obstinately。 〃Yes; there are。 At the back;〃 he added weakly。 〃Sort of lanes。〃 〃And you?〃 He turned toward me suspiciously。 My mouth was dry。 I swallowed。 〃Miss Thompson; Audrey Thompson。 24〃…I realized it was the same number that Derek had chosen; but I couldn't think of another…〃Thomas〃… I almost said Thompson again!…〃Road。 London。〃 〃District?〃 I didn't know what he meant。 I gaped hopelessly at him。 〃Postal district;〃 he said impatiently。 I remembered Chelsea。 〃S。W。6;〃 I said weakly。 The manager snapped his book shut。 〃All right。 Get out of here; both of you。〃 He pointed out into the street。 We edged nervously past him; and he followed us; still pointing。 〃And don't ever e back to my establishment again! I know you both! You ever show up again; I'll have the police on you!〃
 The small host of sneering; accusing eyes followed us。 I took Derek's arm (why didn't he take mine?) and we went out under the hideous bright lights and turned by instinct to the right and down the hill so that we could walk faster。 We didn't stop until we got to a side street and we went in there and slowly started to work our way back to where the MG was parked up the hill from the cinema。
 Derek didn't say a word until we were getting close to the car。 Then he said matter…of…factly; 〃Mustn't let them get the number。 I'll go and get her and pick you up opposite Fullers' on Windsor Hill。 'Bout ten minutes。〃 Then he freed himself from my arm and went off up the street。
 I stood and watched him go; the tall; elegant figure that was once more proud and upright; and then I turned and went back to where a lane led up parallel with Farquhar Street toward the Castle。
 I found that I still had my pants crushed in my hand。 I put them in my bag。 The open bag made me think of my appearance。 I stopped under a streetlight and took out my mirror。 I looked dreadful。 My face was so white it was almost green; and my eyes belonged to a hunted animal。 My hair stuck up at the back where it had been rumpled by the floor; and my mouth was smeared by Derek's kisses。 I shuddered。 〃Filthy little swine!〃 How right! All of me felt unclean; degraded; sinful。 What would happen to us? Would the man check on the addresses and put the police on us? Someone would certainly remember us from today or from other Saturdays。 Someone would remember the number of Derek's car; some little boy who collected car numbers。 There was always some Nosy Parker at the scene of a crime。 Crime? Yes; of course it was; one of the worst in puritan England…sex; nakedness; indecent exposure。 I imagined what the manager must have seen when Derek got up from me。 Ugh! I shivered with disgust。 But now Derek would be waiting for me。 My hands had automatically been tidying my face。 I gave it a last look。 It was the best I could do。 I hurried on up the street and turned down Windsor Hill; hugging the wall; expecting people to turn and point。 〃There she goes!〃 〃That's her!〃 〃Filthy little swine!〃
 Four: 〃Dear Viv〃
 THAT summer's night hadn't finished with me。 Opposite Fullers' a policeman was standing by Derek's car; arguing with him。 Derek turned and saw me。 〃Here she is; officer。 I said she wouldn't be a minute。 Had to; er; powder her nose。 Didn't you; darling?〃
 More trouble! More lies! I said yes; breathlessly; and climbed into the seat beside Derek。 The policeman grinned slyly at me and said to Derek; 〃All right; sir。 But another time remember there's no parking on the Hill。 Even for an emergency like that。〃 He fingered his mustache。 Derek put the car in gear; thanked the policeman and gave him the wink of a dirty joke shared; and we were off at last。
 Derek said nothing until we had turned right at the lights at the bottom。 I thought he was going to drop me at the station; but he continued on along the Datchet road。 〃Phew!〃 He let the air out of his lungs with relief。 〃That was a close shave! Thought we were for it。 Nice thing for my parents to read in the paper tomorrow。 And Oxford! I should have had it。〃
 〃It was ghastly。〃
 There was so much feeling in my voice that he looked sideways at me。 〃Oh; well。 The path of true love and all that。〃 His voice was light and easy。 He had recovered。 When would I? 〃Damned shame; really;〃 he went on casually。 〃Just when we'd got it all set up。〃 He put enthusiasm into his voice to carry me with him。 〃Tell you what。 There's an hour before the train。 Why don't we walk up along the river。 It's a well…known beat for Windsor couples。 Absolutely private。 Pity to waste everything; time and so on; now we've made up our minds。〃
 The 〃so on;〃 I thought; meant 〃the thing〃 he had

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