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小说: gns.snakes 字数: 每页4000字

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vable rate of knots。 Now he heard the thunder again; resonant rolls like an angry monster roaring its wrath as it tried to run him down。
  The sudden daytime gloom had him thinking about his reptilian passengers in the back again。 Man was a daytime creature; scared of the dark no matter how he tried to tell himself he wasn't。 Probably the snakes were all asleep。 It was bloody cruel imprisoning them in zoos。 Just done to make money。 Taken out of their natural environment they slept and ate their lives away in sheer boredom。 You couldn't blame them if they got nasty and turned on somebody。 Man was the cruellest creature of all; there was no getting away from that。 Christ; Ken thought; I'm going bloody soft。
  He found himself listening again but all he heard was engine noise。 If the buggers did manage to escape they couldn't go anywhere。 It was the guys the other end who would find them whilst he was somewhere safe having a bite to eat。 He'd keep well clear of the van until it was empty。
  The rain came without warning; a few heavy spots followed by an instant downpour; the wipers struggling to cope。 Ken Wilson cursed under his breath; the most depressing sound of all was that of the monotonous noise of windscreen wipers。 Fuck it!
  Rain was bouncing up off the tarmac; being whipped into a blinding spray by the tyres of speeding traffic; obliterating from view the vehicles up ahead。 The cars and lorries did not seem to be slowing any and those idiot children in the Clubman were still slinging punches at each other。 One had found a tennis racket somewhere and was attempting to brain the other; battering him viciously with it。
  Ken glanced at his watch。 5。45。 Night had e about four hours early; there was driving rain and a lashing gale that was bending newly planted birch saplings on the embankments almost double。 Another police car passed; doing a ton for sure。 One law for some; another for others。
  And then it happened! Ken did not know whether the Clubman estate had failed to see the brake lights of the Ford Transit in front or whether he had simply driven into its back; distracted by those bastards of fighting kids。 Suddenly the Clubman crunched; reared like a frisky filly; momentarily upright on its rear wheels。 AH in an instant before he hit it; the roof buckled; split and the glass showered out of the windows spilling those children with it。
  He saw them for a split second and braked hard; but knew he could not miss them。 One was still clutching the racket; swinging it; the other's face a mass of scarlet pulp; a broken rag doll bouncing on the hard surface。 Disappearing。
  Please God! He felt the front tyre crushing the infant body; saw in his mind the squashed form like those hedgehogs you saw flattened on the roads every morning。 The crunching of frail bones; instant death。 The other child was still airborne when he hit it; saw it flatten on the windscreen without breaking the glass; a gnat caught by a speeding vehicle。 The wipers would knock it off in a second; they were buffeting it; bouncing back off; swiping it again with mechanical determination。
  Then Ken Wilson's van ploughed into the wreckage of the Clubman and the Transit; and seconds later came a shuddering jolt as he was hit from behind。 He screamed aloud; gave up trying to do anything positive。 The windscreen shattered and that bloody mulch disintegrated; some of it splattering the interior of the cab。
  And in that same second his own van appeared to concertina; the rear of the vehicle crushing and ing forward; his seat and harness ripped from their moorings。 He was catapulted; blinding pain as the steering column shattered his chest; threw him back and then bounced him down on to the floor of the cab。
  Dazed; screaming; tasting his own blood; he lay there in the semi…darkness。 He heard the squeal of tortured rubber; smelled its acrid stench; the screech of tearing metal; cries of anguish。 Vehicles were still running into one another; he felt the van move again; pushed forward another few yards。 Shouting; screams of pain and terror。
  Then silence; plete and utter for a few seconds。 He did not try to move; just lay there in the bloody half…darkness trying to figure out exactly what had happened。 A multi pile…up; they made the television news every so often but everybody forgot and they happened again。 Vehicles travelling too close together in adverse weather conditions; people never learned; including himself。 It can't happen to me; it's those other silly buggers。 And suddenly he was one of those silly buggers。
  Don't move; just lie still and somebody will e to help soon。 I'm scared to hell to look out there; I'm not badly hurt really; just cut and bruised。 His senses swam; came back again。 He fought down his rising panic。
  It might have been seconds or hours later…he had lost all concept of time…when he sensed rather than heard a movement in the cab。 A flicker of hope; raising his head up a few inches off the ground。 His eyes hurt; as if somebody was pushing a sharp instrument into them; he gasped; coughed; tasted blood。 I'm here; you bloody fool。 Help me。 He tried to call out but the words would not e; were strangulated into a low moan。
  Something moved。 His vision blurred; cleared; but only partially。 An arm was reaching in through the smashed cab window; feeling inside。 Jesus; don't tell me you can't see me! Ken tried to shout; mustered his vocal cords for one supreme effort and managed a wheezing gurgle; experienced a sensation as if he were drowning and tasted blood again。
  A fist; clenched。 Erect。 Some guy's got one helluva long arm; he thought。 If they can't get to me why the fuck don't they start cutting into the cab?
  That fist was starting to open out。 The driver stared; forced his agonised eyes to work with sheer willpower。 It did not look right; the arm was elongated like one of those cartoons they fed the kids every afternoon on TV; no fingers; either a malformed hand or else the berk was wearing mittens。 Bloody crazy; I'll go mad in a second。
  And then everything turned crazy。 That hand; if it was a hand; had two tiny eyes; orbs that glinted and flickered; came forward in a sinister supple movement; a kind of mottled greenish…grey。 A mouth; opening; and in those eyes Ken Wilson read hate and malevolence。 And death。
  The worst moment was when realisation dawned; the jig…saw pieces slotted together through a haze of pain and fear; formed a picture which left no doubt in his terror…crazed mind。
  Jesus God Almighty; no! A cobra; the most fearsome and deadly of all snakes。
  Its face was only a foot away from his own。 He tried to press himself back against the crumpled wreckage of the cab but there was nowhere to go。 The creature was gloating; prolonging the fatal strike; savouring the mental anguish of Man; its captor for so long and now at its mercy。
  No; please; I don't want to hurt you。 I'm only the driver。
  A trick of the half…light; or did it smile; an evil elongation of that awful mouth; another movement of the hooded head。 He wanted to close his eyes and shut it out but his lids appeared to have stuck。 Forced to look into those flashing pinpoints; reading death there and praying that it would be quick。 I'm dying anyhow; you don't have to bother to kill me。 Just leave me alone and I'll be dead before long。
  Background noises; engines running; people screaming for help outside in the Stygian blackness。 A stench that was overpowering; the smell of burning rubber and heated metal; the smell of death。
  Wilson's mind had gone numb; an instinctive anaesthetic that spared him pain at the very last; transcending the limits of human endurance。 He saw the cobra; knew that it was going to kill him but suddenly it did not seem so terrible after all。 He would have died anyway; maybe lingered for days; perhaps ended up on a life…support machine; clinically dead but the vital organs kept alive。 A pointless exercise demonstrating Man's cruelty to Man; the law forbidding euthanasia。 They wouldn't let a wounded animal suffer; they'd put it down; yet it was all right for a fellow…human to undergo indescribable agonies。 A twisted philosophy。 He wanted to laugh because he had beaten the System; cheated them。
  The reptile struck; a sharp pain somewhere in the region of his neck; like the prick of an injection; he couldn't make up his mind whether it had bitten him or spat venom because the head was several inches away from his face。 Possibly a movement too quick for the eye to follow。 It didn't matter because it was all over now。
  He felt the movement of its body as it crawled across him like a thick rough hosepipe being dragged over him; and then he wondered where it had gone because he could neither see it nor hear it any longer。 Probably out of the opposite window。
  A sensation as if he were burning up; as if somebody had injected him with acid and his veins were corroding away; and then the numbness took over again and cut out the pain; left him with a light…headedness as though he were floating weightles

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