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小说: gns.cannibalcult 字数: 每页4000字

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 round the side of the building where some logs were heaped up against the wall。 Idly he wondered who had sawn and split them; the hippy followers of the cult; probably。 Each one of them had a part to play。
  Five journeys from the log pile to the stove; each one followed by Madeleine's burning gaze; whipping and demoralising her serf into submission。 Sabat glanced over to where Pieter Daunay still sat in the corner; chuckling to himself because he had just discovered how to entwine the fingers of both hands; an achievement that occupied his entire attention。 He was totally oblivious to both the man and the girl; had no idea what fate was in store for him。 He was fortunate。
  Sabat was breathing heavily; the revitalisation which he had sensed earlier had waned。 His hands trembled as he laid the fire; an instrument of horrible death; an inferno which would roast living human flesh。
  Something rattled; struck him hard in the face; a box of matches hurled by the angry girl。 'Get a move on; Sabat!'
  The flames licked and crackled。 He slammed the firebox door with a clang。 Sweat trickled down his face as though the fever had e back; bringing with it a light headedness。 Kneeling; praying subconsciously to a voodoo altar。
  'It won't take long to heat up;' Madeleine laughed; sitting cross…legged on the straight…backed chair。 'The oven may be antiquated but it's big and efficient。 Start and get the sacrificial victim ready; Sabat!'
  Sabat turned slowly; Daunay was looking at him; grinning。
  Oh; Jesus Christ it was awful; the poor bastard had no idea! Those same eyes; only different; shrewdness gone; not even suspicious。 Laughing; dribbling; strings of spittle reaching almost to the floor。 Trusting!
  'Go on; Sabat。 Get his clothes off; ready!'
  Sabat's brain reeled but his body was responding to those hissed mands。 Reaching out for Daunay; hauling him upright。。。 but the other's legs did not appear capable of supporting his weight Sabat grunted under the strain; one arm around the Frenchman's sagging body; the other tearing at buttons。 There was no point in undoing them; the clothing would only be destroyed afterwards anyway。
  Pieter Daunay was stripped to the waist; that mountainous hump grotesque in its nakedness; a white thing like a lump of solid muscle。 Hurtful to the eye when pared with that splendid torso; but it was a focal point; the beast overruling beauty。
  Sabat lowered the detective to the ground; rolled him over like a baby on a changing…mat。 Daunay kicked his legs in the air; giggled when he felt his trousers being dragged from him; clutched at them; but there was no strength in his fingers。 His expression changed; those once…handsome features screwing up into a pig…like expression; an angry babble that was the beginning of a pitiful tantrum。
  Daunay was fighting to keep the last of his clothing; cries that were harsh and strange to the ear: a man possessed! Like Sabat! Naked; drawing his knees up as instinctive inhibitions clouded his brain。 He struck out; caught Sabat on the chest; but the blow was soft and spongy like a child's foam…rubber ball。
  Sabat stared down into those eyes; read an anger that only stemmed from childish temper。 He wanted to say something; to apologise maybe; but Daunay would not have understood。 A stroke of some kind inflicted by the powers of evil。
  PieterDaunay sat up again; hands clasped across his groin in a kind of screen; smiling again。 Not even aware of his nudity; burbling happily; making incoherent speech that speared deep into Sabat's conscience。 Even Quentin would have had no part in this。 He would; though!
  'Roast him and eat of human flesh!'
  Sabat's vision blurred momentarily; a haze of blackness spottled with crimson; a cauldron of fury that came to the boil。 Reacting automatically; but this time not on the mands of the girl who called herself Madeleine Gaufridi。 Mark Sabat and Quentin were locked in a death…hold; an inner struggle。 It was as though a whirlwind seized him。 A voice was screaming at him; a woman's; Madeleine's possibly; but it was drowned by Quentin's roars of rage。 'Stop it。 This is madness!'
  Sabat fought physically and mentally。 His hand went inside his jacket; closed over the butt of the ?38 revolver in its holster。 Cold steel to his fevered touch; it seemed to give him the impetus he needed。 He felt the weapon e loose; nestle into the palm of his hand as he drew it free of his clothing。
  Point…blank range; he did not even use his left hand to steady his aim。 Pieter Daunay's face; still laughing; but those eyes mirrored a brief sanity。 Pleading for death like a stricken beast。
  Sabat closed his eyes as he took a trigger pressure。 Death had never bothered him before and it only did so now because it was Daunay; who might have been a friend and a colleague under different circumstances。 Then blinding pain!
  He felt the blow on the back of his skull a split second before the gun bucked and spat flame in his hand; a searing flash like lightning in the darkness of a thunderstorm。 He heard the bullet whine; an angry lead hornet that met with some solid object and splintered it。
  Then Sabat was slipping into that now familiar bottomless chasm。 Floating; not trying to fight; the pain in his head receding until he felt nothing。 Sublime oblivion。 * *                 * 101
  Sabat was vaguely aware of dragging himself out of that terrible void; clawing at the brink; threatening to slip back。 For some inexplicable reason he fought; heard Quentin's leering tones; but the words were indecipherable amidst a medley of strange noises。 God; he'd been ill again。 Pneumonia。 He'd wake up in that hospital ward; a helpless victim of white…coated men who did inexplicable things to you without your consent。 Torture。
  Then a sharp pain in his ribs; a blow which squeezed the breath from his body and had him gasping back to consciousness。
  'You stupid bastard; Sabat!' Madeleine was standing over him; her foot drawn back in another threatening kick。 'You can't be trusted and I'll see you don't get the chance to try and cheat us again!'
  He winced; saw that she held his own revolver in her right hand; its snub barrel trained on his head; her forefinger lightly curled around the trigger。 He stared; knew that his lips moved in a mute apology; excuses that he could not voice。 Cringing。 Quentin in mand again!
  'But you failed;' her full red lips curled in a sneer。 'Another split second and you would have blown Daunay's head off except that I hit you with the chair first。 Now you'll do as you're told otherwise the next bullet will be in your skull。 Now hurry; the oven is hot。 Get him into it!'
  Pieter Daunay still lived; still a mindless chuckling imbecile who no longer tried to cover his lower regions with his hands。 Oh Merciful God; Sabat's attempted euthanasia had failed!
  Sabat was helpless to do anything other than obey。 He crawled; lifted himself up on to his feet; his whole body crying out for rest and sleep。 Grasping that naked malformed body; cursing because it started to struggle again; but somehow pulling it across to the oven。
  You could feel the heat even with the big iron door closed; a blast furnace that dried your flesh; made you hurry to get your task over and done with so that you could retreat to a cooler place。 Sabat grabbed Daunay's hair; heard the screech of pain as he dragged him up to a sitting position。
  The door was open; a black cubicle that was surely the entrance to hell itself; scorching his eyes closed。 He lifted the naked dead weight with some reserve of superhuman strength spring boarded by desperation。 One last effort; throwing the Frenchman into that gaping cubicle; kicking at protruding limbs; using the door to push the screaming form back。 Sabat almost passed out; heard the final clang; screams that came from the victim's very soul。 Staggering back; collapsing; crying out as another kick drove into his unprotected ribs。
  He groped for unconsciousness; but it eluded him。 He wanted to shut his eyes; but they refused to close。 Muffled cries of agony as the heat inside that monstrous replica of hell began to cook the living flesh。 He could smell it; nauseating; making him retch。
  Madeleine was standing in front of him。 She still had the gun but she knew she wouldn't have to use it; or even threaten with it。 Sabat had rebelled but he was well and truly beaten now。 Grovelling。 A smile that held contempt for the man she had plucked off the Jungfrau mountain to be her slave; to help her resurrect her age…old lover。
  'You are sweating with the heat; Sabat;' her tones were soft and lilting。 Take off your clothes。 You will be cooler then。'
  Sabat stiffened; his shaking fingers already starting to obey; his shirt following his jacket on to the floor in an untidy heap; unfastening his belt; aware of a growing pleasant sensation in the lower regions of his body。 Madeleine noticed it also; and her smile broadened。
  'Two whole days together;' she la

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