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小说: lmb.shardsofhonor 字数: 每页4000字

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 Boni retrieved the chain and its pendants; holding the curl in plastic to the light and reading its inscription。 〃No; not at all。 She's a fortunate woman。〃
 〃How so?〃
 〃This is her death lock。 She died three years ago; by this。〃
 〃Is that supposed to be lucky; too?〃
 〃No; not necessarily。 Just a remembrance; as far as I know。 Kind of a nice one; really。 The nastiest charm I ever ran across; and the most unique; was this little leather bag hung around a fellow's neck。 It was filled with dirt and leaves; and what I took at first to be some sort of little frog…like animal skeleton; about ten centimeters long。 But when I looked at it more closely; it turned out to be the skeleton of a human fetus。 Very strange。 I suppose it was some sort of black magic。 Seemed an odd thing to find on an engineering officer。〃
 〃Doesn't seem to work for any of them; does it?〃
 She smiled wryly。 〃Well; if there are any that work; I wouldn't see them; would I?〃
 She took the processing one step further; by cleaning the Barrayaran's clothes and carefully re…dressing him; before bagging him and returning him to the freeze。
 〃The Barrayarans are all so army…mad;〃 she explained。 〃I always like to put them back in their uniforms。 They mean so much to them; I'm sure they're more fortable with them on。〃
 Ferrell frowned uneasily。 〃I still think he ought to be dumped with the rest of the garbage。〃
 〃Not at all;〃 said the medtech。 〃Think of all the work he represents on somebody's part。 Nine months of pregnancy; childbirth; two years of diapering; and that's just the beginning。 Tens of thousands of meals; thousands of bedtime stories; years of school。 Dozens of teachers。 And all that military training; too。 A lot of people went into making him。〃
 She smoothed a strand of the corpse's hair into place。 〃That head held the universe; once。 He had a good rank for his age;〃 she added; rechecking her monitor。 〃Thirty…two。 mander Aristede Vorkalloner。 It has a kind of nice ethnic ring。 Very Barrayaranish; that name。 Vor; too; one of those warrior…class fellows。〃
 〃Homicidal…class loonies。 Or worse;〃 Ferrell said automatically。 But his vehemence had lost momentum; somehow。
 Boni shrugged; 〃Well; he's joined the great democracy now。 And he had nice pockets。〃
 Three full days went by with no further alarms but a rare scattering of mechanical debris。 Ferrell began to hope the Barrayaran was the last pickup they would have to make。 They were nearing the end of their search pattern。 Besides; he thought resentfully; this duty was sabotaging the efficiency of his sleep cycle。 But the medtech made a request。
 〃If you don't mind; Falco;〃 she said; 〃I'd greatly appreciate it if we could run the pattern out just a few extra turns。 The original orders are based on this average estimated trajectory speed; you see; and if someone just happened to get a bit of extra kick when the ship split; they could well be beyond it by now。〃
 Ferrell was less than thrilled; but the prospect of an extra day of piloting had its attractions; and he gave a grudging consent。 Her reasoning proved itself; before the day was half done; they turned up another gruesome relic。
 〃Oh;〃 muttered Ferrell; when they got a close look。 It had been a female officer。 Boni reeled her in with enormous tenderness。 He didn't really want to go watch; this time; but the medtech seemed to have e to expect him。
 〃I…don't really want to look at a woman blown up;〃 he tried to excuse himself。
 〃Mm;〃 said Tersa。 〃Is it fair; though; to reject a person just because they're dead? You wouldn't have minded her body a bit when she was alive。〃
 He laughed a little; macabrely。 〃Equal rights for the dead?〃
 Her smile twisted。 〃Why not? Some of my best friends are corpses。〃
 He snorted。
 She grew more serious。 〃I'd…sort of like the pany; on this one。〃 So he took up his usual station by the door。
 The medtech laid out the thing that had been a woman upon her table; undressed; inventoried; washed; and straightened it。 When she finished; she kissed the dead lips。
 〃Oh; God;〃 cried Ferrell; shocked and nauseated。 〃You are crazy! You're a damn; damn necrophiliac! A lesbian necrophiliac; at that!〃 He turned to go。
 〃Is that what it looks like; to you?〃 Her voice was soft; and still unoffended。 It stopped him; and he looked over his shoulder。 She was looking at him as gently as if he had been one of her precious corpses。 〃What a strange world you must live in; inside your head。〃
 She opened a suitcase; and shook out a dress; fine underwear; and a pair of white embroidered slippers。 A wedding dress; Ferrell realized。 This woman is a bona fide psychopath。。。
 She dressed the corpse; and arranged its soft dark hair with great delicacy; before bagging it。
 〃I believe I shall place her next to that nice tall Barrayaran;〃 she said。 〃I think they would have liked each other very well; if they could have met in another place and time。 And Lieutenant Deleo was married; after all。〃
 She pleted the label。 Ferrell's battered mind was sending him little subliminal messages; he struggled to overe his shock and bemusement; and pay attention。 It tumbled into the open day of his consciousness with a start。
 She had not run an identification check on this one。
 Out the door; he told himself; is the way you want to walk。 I guarantee it。 Instead; timorously; he went over to the corpse and checked its label。
 Ensign Sylva Boni; it said。 Age twenty。 His own age。。。
 He was trembling; as if with cold。 It was cold; in that room。 Tersa Boni finished packing up the suitcase; and turned back with the float pallet。
 〃Daughter?〃 he asked。 It was all he could ask。
 She pursed her lips; and nodded。
 〃It's…a helluva coincidence。〃
 〃No coincidence at all。 I asked for this sector。〃
 〃Oh。〃 He swallowed; turned away; turned back; face flaming。 〃I'm sorry I said…〃
 She smiled her slow sad smile。 〃Never mind。〃
 They found yet one more bit of mechanical debris; so agreed to run another cycle of the search spiral; to be sure that all possible trajectories had been outdistanced。 And yes; they found another; a nasty one; spinning fiercely; guts split open from some great blow and hanging out in a frozen cascade。
 The acolyte of death did her dirty work without once so much as wrinkling her nose。 When it came to the washing; the least technical of the tasks; Ferrell said suddenly; 〃May I help?〃
 〃Certainly;〃 said the medtech; moving aside。 〃An honor is not diminished for being shared。〃
 And so he did; as shy as an apprentice saint washing his first leper。
 〃Don't be afraid;〃 she said。 〃The dead cannot hurt you。 They give you no pain; except that of seeing your own death in their faces。 And one can face that; I find。〃
 Yes; he thought; the good face pain。 But the great…they embrace it。


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