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小说: lmb.shardsofhonor 字数: 每页4000字

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 Count Vortala turned to Cordelia。 〃Lady Vorkosigan。 Won't you lend us your vote? You seem to have e to know him very well。 Tell him he's the man for the job。〃
 〃When we came up here;〃 said Cordelia slowly; 〃with this vague talk of a post; I thought I might urge him to take it up。 He needs work。 He's made for it。 I confess I wasn't anticipating that offer。〃 She stared at the Emperor's embroidered bedspread; caught by its intricate patterns and colors。 〃But I've always thought…tests are a gift。 And great tests are a great gift。 To fail the test is a misfortune。 But to refuse the test is to refuse the gift; and something worse; more irrevocable; than misfortune。 Do you understand what I'm saying?〃
 〃No;〃 said Vortala。
 〃Yes;〃 said Vorkosigan。
 〃I've always felt that theists were more ruthless than atheists;〃 said Ezar Vorbarra。
 〃If you think it's really wrong;〃 said Cordelia to Vorkosigan; 〃that's one thing。 Maybe that's the test。 But if it's only fear of failure…you have not the right to refuse the gift for that。〃
 〃It's an impossible job。〃
 〃That happens; sometimes。〃
 He took her aside; quietly; to the tall windows。 〃Cordelia…you have not the first conception of what kind of life it would be。 Did you think our public men surrounded themselves with liveried retainers for decoration? If they have a moment's ease; it is at the cost of twenty men's vigilance。 No separate peace permitted。 Three generations of Emperors have spent themselves trying to untangle the violence in our affairs; and we're still not e to the end of it。 I haven't the hubris to think I can succeed where he failed。〃 His eyes flicked in the direction of the great bed。
 Cordelia shook her head。 〃Failure doesn't frighten me as much as it used to。 But I'll quote you a quote; if you like。 'Exile; for no other motive than ease; would be the last defeat; with no seed of future victory in it。' I thought the man who said that was on to something。〃
 Vorkosigan turned his head; to some unfocused distance。 〃It's not the desire for ease I'm talking about now。 It's fear。 Simple; squalid terror。〃 He smiled ruefully at her。 〃You know; I fancied myself quite a bravo once; until I met you and rediscovered funk。 I'd forgotten what it was to have my heart in the future。〃
 〃Yeah; me too。〃
 〃I don't have to take it。 I can turn it down。〃
 〃Can you?〃 Their eyes met。
 〃It's not the life you were anticipating; when you left Beta Colony。〃
 〃I didn't e for a Me。 I came for you。 Do you want it?〃
 He laughed; shakily。 〃God; what a question。 It's the chance of a lifetime。 Yes。 I want it。 But it's poison; Cordelia。 Power is a bad drug。 Look what it did to him。 He was sane too; once; and happy。 I think I could turn down almost any other offer without a blink。〃
 Vortala leaned on his stick ostentatiously; and called across the room; 〃Make up your mind; Aral。 My legs are beginning to ache。 But for your delicacy…it's a job any number of men I know would kill for。 And you're getting it offered free and clear。〃
 Only Cordelia and the Emperor knew why Vorkosigan barked a short laugh at this。 He sighed; gazed at his master; and nodded。
 〃Well; old man。 I thought you might find a way to rule from your grave。〃
 〃Yes。 I propose to haunt you continually。〃 A little silence fell while the Emperor digested his victory。 〃You'll need to start assembling your personal staff immediately。 I'm willing Captain Negri to my grandson and the Princess; for Security。 But I thought perhaps you might like to have mander Illyan; for yourself。〃
 〃Yes。 I think he and I might deal very well together。〃 A pleasant thought seemed to strike a light in Vorkosigan's dark face。 〃And I know just the man for the job of personal secretary。 He'll need a promotion for it…a lieutenancy。〃
 〃Vortala will take care of it for you。〃 The Emperor lay back wearily; and cleared his throat of phlegm again; lips leaden。 〃Take care of it all。 I suppose you'd better send that doctor back in。〃 He waved them out with a tired twitch of one hand。
 Vorkosigan and Cordelia emerged from the Imperial Residence into the warm air of the late summer evening; soft and grey with humidity from the nearby river。 They were trailed by their new bodyguards; trim in the familiar black uniforms。 There had been a lengthy conference with Vortala; Negri; and Illyan。 Cordelia's head swam with the number and detail of subjects covered。 Vorkosigan; she'd noticed enviously; seemed to have no trouble keeping up; indeed; he'd set the pace。
 His face seemed focused; more electric than she'd seen it since she'd e to Barrayar; filled with an eager tension。 He's alive again; she thought。 Looking out; not in; forward; not back。 Like when I first met him。 I'm glad。 Whatever the risks。
 Vorkosigan snapped his fingers and said 〃Tabs;〃 out loud; cryptically。 〃First stop Vorkosigan House。〃
 They had driven past the Count's official residence on their last trip to Vorbarr Sultana; but this was the first time Cordelia had been in it。 Vorkosigan took the wide circular staircase two steps at a time to his own room。 It was a large chamber; simply furnished; overlooking the back garden。 It had the same feel as Cordelia's own room in her mother's apartment; of frequent and prolonged disoccupation; with archeological layers of past passions stuffed into drawers and closets。
 Not surprisingly; there was evidence of interest in all kinds of strategy games; and civil and military history。 More surprising was a portfolio of yellowing pen…and…ink drawings; run across as he sorted through a drawer full of medals; mementos; and pure junk。
 〃Did you do these?〃 Cordelia asked curiously。 〃They're pretty good。〃
 〃When I was a teenager;〃 he explained; still sorting。 〃Some later。 I gave it up in my twenties。 Too busy。〃
 His medal and campaign ribbon collection showed a peculiar history。 The early; lesser ones were carefully arranged and displayed on velvet…covered cards; with notes attached。 The later; greater ones were piled haphazardly in a jar。 One; which Cordelia recognized as a high Barrayaran award for valor; was shoved loose in the back of the drawer; its ribbon crumpled and tangled。
 She sat on his bed and sorted through the portfolio。 They were mostly meticulous architectural studies; but also a few figure studies and portraits done in a less certain style。 There were several of a striking young woman with short dark curls; both clothed and nude; and Cordelia realized with a shock from the notes on them that she was looking at Vorkosigan's first wife。 She had seen no other pictures of her anywhere in his things。 There were also three studies of a laughing young man labeled 〃Ges〃 that seemed hauntingly familiar。 She mentally added forty pounds and twenty years to him; and the room seemed to tilt as she recognized Admiral Vorrutyer。 She closed the portfolio back up quietly。
 Vorkosigan finally found what he was looking for; a couple of sets of old red lieutenant's tabs。 〃Good。 It was quicker than going by headquarters。〃
 At the Imperial Military Hospital they were stopped by a male nurse。 〃Sir? Visiting hours are over; sir。〃
 〃Did no one call from headquarters? Where's that surgeon?〃
 Koudelka's surgeon; the man who had worked on; or over; him with the hand tractor during Cordelia's first visit; was routed out at last。
 〃Admiral Vorkosigan; sir。 No; of course visiting hours don't apply to him。 Thank you; corpsman; dismissed。〃
 〃I'm not visiting this time; Doctor。 Official business。 I mean to relieve you of your patient tonight; if it's physically possible。 Koudelka's been reassigned。〃
 〃Reassigned? He was to be discharged in a week! Reassigned to what? Hasn't anybody read my reports? He can barely walk。〃
 〃He won't need to。 His new assignment is all desk work。 I trust you have his hands working?〃
 〃Pretty well。〃
 〃Any medical work left to be done?〃
 〃Nothing important。 A few last tests。 I was just holding him to the end of the month; so he would have pleted his fourth year。 Thought it would help his pension a bit; such as it is。〃
 Vorkosigan sorted through the papers and disks; and handed the pertinent ones to the doctor。 〃Here。 Cram this in your puter and get his release signed。 e on; Cordelia; let's go surprise him。〃 He looked happier than he had all day。
 They entered Koudelka's room to find him still dressed for the day in black fatigues; struggling with a therapeutic hand coordination exercise and cursing under his breath。
 〃Hello; sir;〃 he greeted Vorkosigan absently。 〃The trouble with this damn tin…foil nervous system is that you can't teach it anything。 Practice only helps the organic parts。 I swear some days I could beat my head on the wall。〃 He gave up the exercise with a sigh。
 〃Don't do that。 You're going to need it in the days to e。〃
 〃I suppose so。 It was never my best part; though。〃 He stared; abstracted and downcast; at the board; then remembered to be cheerful for his mander。 Looking up; he noticed the time。 〃What are you doing here at this hour; sir?〃
 〃Business。 Just what are your plans for the next few weeks; Ensign?〃
 〃Well; they're discharging me next week; you know。 I'll go home for a while。 Then start looking for work; I guess。 I don't know what land。〃
 〃Too bad;〃 said Vorkosigan; keeping h

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