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小说: lmb.shardsofhonor 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Resourceful; too;〃 Cordelia extemporized; wondering what cordolite was。 She'd never heard of it。 〃Just the man for this mission。〃
 〃What mission!〃
 〃Sh; not so loud。 I'm on a secret mission for the President。 Personally。 It's so delicate; even the Department of War doesn't know about it。 There'd be heavy political repercussions if it ever got out。 I have to deliver a secret ultimatum to the Emperor of Barrayar。 But no one must know I've left Beta Colony。〃
 〃Am I supposed to take you there?〃 he asked; amazed。 〃My freight run…〃
 I believe I could talk this kid into running me all the way to Barrayar on his employer's fuel; she thought。 But it would be the end of his career。 Conscience controlled soaring ambition。
 〃No; no。 Your freight run must appear to be exactly the same as usual。 I'm to meet a secret contact on Escobar。 You'll simply be carrying one article of freight that isn't on the manifest。 Me。〃
 〃I'm not cleared for passengers; ma'am。〃
 〃Good heavens; don't you think we know that? Why do you suppose you were picked over all the other candidates; by the President himself?〃
 〃Wow。 And I didn't even vote for him。〃
 He took her aboard the freighter shuttle; and made her a seat among the last…minute cargo。 〃You know all the big names in Survey; don't you; ma'am? Lightner; Parnell。。。 Do you suppose you could ever introduce me?〃
 〃I don't know。 But…you will get to meet a lot of the big names from the Expeditionary Force; and Security; when you get back from Escobar。 I promise。〃 Will you ever。。。
 〃May I ask you a personal question; ma'am?〃
 〃Why not? Everyone else does。〃
 〃Why are you wearing slippers?〃
 She stared down at her feet。 〃I'm…sorry; Pilot Officer Mayhew。 That's classified。〃
 〃Oh。〃 He went forward to lift ship。
 Alone at last; she leaned her forehead against the cool smooth plastic side of a packing case; and wept silently for herself。
 It was about noon; local time; when the lightflyer she had rented in Vorbarr Sultana brought her over the long lake。 The shore was bordered by vine…garlanded slopes backed in turn by steep; scrub…covered hills。 The population here was thinly scattered; except around the lake; which had a village at its foot。 A cliffed headland at the waters edge was crowned by the ruins of an old fortification。 She circled it; rechecking her map on which it was a principle landmark。 Counting northward from it past three large properties; she brought her flyer down on a driveway that wound up the slope to a fourth。
 A rambling old house built of native stone blended with the vegetation into the side of the hill。 She retracted the wings; killed the engine; pocketed the keys; and sat staring uncertainly at its sun…warmed front。
 A tall figure in a strange brown and silver uniform ambled around the corner。 He bore a weapon in a holster on his hip; and his hand rested on it caressingly。 She knew then that Vorkosigan must be nearby; for it was Sergeant Bothari。 He looked to be in good health; at least physically。
 She hopped out of the lightflyer。 〃Uh; good afternoon; Sergeant。 Is Admiral Vorkosigan at home?〃
 He stared at her; narrow…eyed; then his face seemed to clear; and he saluted her。 〃Captain Naismith。 Ma'am。 Yes。〃
 〃You're looking a lot better than when we last met。〃
 〃On the flagship。 At Escobar。〃
 He looked troubled。 〃I…can't remember Escobar。 Admiral Vorkosigan says I was there。〃
 〃I see。〃 Took away your memory; did they? Or did you do it yourself? No telling now。 〃I'm sorry to hear that。 You served bravely。〃
 〃Did I? I was discharged; after。〃
 〃Oh? What's the uniform?〃
 〃Count Vorkosigan's livery; ma'am。 He took me into his personal guard。〃
 〃I'm…sure you'll serve him well。 May I see Admiral Vorkosigan?〃
 〃He's around back; ma'am。 You can go up。〃 He wandered away; evidently making some kind of patrol circuit。
 She trudged around the house; the sun warm on her back; lacking at the unaccustomed skirts of her dress and making them swirl about her knees。 She had bought it yesterday in Vorbarr Sultana; partly for fun; mostly because her old tan Survey fatigues with the insignia taken off collected stares in the streets。 Its dark floral pattern pleased her eye。 Her hair hung loose; parted in the middle and held back from her face by two enameled bs; also purchased yesterday。
 A little farther up the hill was a garden; surrounded by a low grey stone wall。 No; not a garden; she realized as she approached: a graveyard。 An old man in old coveralls was working in it; kneeling in the dirt planting young flowers from a flat。 He squinted up at her as she pushed through the little gate。 She did not mistake his identity。 He was a little taller than his son; and his musculature had gone thin and stringy with age; but she saw Vorkosigan in the bones of his face。
 〃General Count Vorkosigan; sir?〃 She saluted him automatically; then realized how peculiar it must look in the dress。 He rose stiffly to his feet。 〃My name is Cap…my name is Cordelia Naismith。 I'm a friend of Aral's。 I…don't know if he mentioned me to you。 Is he here?〃
 〃How do you do; madam。〃 He came more or less to attention; and gave her a courteous half…nod that was achingly familiar。 〃He said very little; and it did not lead me to think I might meet you。〃 A smile creaked across his face; as if those muscles were stiff from long disuse。 〃You have no idea how pleased I am to be wrong。〃 He gestured over his shoulder up the hill。 〃There is a little pavilion at the top of our property; overlooking the lake。 He; ah; sits up there most of the time。〃
 〃I see。〃 She spotted the path; winding up past the graveyard。 〃Um。 I'm not sure how to put this。。。 is he sober?〃
 He glanced at the sun; and pursed leathery lips。 〃Probably not; by this hour。 When he first came home he only drank after dinner; but the time has been creeping up; gradually。 Very disturbing; but there isn't much I can do about it。 Although if that gut of his starts bleeding again I may。。。〃 He broke off; looking her over with intense; uncertain speculation。 〃He has taken this Escobar failure unnecessarily personally; I think。 His resignation was not in the least called for。〃
 She deduced the old Count was not in the Emperor's confidence on this matter; and thought; it wasn't its failure that slew his spirit; sir; it was its success。 Aloud; she said; 〃Loyalty to your Emperor was a very great point of honor for him; I know。〃 Almost its last bastion; and your Emperor chose to flatten it to its foundations in the service of his great need。。。
 〃Why don't you go on up;〃 suggested the old man。 〃Although; this isn't a very good day for him; I had better warn you。〃
 〃Thank you。 I understand。〃
 He stood looking after her as she left the walled enclosure and went on up the winding walk。 It was shaded by trees; most of them Earth imports; and some other vegetation that had to be local。 The hedge of bush…like things with flowers…she assumed they were flowers; Dubauer would have known…that looked like pink ostrich feathers was particularly striking。
 The pavilion was a faintly oriental structure of weathered wood; manding a fine view of the sparkling lake。 Vines climbed it; seeming to claim it for the rocky soil。 It was open on all four sides; and furnished with a couple of shabby chaises; a large faded armchair and footstool; and a small table holding two decanters; some glasses; and a bottle of a thick white liquid。
 Vorkosigan lay back in the chair; eyes closed; bare feet on the stool; a pair of sandals kicked carelessly over the side。 Cordelia paused at the pavilion's edge to study him with a sort of delicate enjoyment。 He wore an old pair of black uniform trousers and a very civilian shirt; a loud and unexpected floral print。 He obviously had not shaved that morning。 His toes; she noticed; had a little wiry black hair on them like the backs of his fingers and hands。 She decided she definitely liked his feet; indeed could easily bee quite foolishly fond of every part of him。 His generally seedy air was less amusing。 Tired; and more than tired。 Ill。
 He opened his eyes to slits and reached for a crystal tumbler filled with an amber liquid; then appeared to change his mind and picked up the white bottle instead。 A small measuring cup stood beside it; which he ignored; knocking back a slug of the white liquid directly from its source instead。 He sneered briefly at the bottle; then traded it for the crystal tumbler and took a drink; rinsing it around in his mouth and swallowing。 He hunched back down in the armchair; at a slightly lower level than before。
 〃Liquid breakfast?〃 Cordelia inquired。 〃Is it as tasty as oatmeal and blue cheese dressing?〃
 His eyes snapped open。 〃You;〃 he said hoarsely after a moment; 〃are not a hallucination。〃 He started to get up; then appeared to think better of it and sank back in frozen self…consciousness。 〃I never wanted you to see。。。〃
 She mounted the steps to the shade; pushed a chaise closer to him; and seated herself。 Blast; she thought; I've embarrassed him; catching him all awry like this。 Off balance。 How to put him at his ease? I would have him at his ease; always。。。 〃I tried to call ahead; when I first landed yesterday; but I kept missing you。 If hallucin

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