靠谱电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > lmb.shardsofhonor >



小说: lmb.shardsofhonor 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃You; on the other hand; will take me apart and not even get a giggle out of it。 Of course; you fully intend to put the pieces back together afterwards; but from my point of view that scarcely makes any difference。 Aral was right about people in green silk rooms。。。〃
 Mehta looked puzzled。 〃You've stopped stuttering;〃 she noted。
 〃Yes。。。〃 Cordelia paused before her aquarium; considering it curiously。 〃So I have。 How strange。〃 Stone smashes scissors。。。
 She removed the top。 The old familiar nausea of funk and fear wrung her stomach。 She wandered aimlessly behind Mehta; the chain belt and a shirt in her hands。 I must choose now。 I must choose now。 I choose…now!
 She lunged; wrapping the belt around the doctor's throat; yanking her arms up behind her back; securing them painfully with the other end of the belt。 Mehta emitted a strangled squeak。
 Cordelia held her from behind; and whispered in her ear。
 〃In a moment I'll give you your air back。 How long depends on you。 You're about to get a short course in the real Barrayaran interrogation techniques。 I never used to approve of them; but lately I've e to see they have their uses…when you're in a tearing hurry; for instance…〃
 Can't let her guess I'm playacting。 Playacting。 〃How many men does Tailor have planted around this building; and what are their positions?〃
 She loosened the chain slightly。 Mehta; eyes stunned with fear; choked; 〃None!〃
 〃All Cretans are liars;〃 Cordelia muttered。 〃Bill's not inept either。〃 She dragged the doctor over to the aquarium and pushed her face into the water。 She struggled wildly; but Cordelia; larger; stronger; in better training; held her under with a furious strength that astonished herself。
 Mehta showed signs of passing out。 Cordelia pulled her up and allowed her a couple of breaths。
 〃Care to revise your estimate yet?〃 God help me; what if this doesn't work? They'll never believe I'm not an agent now。
 〃Oh; please;〃 Mehta gasped。
 〃All right; back you go。〃 She held her down again。
 The water roiled; splashing over the sides of the aquarium。 Cordelia could see Mehta's face through the glass; strangely magnified; deathly yellow in the odd reflected light from the gravel。 Silver bubbles broke around her mouth and flowed up over her face。 Cordelia was temporarily fascinated by them。 Air flows like water; underwater; she thought; is there an aesthetic of death?
 〃Now。 How many? Where?〃
 〃No; really!〃
 〃Have another drink。〃
 At her next breath Mehta gasped; 〃You wouldn't kill me!〃
 〃Diagnosis; Doctor;〃 hissed Cordelia。 〃Am I a sane woman; pretending to be mad; or a madwoman; pretending to be sane? Grow gills!〃 Her voice rose uncontrollably。 She shoved Mehta back under; and found she was holding her own breath。 And what if she's right and I'm wrong? What if I am an agent; and don't know it? How do you tell a copy from the original? Stone smashes scissors。。。。
 She had a vision; trembling to her fingers; of holding the woman's head under; and under; until her resistance drained away; until unconsciousness took her; and a full count beyond that to assure brain death。 Power; opportunity; will…she lacked nothing。 So this is what Aral felt at Komarr; she thought。 Now I understand…no。 Now I know。
 〃How many? Where?〃
 〃Four;〃 Mehta croaked。 Cordelia melted with relief。 〃Two outside the foyer。 Two in the garage。〃
 〃Thank you;〃 said Cordelia; automatically courteous; but her throat was tightened to a slit and squeezed her words to a smear of sound。 〃I'm sorry。。。〃 She could not tell if Mehta; livid; heard or understood。 Paper wraps stone。。。
 She bound and gagged her as she had once seen Vorkosigan do Gottyan。 She shoved her down behind the bed; out of sight from the door。 She stuffed bank cards; IDs; money; into her pockets。 She turned on the shower。
 She tiptoed out the bedroom door; breathing raggedly through her mouth。 She ached for a minute; just one minute; to collect her shattered balance; but Tailor and the medtech were gone…to the kitchen for coffee; probably。 She dared not risk the opening even to pause for boots。
 No; God…! Tailor was standing in the archway to the kitchen; just raising a cup of coffee to his lips。 She froze; he went still; and they stared at each other。
 Her eyes; Cordelia realized; must be huge as some nocturnal animal's。 She never could control her eyes。
 Tailors mouth twisted oddly; watching her。 Then; slowly; he raised his left hand and saluted her。 The incorrect hand; but the other was holding the coffee。 He took a sip of his drink; gaze steady over the rim of his cup。
 Cordelia came gravely to attention; returned the salute; and slipped quietly out the apartment door。
 To her temporary terror; she found a journalist and his vidman in the hallway; one of the most persistent and obnoxious; the one she'd had thrown out of the building yesterday。 She smiled at him; dizzy with exhilaration; like a sky diver just stepping into air。
 〃Still want to do that interview?〃
 He jumped at the bait。
 〃Slow down; now。 Not here。 I'm being watched; you know。〃 She dropped her voice conspiratorially。 〃The government's doing a cover…up。 What I know could blow the administration sky…high。 Things about the prisoners。 You could…make your reputation。〃
 〃Where; then?〃 He was avid。
 〃How about the shuttleport? Their bar's quiet。 I'll buy you a drink; and we can…plan our campaign。〃 Time ticked in her brain。 She expected her mother's apartment door to slam open any second。 〃It's dangerous; though。 There are two government agents up in the foyer and two in the garage。 I'd have to get past them without being seen。 If it were known I was talking to you; you might not get a chance at a second interview。 No rough stuff…just a little quiet disappearance in the night; and the ripple of a rumor about 'gone for medical tests。' Know what I mean?〃 She was fairly sure he didn't…his media service dealt mainly in sex fantasies…but she could see a vision of journalistic glory growing in his face。
 He turned to his vidman。 〃Jon; give her your jacket; your hat; and your holovid。〃
 She tucked her hair up in the broad…brimmed hat; concealed her fatigues under the jacket; and carried the vid ostentatiously。 They took the lift tube up to the garage。 There were two men in blue uniforms waiting by its exit。 She placed the vid casually on her shoulder; her arm half…concealing her face; as they walked past them to the journalist's groundcar。
 At the shuttleport bar she ordered drinks; and took a large gulp of her own。 〃I'll be right back;〃 she promised; and left him sitting there with the unpaid…for liquor in front of him。
 The next stop was the ticket puter。 She punched up the schedule。 No passenger ships leaving for Escobar for at least six hours。 Far too long。 The shuttleport would surely be one of the first places searched。 A woman in shuttleport uniform walked past。 Cordelia collared her。
 〃Pardon me。 Could you help me find out something about private freighter schedules; or any other private ships leaving soon?〃
 The woman frowned; then smiled in sudden recognition。 〃You're Captain Naismith!〃
 Her heart lurched; and pounded drunkenly。 No…steady on。。。 〃Yes。 Um。。。 The press have been giving me a rather hard time。 I'm sure you understand。〃 Cordelia gave the woman a look that raised her to an inner circle。 〃I want to do this quietly。 Maybe we could go to an office? I know you're not like them。 You have a respect for privacy。 I can see it in your face。〃
 〃You can?〃 The woman was flattered and excited; and led Cordelia away。 In her office she had access to the full traffic control schedules; and Cordelia keyed through them rapidly。 〃Hm。 This looks good。 Starts for Escobar within the hour。 Has the pilot gone up yet; do you know?〃
 〃That freighter isn't certified for passengers。〃
 〃That's all right。 I just want to talk to the pilot。 Personally。 And privately。 Can you catch him for me?〃
 〃I'll try。〃 She succeeded。 〃He'll meet you in Docking Bay 27。 But you'll have to hurry。〃
 〃Thanks。 Um。。。 You know; the journalists have been making my life miserable。 They'll stop at nothing。 There's even a pair who've gone so far as to put on Expeditionary Force uniforms to try and get in。 Call themselves Captain Mehta and modore Tailor。 A real pain。 If any of them e sniffing around; do you suppose you could sort of forget you saw me?〃
 〃Why; sure; Captain Naismith。〃
 〃Call me Cordelia。 You're first…rate! Thanks!〃
 The pilot was a very young one; getting his first experience on freighters before taking on the larger responsibilities of passenger ships。 He too recognized her; and promptly asked for her autograph。
 〃I suppose you're wondering why you were chosen;〃 she began as she wrote it out for him; without the faintest idea of where she was going; but only with the thought that he looked the sort of person who had never won a contest in his life。
 〃Me; ma'am?〃
 〃Believe me; the security people went over your life from end to end。 You're trustworthy。 That's what you are。 Really trustworthy。〃
 〃Oh…they can't have found out about the cordolite!〃 Alarm struggled with response to flattery。
 〃Resourceful; too;〃 Cordelia extemporized; wondering what cordolite was。 She'd never heard of it。 〃Just the man

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