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意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺-第6部分

小说: 意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺 字数: 每页4000字

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As soon as it was light; a dirge arose: 〃Miserere mei; miserere mei。〃 The friars had e with the bier to carry off Little John's body。 But there he stood; at the window; smoking his pipe! 
Dauntless Little John was a wealthy youth indeed with all those gold pieces; and he lived happily in his palace。 Then one day what should he do but look behind him and see his shadow: he was so frightened he died。 
〃Dauntless Little John〃 (Giovannin senza paura) 
I begin with a folktale for which I do not indicate; in contrast to my procedure in all the other tales; the particular version I followed。 As the versions of it from the various regions of Italy are all quite similar; I let myself be freely guided by mon tradition。 Not only for that reason have I put this tale first; but also because it is one of the simplest and; in my view; one of the most beautiful folktales。 
Italian tradition sharply diverges from the Grimms' 〃Tale of a Boy Who Set Out to Learn Fear〃 (Grimm no。4) which is no doubt closer to my no。80。 The type of tale is of European origin and not found in Asia。 
The disappearance of the man limb by limb is not traditional; but a personal touch of my own; to balance his arrival piece by piece。 I took the finishing stroke of the shadow from a Sienese version (De Gubernatis; 22); and it is merely a simplification of the more mon ending; where Little John is given a salve for fastening heads back on。 He cuts his head off and puts it on againbackward; the sight of his rear end so horrifies him that he drops dead。 
Copyright: Italian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino; 
translated by George Martin; 
Pantheon Books; New York 1980 

The Man Wreathed in Seaweed

A king had his crier announce in the town squares that whoever found his missing daughter would be rewarded with a fortune。 But the announcement brought no results; since no one had any idea of the girl's whereabouts。 She had been kidnapped one night; and they had already looked the world over for her。 
A sea captain suddenly had the thought that since she wasn't on land she might well be on the sea; so he got a ship ready to go out in search of her。 But when the time came to sign up the crew; not one sailor stepped forward; since no one wanted to go on a dangerous expedition that would last no telling how long。 
The captain waited on the pier; but fearful of being the first to embark; no one approached his ship。 Also on the pier was Samphire Starboard; a reputed tramp and tippler; whom no ship captain was ever willing to sign on。 
〃Listen;〃 said our captain; 〃how would you like to sail with me?〃 
〃I'd like to very much。〃 
〃e aboard; then。〃 
〃So Samphire Starboard was the first to embark。 After that; other sailors took heart and boarded the ship。 
Once he was on the ship; Samphire Starboard did nothing but stand around all day long with his hands in his pockets and dream about the taverns he had left behind。 The other sailors cursed him because there was no knowing when the voyage would end; provisions were scarce; and he did nothing to earn his keep。 The captain decided to get rid of him。 〃See that little island?〃 he asked; pointing to an isolated reef in the middle of the sea。 〃Get into a rowboat and go explore it。 We'll be cruising right around here。〃 
Samphire Starboard stepped into the rowboat; and the ship sailed away at full speed; leaving him stranded in the middle of the sea。 He approached the reef; spied a cave; and went in。 Tied up inside was a very beautiful maiden; who was none other than the king's daughter。 
〃How did you manage to find me?〃 she asked。 
〃I was fishing for octopi;〃 explained Samphire。 
〃I was kidnapped by a huge octopus; whose prisoner I now am;〃 said the king's daughter。 〃Flee before it returns。 But note that for three hours a day it changes into a red mullet and can be caught。 But your have to kill the mullet at once; or it will change into a sea gull and fly away。〃 
Samphire Starboard hid his boat and waited out of sight on the reef。 From the sea emerged the octopus; which was so large that it could reach clear around the island with its tentacles。 All its suckers shook; having smelled a man on the reef。 But the hour arrived when it had to change into a fish; and suddenly it became a red mullet and disappeared into the sea。 Samphire Starboard lowered fishing nets and pulled them back up full of gurnard; sturgeon; and dentex。 The last haul produced the red mullet; shaking like a leaf。 Samphire raised his oar to kill it; but instead of the red mullet he struck the sea gull flying out of the net and broke its wing。 The gull then changed back into an octopus; whose wounded tentacles spurted dark red blood。 Samphire was upon it instantly and beat it to death with the oar。 The king's daughter gave him a diamond ring as a token of the gratitude she would always feel toward him。 
〃e and I'll take you to your father;〃 he said; showing her into his boat。 But the boat was tiny and they were out in the middle of the sea。 After rowing and rowing they spied a ship in the distance。 Samphire signaled to it with an oar draped with the king's daughter's gown。 The ship spotted them and took them aboard。 It was the same ship that had earlier discharged and abandoned Samphire。 Seeing him back with the king's daughter; the captain said; 〃Poor Samphire Starboard! Here we thought you were lost and now; after looking all over for you

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