靠谱电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺 >


意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺-第30部分

小说: 意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃I saw the sultan of Turkey; who bought himself twenty new wives。〃 
  〃I saw the emperor of China; who has let his pigtail grow three yards long。〃 
  〃I saw the king of the cannibals; who ate his chamberlain by mistake。〃 
  〃I saw the king of this region; who has the sick son nobody can cure; since I alone know the remedy。〃 
  〃And what is it?〃 asked the other witches。 
  〃In the floor of his room is a loose tile。 All one need to do is lift the tile; and there underneath is a phial containing an ointment that would heal everyone of his wounds。〃 
  It was all the princess inside the tree could do not to scream for joy。 By this time the witches had told one another all they had to say; so each went her own way。 The princess jumped from the tree and set out in the dawn for the city。 At the first secondhand dealer's she came to; she bought an old doctor's gown and a pair of spectacles; and knocked at the royal palace。 Seeing the little doctor with such scant paraphernalia; the servants weren't going to let him in; but the king said; 〃What harm could he do my son who can't be any worse off than he is now? Let him see what he can do。〃 The sham doctor asked to be left alone with the sick man; and the request was granted。 
  Finding her lover groaning and unconscious in his sickbed; the princess felt like weeping and smothering him with kisses。 But she restrained herself because of the urgency of carrying out the witch's directions。 She paced up and down the room until she stepped on a loose tile; which she raised and discovered a phial of ointment。 With it she rubbed the prince's wounds; and no sooner had she touched each one with ointment than the wound disappeared pletely。 Overjoyed she called the king; who came in and saw his son sleeping peacefully; with the color back in his cheeks; and no trace of any of the wounds。 
  〃Ask for whatever you like; doctor;〃 said the king。 〃All the wealth in the kingdom is yours。〃 
  〃I wish no money;〃 replied the doctor。 〃Just give me the prince's shield bearing the family coat…of…arms; his standard; and his yellow vest that was rent and bloodied。〃 Upon receiving the three items; she took her leave。 
  Three days later; the king's son was again out hunting。 He passed the castle in the heart of the forest; but didn't deign to look up at the princess's window。 She immediately picked up the book; leafed through it; and the prince had no choice but change into a canary。 He flew into the room; and the princess turned him back into a man。 〃Let me go;〃 he said。 〃Isn't it enough to have pierced me with those pins of yours and caused me so much agony?〃 The prince; in truth; no longer loved the girl; blaming her for his misfortune。 
  On the verge of fainting; she exclaimed; 〃But I saved your life! I am the one who cured you!〃 
  〃That's not so;〃 said the prince。 〃My life was saved by a foreign doctor who asked for no repense except my coat…of…arms; my standard; and my bloodied vest!〃 
  〃Here are your coat…of…arms; your standard; and your vest! The doctor was none other than myself! The pins were the cruel doing of my stepmother!〃 
  The prince gazed into her eyes; dumbfounded。 Never had she looked so beautiful。 He fell at her feet asking her forgiveness and declaring his deep gratitude and love。 
  That very evening he informed his father he was going to marry the maiden in the castle in the forest。 
  〃You may marry only the daughter of a king or an emperor;〃 replied his father。 
  〃I shall marry the woman who saved my life。〃 
  So they made preparations for the wedding; inviting all the kings and queens in the vicinity。 Also present was the princess's royal father; who had been informed of nothing。 When the bride came out; he looked at her and exclaimed; 〃My daughter!〃 
  〃What!〃 said the royal host。 〃My son's bride is your daughter? Why did she not tell us?〃 
  〃Because;〃 explained the bride; 〃I no longer consider myself the daughter of a man who let my stepmother imprison me。〃 And she pointed at the queen。 
  Learning of all his daughter's misfortune; the father was filled with pity for the girl and with loathing for his wicked wife。 Nor did he wait until he was back home to have the woman seized。 Thus the marriage was celebrated to the satisfaction and joy of all; with the exception of that wretch。 
  〃The Canary Prince〃 Il Principe canarino) from Rua (in Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari; Palermo…Turin; VI '1887'; 401); Turin。 
  This folktale from Turin; with its balladlike pathos; develops a medieval motif; which is also literary。 (But Marie de France's lai; Yonec; is quite different; being the story of an adultery。) My personal touches here include the prince's yellow suit and leggings; the description of the transformation in a flutter of wings; the gossip of the witches who traveled the world over; and a bit of stylistic cunning。 
  Copyright: Italian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino; 
  translated by George Martin; 
  Pantheon Books; New York 1980 


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