靠谱电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺 >


意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺-第12部分

小说: 意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺 字数: 每页4000字

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The captain wheeled around and saw three crones。 One had eyelashes that dragged on the ground; another lips that hung down to her feet; and the third teeth that grazed her knees。 
Well; well; he thought to himself。 Now I can tell her something that will make her laugh。 If she doesn't laugh over what I've just seen; she'll never laugh at anything! 
He went home and said to his bride; 〃Just listen to this。 Today I was in the woods and went into a hovel to get out of the rain。 I go in and what should I see but three crones: one with eyelashes that dragged on the ground; another with lips that hung down to her feet; and the third with teeth that grazed her knees。 And they called each other: 'O Columbina;' 'O Columbara;' 'O Columbun!'〃 
The bride's face brightened instantly; and she burst out laughing; and laughed and laughed。 〃Order the wedding banquet right away。 But I'm asking one favor of you: since those three crones made me laugh so hard; let me invite them to the banquet。〃 
Invite them she did。 For the three old women a separate round table was set up; but so small that what with the eyelashes of one; the lips of the other; and the teeth of the third; you no longer knew what was what。 
When dinner was over; the bridegroom asked Columbina; 〃Tell me; good lady; why are your lashes so long?〃 
〃That's from straining my eyes to spin fine thread!〃 said Columbina。 
〃And you; why are your lips so thick?〃 
〃That es from always rubbing my finger on them to wet the thread!〃 said Columbara。 
〃And you; how on earth did your teeth get so long?〃 
〃That's from biting the knot of the thread!〃 said Columbun。 
〃I see;〃 said the bridegroom; and he turned to his wife。 〃Go get the spindle。〃 When she brought it to him; he threw it into the fire。 〃You'll spin no more for the rest of your life!〃 
So the big; fat bride lived happily ever after。 
(Riviera ligure di ponente) 
〃And Seven!〃 (E sette!) from Andrews; 4; 23; 47。 (The first two were collected in Menton; the third near Ventimiglia。) 
Marriage anecdotes and fairy…tale initiation motifs (the secret name to remember) are blended in this old story widespread in Europe (of English; Swedish; or German origin; according to scholars); subjected to literary treatment in the seventeenth century in Naples (Basile; IV; 4) and well known throughout Italy。 
Copyright: Italian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino; 
translated by George Martin; 
Pantheon Books; New York 1980 

There was a widow with a son named Jack; who at thirteen wanted to leave home to seek his fortune。 His mother said to him; 〃What do you expect to do out in the world? Don't you know you're still a little boy? When you're able to fell that pine tree behind our house with one kick; then you can go。〃 
Every day after that; as soon as he rose in the morning; Jack would get a running start and jump against the trunk of the tree with both feet; but the pine never budged an inch and he fell flat on his back。 He would get up again; shake the dirt off; and go back inside。 
At last one fine morning he jumped with all his might; and the tree gave way and toppled to the ground; his roots in the air。 Jack ran and got his mother who; surveying the felled tree; said; 〃You may now go wherever you wish; my son。〃 Jack bid her farewell and set out。 
After walking for days and days he came to a city whose king had a horse named Rondello that no one had ever been able to ride。 People constantly tried; but were thrown just when it appeared they would succeed。 Looking on; Jack soon realized that the horse was afraid of its own shadow; so he volunteered to break Rondello himself。 He began by going up to the horse in the stable; talking to it and patting it; then he suddenly jumped into the saddle and rode the animal outside straight into the sun。 Th

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