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197 海洋调查船 oceanography survey ship
198 公试 official trial
199 泄油侦控系统 oil discharge monitoring and control system
200 油机 oil engine
201 石油探勘 oil exploration
202 加油孔 oil filling port
203 油膜厚度 oil film thickness
204 滤油器 oil filter (or strainer)
205 油回收系统 oil recovery system
206 油开关 oil switch
207 '容许'一舱区浸水船 one…partment ship
208 联线 on…line
209 敞模法 open mold method
210 1)栏杆 2)扶手 open rail (or guard railing)
211 作动油泵 operating oil pump
212 操作系统 operating system (OS)
213 指令舵角 order rudder angle
214 出线盒 outlet box
215 叉架 outrigger
216 过热 overheat
217 办公室自动化 OA (= office automation)
218 1)脱离位置 2)断电位置 off…position
219 油水分离器 oil extractor
220 油环 oil ring
221 刮油环 oil scraping ring
222 油水分离装置 oily water separating equipment
223 甲板上纵梁 on…deck girder
224 开关动作 on…off control action
225 开路电压 open circuit voltage
226 敞式货柜 open container
227 最佳控制 optimal (or optimizing; or optimum) control
228 洋松 oregon pine
229 孔口 orifice
230 船体外侧面图 outboard profile
231 外层板列 outer plating (or strake)
232 外板列 outer strake
233 1)外形;轮廓 2)大纲 outline
234 简要规范书 outline specification
235 外缘负荷支撑眼板 outmost load bearing padeye
236 外卡'钳' outside caliper
237 全长 overall length
238 溢流阀 overflow valve
239 大修检查 overhaul inspection
240 搭接接头 overlapped joint
241 过载跳脱 overload trip
242 金属氧化物油漆 oxide paint
243 氧乙炔吹把 oxy…accetylene torch
244 桨 oar
245 离岸 off shore
246 增压油泵 oil booster pump
247 油沟 oil groove
248 喷油器 oil sprayer
249 油韧化 oil toughening
250 油水界面计 oil/water interface detector
251 开斜角 open bevel
252 开口导索器 open chock
253 面外荷重 out…of…plane loading
254 溢流管 overflow pipe
255 翻修;大修 overhaul
256 过负荷防止装置 over load protecter (OLP)
257 超载替续器 overload relay
258 超载试验;过负荷试验 overload test
259 超速限界 overspeed limit
260 氧乙炔焰 oxy…accetylene flame
261 氧气电弧切割 oxy…arc cutting
262 氧割器 oxygen cutter
263 桨架 oarlock
264 毛玻璃 obscure glass
265 燃油柜 oil bunker
266 耗油量 oil consumption
267 给油器 oil feeder
268 滤油系统 oil filtering system
269 燃油舱;燃油柜 oil fuel (or oil fuel storage) tank
270 重力油柜 oil head tank
271 油炉;油烤炉 oil oven
272 油回收船 oil recovery ship
273 船上装 onboard outfit
274 单面瓦斯电弧焊 one…side electro gas (O。E。G。) welding
275 大舱口船 open hatch vessel
276 开闭速度 opening and closing speed
277 开口接合 open joint
278 无艉跟材艉架 open stern frame
279 开式轴承;敞轴承 open type bearing
280 最下层甲板(四层甲板以上船) orlop deck
281 操作系统 OS (= operating system)
282 船外轴 outboard shaft
283 出口;出路 outlet
284 外搭板 outside butt strap
285 外冷凝器 outside condenser
286 船外 overboard
287 船外排泄阀 overboard discharge valve
288 舷外吊索 overboard fall
289 氧乙炔切割 oxy…accetylene cutting
290 氧乙炔气管 oxy…accetylene hose
291 油性漆 oil paint
292 远洋航行 ocean service
293 跨洋拖航 ocean towage
294 公务记事簿 official log book
295 海域起重机 offshore crane
296 滴油盘 oil drip pan
297 加油管 oil filling pipe
298 油残留物 oil residue
299 甲板部更衣室 oil skin locker
300 油柜通气管 oil tank vent
301 验油器 oil tester
302 '含'油污水 oily water
303 断路 open circuit
304 敞船艛 open superstructure
305 操作杆 operating rod
306 光学放样 optical loft
307 光学落样 optical marking
308 普通搓捻 ordinary lay
309 示波图 oscillograph
310 普通截片法 OSM (= ordinary strip method)
311 1)伸出舷外距离 2)伸出距离 outreach
312 外钳场 outside machine shop
313 过流继电器 overcurrent relay
314 仰姿 overhead position
315 过载出力 overload output
316 船东监造员 owner's inspector
317 氧乙炔吹管 oxy…accetylene blow pipe
318 氧吹管焰割 oxygen lancing
319 氢氧焊接 oxy…hydrogen welding
320 橡木 oak
321 远洋船舶 ocean going vessel
322 线外处理 off…line procession
323 海域结构物 offshore structure
324 远洋拖网渔船 offshore (or deep sea) trawler
325 油轮 oil carrier (or tanker)
326 油箱 oil cistern
327 油冷活塞 oil cooled piston
328 冷却油泵 oil cooling pump
329 油管 oil pipe
330 油淬火 oil quenching
331 油密舱口盖 oiltight hatch cover
332 1)联动位置 2)通电位置 on…position
333 不透明玻璃;磨砂玻璃 opaque glass
334 直接排气 open exhaust
335 单独试验(螺桨) open water test
336 轨道运动 orbital motion
337 矿砂散装货与油兼用船 ore/bulk/oil (OBO) carrier
338 摆动缸 oscillating cylinder
339 摆缸机 oscillating engine
340 外板(木船) outside planking
341 过充电 overcharge
342 过量放电 overdischarge
343 悬伸 overhang
344 超速试验 overspeed test
345 障碍浮筒 obstruction buoy
346 甲级船员 officer
347 燃油船 oil burning vessel
348 油冷'却'器 oil cooler
349 油池 oil sump
350 船上试验 onboard test
351 平炉 open hearth furnace
352 开阔海域 open sea area
353 工作电压 operating current voltage
354 光学计程仪 optical log
355 普通截片法 ordinary strip method (OSM)
356 联合国组织 organizations in the United Nations system
357 导板(拖网渔船) otter board
358 失步 out of step
359 外向流 outward flow
360 氧气呼吸器 oxygen…breathing apparatus
361 油柜泵 oil tank pump
362 油煞 oil brake
363 燃油装置 oil burning arrangement
364 油封均压容器 oil…filled pressure pensated container
365 油路 oil line
366 净油机;净油器 oil purifier
367 油分离器 oil separator
368 油密舱壁 oiltight bulkhead
369 平炉钢 open hearth steel
370 敞式燃油阀 open type fuel valve
371 单拖网渔船 otter trawler
372 装工作 outfitting
373 全尺寸 overall dimensions
374 全满载 overall loading
375 氧乙炔 oxy…accetylene
376 氧乙炔吹管 oxyacetylene blow pipe
377 抗臭氧橡胶 ozone resistant rubber
378 联机操作 on…line operation (or on…line)
379 开口循环 open cycle
380 开式给水系统 open feed system
381 作业研究 operation research (OR)
382 纵坐标 ordinate
383 军械工场 ordnance shop
384 面外负荷;贯层负荷 out…plane loading
385 倾覆 overturning
386 氧化焰 oxiding flame
387 外包订制 outside manufacturing
388 外板搭架 outside staging
389 外艏帆 outter jib
390 全效率 overall efficiency
391 过流跳脱 over current trip
392 重迭型螺桨 overlapping propeller
393 过压防止装置 overpressure prevention means
394 船东试航 owner's trial
395 溢流管 overflow pipe
396 油散热器 oil radiator
397 艉柱上部船壳板 oxter plate
398 油泵 oil pump
399 操作杆 operating rod
400 冷却油泵 oil cooling pump
401 军械工场 ordnance shop
402 超载替续器 overload relay
403 油环 oil ring
404 挡油环 oil seal ring
405 斜杆 obliquity rod
406 抗臭氧橡胶 ozone resistant rubber
407 外侧轴 outer shaft
408 简要规范 outline specification
409 海洋测候船 ocean weather ship
410 远洋轮船 ocean going steamer
411 油分离器 oil separator
412 光仪工场 optical shop
413 外钳场 outside machine shop
414 1)验油 2)油验 oil test
415 喷油器 oil sprayer
416 观测油柜 observation tank
417 冷却油柜 oil cooling tank
418 平炉钢 open hearth steel
419 油密试验 oiltight test
420 敞式推力'轴'承 open type thrust bearing
421 滤油器 oil strainer (or filter)
422 油舱;油柜 oil tank
423 油密性 oil tightness
424 临时检验 occasional survey
425 外板列 outer strake
426 油开关 oil switch
427 高架移动起重机 overhead travelling crane
428 矿砂船 ore carrying vessel (or ore carrier)
429 超速试验 overspeed test
430 溢流阀 overflow valve
431 远洋船舶 ocean going vessel
432 大舱口船 open hatch vessel
433 仰焊 overhead welding
434 奥地利国家标准 ONORM (= Osterreichische Narm; Austria)
435 燃油船 oil burning vessel
436 奥地利电机技士协会 OVE (= Osterreichischer Elektrotechnischer Verein; Austria)
1 坠落试验 percussive (or drop) test
2 保证试验 proof test
3 1)螺距角 2)节距角 3)纵摇角 pitch angle
4 纵摇角 pitching angle
5 投影面积 projected area
6 抗拍结构布置 panting arrangement
7 管路布置图 pipe arrangement
8 固定压载 permanent ballast
9 管固定带 pipe band
10 火叉 pricker bar
11 抗拍梁 panting beam
12 弯管机'器' pipe bender
13 卷板机 plate bending roll
14 螺叶;砗叶片 propeller blade
15 中间轴台 plumber block (or plumber)
16 级进分段焊接法 progressive block method
17 客船 passenger boat
18 巡逻艇 patrol boat
19 引水船 pilot boat
20 推'型拖'船 push boat (or pusher)
21 螺'桨'毂 propeller boss
22 引水台 pilot bridge
23 浮桥 pontoon bridge
24 磷青铜 phosphor bronze
25 部分舱壁 partial bulkhead
26 小燃料舱 pocket bunker
27 纸绝缘电缆 paper insulated cable
28 动力能量 power capacity
29 光电池 photo…electric cell
30 波特兰水泥 Portland cement
31 临时证书 provisional cer… tificate
32 平链;链条 plate chain
33 巴拿马运河导索器 Panama chock
34 气力离合器 pneumatic clutch
35 粉煤 pulverised coal
36 小旋塞 pet cock
37 '纵向'棱块系数;棱形系数 prismatic coefficient
38 推进效率 propulsive coefficient (or