靠谱电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > !求职英语300句详稿 >



小说: !求职英语300句详稿 字数: 每页4000字

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I:  I see。 Will you walk this way; please? What experience have you had?
A:  I‘m afraid I haven‘t had any experience in just this sort of work。 I‘m studying business administration in college。 I want to get a job that would tie in with my studies。
I:  Have you got any selling experience at all?
A:  I worked in a department store in a small town last summer vacation。
I:  Now tell me about your educational background。
A:  I graduated from Beijing University。 I majored in business administration。
I:  What courses have you pleted?
A:  The courses I pleted are marketing; business law; business English; statistics; marketing principles; sales management; distribution theory; economies and psychology。
I:  What subjects did you like most at university?
A:  I liked sales strategies most。
I:  Why would you like to work with us?
A:  It‘s an interesting job; and your pany is one of the best known。 Although I have no work experience as a salesperson; the job description you sent was very interesting。 It‘s a job I have been dreaming of when I was at university。
I:  What are your future plans and what kind of expectations do you have of the pany?
A:  I have an interest in marketing and I would consider graduate study in business in the future。 I think my goals will bee more clear as I gain experience in sales and marketing。
I:  Good。 Do you know anything about this pany?
A:  Yes; a little。 As you mentioned just now; yours is an American capital pany。 As far as I know your pany is a world famous one which produces cosmetics and skincare products。
I:  Have you got anything to ask me?
A:  Will traveling be required in this position?
I:  Yes。
A:  How often?
I:  Three times a year at most。 How do you feel about this?
A:  That‘s fine。
A: 早上好,我是为你们登的招聘销售员的广告而来的。
I: 我知道,请这边来。你有工作经验吗?
A: 不好意思,我还没有做过这种工作。我在大学读工商管理, 我想找一份与我现在所学专业有联系的工作。
I: 那你有销售经验吗?
A: 去年暑假我在一家百货公司工作过。
I: 那你说说你的教育情况吧。
A: 我毕业于北京大学,学的是工商管理专业。
I: 你都学过什么课程?
A: 我学过的课程有市场营销、商业法、商业英语、统计学、市场原理、销售管理、销售原理、经济学和心理学。
I: 你在大学时最喜欢哪门课程?
A: 我最喜欢销售策略。
I: 你为什么要来我们公司工作?
A: 我对这份工作很感兴趣,而且贵公司也是最著名的公司之一。我虽然没做过销售员,但你对这份工作的介绍很有趣,这是我大学时梦寐以求的工作。
I: 你将来有何计划?对公司有何期望?
A: 我对市场营销感兴趣,我会希望将来能读商业专业的研究生。我想随着我在销售和市场方面经验的增加,我的目标会变得越来越明确。
I: 那不错,你了解我们公司吗?
A: 了解一些。正如你刚才所说的,贵公司是一家美国公司。据我所知, 贵公司是一家世界著名的化妆品和皮肤护理品生产商。
I: 你有什么问题要问我吗?
A: 这份工作需要出差吗?
I: 需要。
A: 多久一次?
I: 最多一年三次。你认为怎么样?
A: 那没关系。
president 董事长,行长,校长 found  建立,创办
capital 资本,资产   employ  雇佣
share 份额,参股   profitable  有利可图的
confidence 自信, 信心  specific  具体的,明确的
administration 管理,经营  statistics  统计,统计学
distribution  销售   psychology  心理学,心理
strategy  策略   cosmetic  化妆品 
做销售员,最重要的就是自信。所以无论你以前有过什么工作经历,销售过何种产品,都要说出来。要自信,不仅对自己,还要对自己销售的产品自信(confidence in yourself and your products)。

1) The specific number will be determined   according to    your sales。
           in accordance with 
           in conformity with

2) What do you think is the most important    qualification   for a salesperson?

3) We cannot    reach           a final decision until we have talked to all of the    make           other five applicants。
   e to
   arrive at

4) I came   in answer to   your advertisement for a salesperson。
   in reply to
   in response to




1) Tell me about yourself and your past experience。

2) For the past two years; I have been working in an investment banking。

3) My background and experience include working on a variety of projects and jobs in the financial industry。

4) I have had to adjust my style to the new environment several times。

5) What was the most significant project you’ve worked on?

6) It was a challenge for a person with a finance background。

7) I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary。

8) Does the pany have a five…year plan?

(A=Applicant   I=Interviewer)
Dialogue 1
I:  Let‘s start the interview with some questions。 Tell me about yourself and your past experience。
A:  I have 10 years  financial industry experience; working for several panies。 For the past two years; I have been working in an investment banking。 In addition to my analytical mindset; I have a background of solid accounting principles。 I am a team player and have great munication and interpersonal skills。 I thrive on challenge and work well in high…stress environments。
I:  What finance experience have you had that qualifies you for this position?
A:  My background and experience include working on a variety of projects and jobs in the financial industry。 Most of my experience has been behind the scenes; doing the calculations。 I want to work with clients and continue to grow and be challenged。
I:  Why did you leave your last position?
A:  I‘m not finding the work as challenging as I used to。 I want to find a job that is stimulating; where I can grow。 
I:  What are your strengths and weaknesses?
A:  One of my strengths is my ability to be flexible。 I have seen panies go through many changes in structure and management philosophy。 I have had to adjust my style to the new environment several times。 As far as weaknesses; I really enjoy my work; and sometimes I put in too much time。 But by being aware of my tendency to overwork; I have learned to pace myself more and work less overtime。
I:  How would your boss describe you and your work style?
A: She‘d say I have a lot of initiative; I see the big picture and I do what has to be done。 Second; I always meet deadlines。 If I say I‘m going to do something; I do it。 Lastly; I have the ability to focus on what I‘m working on   I am not easily distracted。
I:  What are your salary expectations?
A:  I‘m sure whatever you offer will be a fair amount for a person with my qualifications。 Salary is not the most important factor to me。 I‘m looking for opportunity。
I:  Do you have any questions?
A:  Yes; I do。 What do you see as the future trends for the industry? 
I: 我们开始面试吧。说说你自己和过去的一些经验吧。
A: 我有十年的金融行业工作经验,为几家公司工作过。过去的两年,我一直在一家投资银行工作。我不仅具有分析能力而且还有扎实的会计原理知识。我具有团队精神,善于和人交流,懂得人际关系的技巧。我善于应付挑战,也能在压力大的环境下工作很出色。
I: 你认为你具有什么样的金融经验使你能胜任这个职位?
A: 我的背景和经验包括我在金融业参与过各类项目、做过不同的工作。我的大部分经验都是幕后做一些计算方面的工作。我想和客户打交道,不断完善自己,接受各种挑战。
I: 你为什么要离开以前的工作呢?
A: 我发现这工作不像我原来认为的那么具有挑战性,我想找一份有刺激性的工作,这样可以进步。
I: 你的优点和缺点是什么?
A: 我的一个优点就是具有灵活性,我目睹了公司在结构和管理思想上的众多变化,而且好多次我必须调整我的方式以适应新环境。就缺点而言,我非常喜欢工作,有时投入了太多的时间,但我已意识到这一点,学会了调节自己,减少加班。
I: 你的老板会如何评价你和你的工作方式呢?
A: 她会说我很积极、顾全大局,会做完所有需要做的事情。其次,我总能在期限前完成任务。如果我说做某一件事,我就一定会做。最后一点,我能集中精力做事情——不会轻易受干扰。
I: 你希望的薪水是多少?
A: 我相信你会给我提供一个合理的数目。对我来说,薪水不是最重要的,我寻找的是机会。
I: 你有问题要问吗?
A: 有,你如何看待将来这个行业的发展趋势?

Dialogue 2
I:  Tell me something about yourself and your past。
A:  I was born and grew up in HeBei Province。 I moved to Beijing; where I started taking courses for my MBA。 When I pleted my degree; I was offered an opportunity working for a financial services pany。 I have worked there for eight years。 
I:  What was the most significant project you have worked on?
A:  I was assigned a project to design a 360…degree performance system。 It was a challenge for a person with a finance background。 I met with the technical people and discussed the possibilities and obstacles。 Based on that information; I selected a team and created a spreadsheet to manage the proj

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